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The Pyramid

Migrated topic.


Rising Star
Another fascinating journey I had come upon: I managed to take three very deep tokes, and I was gone.. I remember that the room instantly turned to rotating fractles, tiny little ones, that grew as they rotated towards me, and finally took over my vision there was still smoke going down my lungs , I was still enhaling when this happened and then I was propelled into another universe... I smoked six further pipes of DMT that night, the journeys where all very different, I will post more about these at a later date however ... one of them stuck out in my mind, and it is the one I told everyone about for months after. I was floating in blackness, but had a feeling of sensation , great speeds, and then an outline only of a bright neon pink pyramid, a pyramid, which I was "shown" by roatating 360 degrees around it, in perfect circles, like a 3D computer model. I can remember the shock of suddenly zooming forward towards where the wall of this black pink ooutlined pyramid should be, and as I approached it, a neon line turns into a hatch way entrance, and I am suddenly in the pyramid,in a corridor.. travelling down and then I am on the bottom level, and I am meeting friendly elve like beings. I remember them being soothing, intelligent beings very easy to communicate with, we had a telapathic communication, and then with out warning I was on the move again, being propelled through the corridors of the pyramid, a sudden left here , a sudden lift up to another level , and then swwwwsssshhhh stop , and another being,,, friendly still but perhaps surprised to see me... and not so easy to communicate with at first, ... but I believe I had more of an in depth communication with this entity. The process happened again, I was propelled to another part of the pyramid, further in , further up, and then to another being, the further I went the faster, more chaotic it seemed, and the shorter i seemed to spend with each being, to the point where I was meeting beings and the futher I got in, the less friendlier SOME of them seemed. I remember meeting some entities, that where not very friendly at all, and could not communicate with them, they where very alien, and a little scary... there where gangs of elves/imps, some funny/mischevious some not so.. but the journey was chatoic, and harder to remeber /intergrate at the top levels. And as the experience accellerated and got faster more chaotic, it carried on faster and faster, until I was literally blown out of the top of the pyramid on a bright white light/beam of energy.. straight back into my body... .. I did have some very long and deep communication, and some not so.. this was on smoked DMT, it was an experience i will never forget.. ( even though I do not remember 2 of the other trips at all very well!!) I have never ingested DMT to compare it too... --- Which leads me to the sacred Pyramid structures around the world. Why were they built and what was their purpose? Here is an interesting fact about The Great Pyramid Of Egypt: [img:e8d242fb6f]http://www.sacredsites.com/africa/egypt/images/giza-pyramids-soaring-above-500.jpg[/img:e8d242fb6f] "Shafts leading upward from the two main chambers, previously thought to be air shafts for ventilation, have been shown to have another possible purpose. A miniature electronic robot mechanically crawled sixty-five meters up the shafts and its findings suggested that the south and north shafts in the Kings Chamber are pointed to Al Nitak (Zeta Orionis) and Alpha Draconis respectively, while the south and north shafts of the Queens Chamber point to Sirius and Orion. The scientists conducting this research believe that the layout of the three pyramids on the Giza plateau precisely mirror the position of the three main stars in the Orion constellation." I wonder if the ancient pyramids of Egypt and even the Aztec and Mayan pyramids could have been some sort of communication device, here's an interesting theory from Sacred Sites: World Pilgrimage Guide: "Why did the ancient builders of the Giza pyramids, whoever they may have been, encode so much precise mathematical, geographic, and astronomical information into their structures? What was the purpose of the Great Pyramid? While no authoritative answer can presently be given to this question, two intriguing matters suggest a direction for further inquiry and research. The first has to do with the persistent legends that the Great Pyramid, and especially the main chamber, was used as some sort of sacred initiation center. According to one legend, students who had first undergone long years of preparation, meditation and metaphysical instruction in an esoteric school (the mythic "Hall of Records" hidden deep beneath the desert sands somewhere near the Great Pyramid and the Sphinx) were placed in the granite coffer of the main chamber and left alone throughout an entire night. The coffer was the focal point of the energies gathered, concentrated, aimed, and directed at the main chamber by virtue of the precise mathematical location, alignment, and construction of the pyramid. These energies, considered to be especially potent at certain precisely calculated periods when the earth was in a particular geometric alignment with solar, lunar, and stellar objects, were conducive to the awakening, stimulation, and acceleration of spiritual consciousness in the suitably prepared adept. While it is now nearly impossible to spend an evening alone in the coffer of the main chamber, it is interesting to read the reports of those persons who have done so in the past. Mention will be made of experiences both terribly frightening (perhaps because of the lack of any appropriate training on the part of the experimenter) and also deeply peaceful, even spiritually illuminating. Napoleon