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The Road Not Travelled


Spice Momma
Senior Member
I am thinking a 10 mgs dose might be a good start. Just keep working on surrender and letting the medicine do its’ work.

I wanted 10 but weighed over and over and kept getting wrong numbers so settled for 11 mgs.

11 mgs was amazing. 6 mins 45 seconds in.

It felt like little or no body load. I started in a dark, geometric flower but there was this weird entity off to the right. At first I thought he looked like a fox but pretty soon I realized he was a pink crocodile standing up on his back two legs with his mouth wide open. I tried to descend into the flower but got pulled towards the tooth filled mouth, with an oddly flat and oval shaped tongue flicking in and out.

I kept trying to actively commit surrender and I wound up flying past the crocodile’s mouth and he led me into a me into a kind of hyperspatial zoo which seemed uninhabited. Maybe I was supposed to be one of the inhabitants. I eventually kind of got stuck (didn’t seem like I was locked in) in a room, but when my perspective turned around I floated up and out. I could see a rainbow path extending up and out in a sinusoidal pattern.

I did not make it to the rainbow path and all it offered. Instead I got stuck watching a hyperspatial 3D label maker decorate the top of buildings in a weird city. He had a device that was studded with weird pieces of pastel geometry and he ran it along the top vertical edge of the building and it left behind all kinds of little pastel pieces of geometry, as well as individual letters and numbers, some of which fell or flaked off of the building and fell down as if in about a 1/3 G gravity field.

Eventually I detached from this guy and started seeing myriad marquis spinning. I thought the trip might be winding down but the marquis got so thick they started making spinning plates and before I knew it I was in a very tight space with the floor and ceiling very close together. The ceiling was moving in time with the music I was hearing and weird vortexes were forming between floor and ceiling. The more this happened the bigger the room appeared and the more my perspective became from above the ceiling. As I looked out into the horizon I once again saw that eventually this room stopped but there was another sinusoidal path that I was unable to follow.

Soon after this I was completely back.
You are not the first person to ask such things. I am really ignorant of his work in general. I do get heavy symbology as well as really random stuff and stuff that makes no sense to me at all. I appreciate your reading it. 😀
Eh you don't need to know Jung to do his type of symbol analysis... Essentially the idea is that you don't try to use other people's interpretations of the symbols but instead use your own... Since it can vary person to person -- like for example if I had a traumatic experience with a dog then it might not mean friendship to me like it would for a lot of people.

If you feel like trying it out, here's a fun technique I've learned before:
  1. Write down the name of the symbol at the top of the page ("Dog", or "Crocodile", etc..)
  2. You now need to write down 50 (no more, no less) associations that come to mind... For example if it's "Dog" then the associations might be "best friend", "exciting", "smelly" (or whatever)
  3. Once you've finally done 50, which should force you to think hard, then you start eliminating them one by one until you're down to only 10.
  4. With the remaining ten you then try to find the 3 which are ringing the MOST true to you
  5. You then write it down in a poem format like this:
    I am Dog
    I am friendship
    I am joy
    I am unhindered
    I am Dog
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