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The Road to Awareness

Migrated topic.

Perceptual Reality

Rising Star
This site was recommended to me by a very good friend of mine who, like me, always questioned authority, and the "reality" around him. Im grateful that there is a society of people that are spreading such a beautiful, and peace-filled message. We are all really here to help each other down our individual paths. Each path influences the path next to it and so on. This universe never wastes anything, and we are always expanded, or transformed. It took many self awakening experiences for me to realize, and understand ANYTHING with an open mind. My ego would always get the best of me, and id pass things off as what i thought they should be. My perceptions and perspectives have changed dramatically over the past 3 years of my life. Many of you may not understand me.

Ever since my birth ive always felt a disassociation with this world. My body would feel alien to me, life would seem alien to me. Once i got to be a teen, my ego began to settle in and i thought i had a grasp on this thing i thought was "life." Once i hit high school, things seemed as if they were falling apart, id always fight with my parents, and school seemed useless to me. It seemed like the teachers didnt even understand where the information really was, they just read what they were taught to read by other teachers who were taught to teach by there teachers(just like a fractal). I got into one of the best schools in the city, and it still seemed pointless. I didnt want to be another tool up for grabs by todays society. By this time i only had smoked cannabis and drank a couple times. I had these 3 close friends(one of them recommended this site) which would always discuss life and other worlds with me. Eventually we were discussing perceptions, and the idea of ones reality being anothers dream. It was around this time that we heard about DMT, probably through some internet source.

At 14 i conceived my son. This really got me questioning who i am, and what i wanted out of this life. My first thought was abortion, but i soon changed my mind. It felt like destiny for it to happen, and i wanted to have him. Once he was born my life changed in the best way i couldve ever imagined. I was 15, and living away from my parents, and finally starting to see the roads i could chose. Before his birth, i was starting to smoke more, and my close friends suggest mushrooms. At first, it didnt seem real. I didnt think you could eat something the size of your pinky and experiences something crazy. Hahaha, was I wrong! The year my son was born, i tred mushrooms for the first time.

They were a very potent cambodian strain, and the experience was very very pleasant. I saw fractals, and patterns on walls. I saw my friends faces completely change into different beings! It was overall a great experience.

After the mushrooms, i decided i was ready for acid. It wasnt until a year after my son was born that i did, though. I experimented with LSD twice that year, both were similar to the cambodian mushrooms, but were uniquely different. It wasnt until i had these psychedelic experiences that DMT started getting discussed more. And my friend(who recommended this site) started to gather his materials to extract n,n. It has barely been 2 months since my friend finished acquiring these materials. I am now 18, and am starting experience the spice for my first times. I still havent had a "breakthrough" or hyperspace experience, but its all in due time. This site is very informative, positive, and definitely open minded. Nexus is helping me achieve my full potential, with the help of some spice, and awareness.

Thank You !
*Perceptual Reality*
Hey very nice to meet you man, I think you got the right idea about tripping and an alternate reality.
As you can tell im young, but what i lack in age, i make up in motivation :)
Thanks Lodi! I'd consider myself a student just learning for now :)
We are all students when it comes to psychedelics. No matter how many times we do them, its always a "strange" place we go to. It is always "different" than reality, and the more we take the more we can learn, but if we are not willing to learn, than any amount of drugs will all be for nothing, and all that information would have gone unknown and been lost for ever. With every trip you take, every high wave you ride, and low tide we crawl, always take them at your own pace, dont take them for granted.

also, I believe DMT is the most influential, and meaningful psychedelic experience. I think it has a lot of good to give, if you have a lot of room for astonishment. if will make you think of the wrong things you have done, it will make you feel bad about yourself if you have recently acted against good character. It will bring out things from the past, and make you face them. But then the most brilliant and profound thing happens, it shows you how to fix it, or how to better yourself, or why you shouldnt feel bad about this or that.

I had a girl once break my heart really bad, and I couldnt stop thinking about her for almost 2 years.. everytime i closed my eyes, I would see her face, every night in bed I would roll over to grab her and pull her close and realize she was gone.. this persisted for 2 years. I have never felt that way about anyone before. well, after I had my first breakthrough on spice that I extracted myself, went as follows,

I was going through hyperspace, shapes and colors flying past me and a million miles the speed of light, yet able to focus and see each shape and image for what it really was before it would pass. suddenly I broke through, and it was like I was inside of a mechanical neucleus, or maybe like inside a beating heart in which they had control over, piping and cables running through this organic material. It resembled my own heart in my mind, i just knew it was mine. and suspended in the middle of this room was a ball of giant tangled up rope and string with a million ends hanging out of every inch of it. this signified it was my brain, for some reason inside my heart. like they are a team. and a hand come down in the heart and started singling out strands of rope from the ball, saying "this one your love for laurn" "this is the pain you caused this girl" "this is the person you closed a door on" so on and so on. and every string was in relation to my life. and then it said "watch closely at how easy this is" and he picked up one string and pulled on it and the giant ball fell apart into a pile of spaggetti looking shit.. immidiately I felt a burden lift from me that had been there for at least 10 years. after that trip, I have never looked at the earth or the sun the same way, I have been as kind and helpful to everyone as I can, and now give half my paycheck to support medicine and food for children of third world countries, and to a earth cleaning foundation.. I feel it has made a huge impact on my life, for the better, I have never felt more alive, and also had instantly been completely relieved of that broken heart.. which was to me an act of god in a way, it felt like a miracle.
That's very inspirational, Lodi, it brings tears to my eyes to know that theres people out there like you! My whole life ive felt a connection to this earth, but i never knew how to acknowledge that connection. The first time i tried the spice(even though i didnt breakthrough) i saw how easy it is do disconnect yourself from this reality and join the intergalactic network of information. I felt like i was completely out of my body for some seconds, and i'd get flashes of a city of fractal architecture, with vibrating light of love surrounding it. This image, and feeling didnt last long at all, and ive been patiently waiting for my breakthrough.

I can, and cant relate to you about with the girl you loved. Ive been with my GF for about 3, going on 4 years now. Spice was introduced not even a month ago to us. My gf has always felt emotional tension and distress due to her childhood, and always got angry very easily.Well, the spice was introduced and she got the experience she had been longing for! She came out of hyperspace in tears! Saying "this is what ive wanted! this is what ive been waiting for!" DMT literally showed her soul to her, and she hasnt felt the same since. She says her body and her soul were reunited, but still i dont think she had a complete hyperspace breakthrough. This is basically where our live paths have led us, and im excited for the future.
The Nexus and its community is truly one of a kind!
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