himself spent a night alone in the chamber. Emerging pale and dazed, he would not speak of his powerful experiences, only saying, "You would not believe me if I told you." And then this: "A second matter needing further inquiry from the scientific community studying the Great Pyramid - and one that might help explain the subject just discussed - concerns the matter of unexplained energetic anomalies frequently noticed and recorded in the main chamber. In the 1920s, a Frenchman named Antoine Bovis made the surprising discovery that, despite the heat and high humidity of the main chamber, the dead bodies of animals left in the chamber did not decay but completely dehydrated. Thinking that there might be some relationship between this phenomena and the position of the main chamber in the pyramid, Bovis constructed a small-scale model of the pyramid, oriented it to the same direction as the Great Pyramid, and placed the body of a dead cat at the approximate level of the main chamber. The result was the same. As he had observed in the Great Pyramid, the cat's body did not decay. In the 1960s, researchers in Czechoslovakia and the U.S., conducting limited studies of the geometry of the pyramid, repeated this experiment with the same results. They also found that the form of the pyramid somehow mysteriously kept foods preserved without spoiling, sharpened dull razor blades, induced plants to germinate and grow more quickly, and hastened the healing of animals' wounds. Other scientists, in consideration of the high quartz content of the granite blocks in the main chamber and the incredible pressures those blocks are subjected to, theorized that the main chamber may have been the focal point of a powerful piezoelectric field; magnetometer measurements inside the chamber indeed showed higher levels than the normal background geomagnetic field. Although much research remains to be done in these areas, legend, archaeology, mathematics, and earth sciences seem to indicate that the Great Pyramid was a monumental device for gathering, amplifying, and focusing a mysterious energy field for the spiritual benefit of human beings. We do not know exactly how the pyramid and its main chamber were used, and the geometric structure of the pyramid has been subtly altered by the removal of the casing stones and the cap-stone. None-the-less, the Great Pyramid of the Giza plateau still emanates great power as a transformational power place. It has done so for uncounted thousands of years and seems destined to continue for ages to come." And then theres this from Teotihuacan, The Pyrmaid of the Sun in Mexico: [img:e8d242fb6f]http://www.sacredsites.com/americas/mexico/images/pyramid-sun-01-500.jpg[/img:e8d242fb6f] There are several fascinating mysteries about the grand city and its pyramids. One of the most interesting concerns the massive, one-foot thick, sheet of granulated mica that until recently covered the entire top level of the Pyramid of the Sun. Removed and sold for profit by an unscrupulous site-restorer in the early 1900’s, the mica had long ago been transported from a mine thousands of miles away in South America. How had the great quantity of mica been brought from such a distance and, equally important, for what purpose had the pyramid been covered with the rare stone? One scientist has suggested that the mica, being a highly efficient energy conductor, could have been used as part of a receiving device for long wave-length celestial radiations. The incoming celestial energy would have been captured by the massive bulk of the pyramid and its sacred geometrical construction, and focused into the snake-like cave beneath the pyramid. This energy, available for human use at any time of the year, would be specially concentrated at certain periods within solar, lunar, and stellar cycles. These specific periods were noted by using astronomical observation devices which exist in different places around the geomantically aligned city of Teotihuacan. Writing in Fingerprints of the Gods, Graham Hancock discusses other archaeological anomalies of Teotihuacan and suggests that certain structures and alignments within the city (along with others at sacred sites such as Tiahuanaco, Balbeck and the Great Pyramid of Egypt) may actually date from a far earlier age than conventional theories assume. While it is certainly true that large parts of Teotihuacan are dateable according to the orthodox chronology, evidence is accumulating which indicates the possibility that the site was part of a planet-spanning sacred geography of an advanced civilization in archaic times. Also theres the Temple of Kukulkan: [img:e8d242fb6f]http://www.sacredsites.com/americas...ukulkan-chichen-itza-500.jpg[/img:e8d242fb6f] The Temple of Kukulkan, the Feathered Serpent God (also known as Quetzalcoatl to the Aztecs) is the largest and most important ceremonial structure at Chichen Itza. This ninety-foot tall pyramid was built during the eleventh to thirteenth centuries directly upon the multiple foundations of previous temples. The architecture of the pyramid encodes precise information regarding the Mayan calendar. Each face of the four-sided structure has a stairway with ninety-one steps, which together with the shared step of the platform at the top, add up to 365, the number of days in a year. These stairways also divide the nine terraces of each side of the pyramid into eighteen segments, representing the eighteen months of the Mayan calendar. The pyramid is also directionally oriented to mark the solstices and equinoxes. The axes that run through the northwest and southwest corners of the pyramid are oriented toward the rising point of the sun at the summer solstice and its setting point at the winter solstice. The northern stairway was the principal sacred path leading to the summit. At sunset on the vernal and autumnal equinoxes, an interplay between the sun's light and the edges of the stepped terraces on the pyramid creates a fascinating - and very brief - shadow display upon the sides of the northern stairway. A serrated line of seven interlocking triangles gives the impression of a long tail leading downward to the stone head of the serpent Kukulkan, at the base of the stairway. Adjacent to the head of Kukulkan, a doorway leads to an interior staircase ending at a small and very mysterious shrine. According to Maya scholars Linda Schele and David Friedel, the massive pyramidal temples found at Chichen Itza, Uxmal, Palenque and many other major Maya sites were symbolic sacred mountains. Writing in A Forest of Kings: The Untold Story of the Ancient Maya, Schele and Freidel explain that: "To the Maya, the world was alive and imbued with a sacredness that was especially concentrated at special points, like caves and mountains. The principal pattern of power points had been established by the gods when the cosmos was created. Within this matrix of sacred landscape, human beings built communities that both merged with the god-generated patterns and created a second human-made matrix of power points. The two systems were perceived to be complementary, not separate....The world of human beings was connected to the Otherworld along the wacah chan axis which ran through the center of existence. This axis was not located in any one earthly place, but could be materialized through ritual at any point in the natural and human-made landscape. Most important, it was materialized in the person of the king, who brought it into existence as he stood enthralled in ecstatic visions atop his pyramid-mountain....When new buildings were to be constructed, the Maya performed elaborate rituals both to terminate the old structure and contain its accumulated energy. The new structure was then built atop the old and, when it was ready for use, they conducted elaborate dedication rituals to bring it alive....So powerful were the effects of these rituals that the objects, people, buildings, and places in the landscape in which the supernatural materialized accumulated energy and became more sacred with repeated use. Thus, as kings built and rebuilt temples on the same spot over centuries, the sanctums within them became ever more sacred. The devotion and ecstasy of successive divine kings sacrificing within those sanctums rendered the membrane between this world and the Otherworld ever more thin and pliable. The ancestors and the gods passed through such portals into the living monarch with increasing facility. To enhance this effect, generations of kings replicated the iconography and sculptural programs of early buildings through successive temples built over the same nexus....As the Maya exploited the patterns of power in time and space, they used ritual to control the dangerous and powerful energies they released. There were rituals which contained the accumulated power of objects, people, and places when they were no longer in active use. And conversely, when the community became convinced that the power was gone from their city and ruling dynasties, they just walked away." Recent studies at Chichen Itza by archaeoastronomers have revealed that other structures, besides the Pyramid of Kukulkan, have significant astronomical alignments. For example, windows in the unique circular building known as the Caracol were positioned to be in alignment with key positions of the planet Venus, particularly its southern and northern horizon extremes. Another fascinating, though seldom discussed, mystery at Chichen Itza concerns the strange acoustic anomalies observable at the great ball court and the temple of Kukulkan. Words softly whispered at one end of the great ball court (measuring 545 feet long by 225 feet wide) are clearly audible all the way at the other end and a single clap or shout sounded in the center of the ball court will produce nine distinct echoes. Visitors have also commented on a curious acoustic phenomenon at the pyramid of Kukulkan where the sound of a hand clap is echoed back as the chirping sound of the Quetzal bird, the sacred bird associated with both the name of the pyramid and its deity Kukulkan/Quetzalcoatl. --- This is interesting stuff and I will be researching more on this for sure!
you think the egyptian pyramids were like some kind of isolation chamber? the absolute stillness, darkness, quiet and constant temperature of that chamber might, actually should be, enough to have ones mind kind of implode in on itself the way it does in a modern isolation chamber. i've heard rumour of initiations taking place in that chamber usually involving being locked up alone for a period of time. everything from the "illuminati" to popes and high priests. i have never been in an isolation tank but have heard it is a mind boggling experience right up there with dmt but not limited by the duration of a drug. i'm sure you know of the suspected connection between dmt and other religious or near death type experiences. i've thought of this before but never knew anybody who had tried dmt until a buddy tried it a couple weeks back. he assures me it was like being in a different dimension. maybe that is why the initiated high priests used the pyramids as tombs, that chamber, their isolation chamber, was their doorway to the other side and the dead were put there to ensure they stayed in that other side. this of course is pure speculation but i suspect a couple hours in an isolation tank to see first hand the intensity of isolation effects, and a night in a pyramids chamber to see if it could indeed replicate those isolation effects would answer alot of questions. heres what joe rogan had to say about isolation tanks (he has one in his basement)
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