Hey I already typed this theory up earlier this month.
psychedelic's and early life on earth & the mind
Jan. 11
This is NOT my personal theory, nor do I essentially believe in this theory. But having taken every psychedelic under the sun, hundreds, if not thousands of times I believe I can make a safe assumption to say its definitely plausible. This is written in my own words, but the idea is not something I thought of myself.
From the archives of Terence Mckenna - psychonaut, father, husband, explorer.
Lets take a look back, to a time when there are no humans on earth. Only advanced primates on the verge of evolutionary breakthrough. These primates have a hierarchy system, an alpha male, they are up in the trees living their lives, young strong males rule the earth, similar to todays society and culture. Now, when we "came down from the trees" so to say and took on the form of humans, moved out of caves and started foraging and hunting for food. Mainly hunting and gathering with your family and maybe a few close families. We will call these the "nomads". This would have taken place in South Africa as studies show, and there would have been mass herds of roaming beasts, considering it was a climate that was mainly prairie and lush wetlands, not exactly like the South Africa we know of today. Now, the Nomads would have been living their lives following these herds, hunting and foraging behind the freshly fertilized soil of the prairie beasts. What grows best in dung (cow pies [ piles of shit])? surprisingly a specific mushroom, called Psilisybin Cubensis. This species has been said to exist since around the time that humans started wandering this earth. So without saying, these people would have found this edible sacrament, and consumed it in great quantities. mushrooms are high in nutrients and could with the help of various successful hunts make for a very nutritious life. Now lets look at what these larger groups of nomads lived. They had a structure that has never since existed on earth, they lived for eachother.. any man could sleep with any women, there was no girlfriends, or dating, or wives, but before you say how bad of an idea that is, lets take a closer look.
They not having wives, would sleep with anyone, and as one women gave birth to a child, because there was no way to tell which man is father, every man in the group would serve as father and husband to the women. get them what they needed, both mother and child. and think about the picture that would paint for todays society? every man fathering every child, and every mother never being left to do it on their own.. there for, no poor or rich, no meek or bold, no set leader.
Now lets look at what science has told us about psilisybin and the human brain, psilisybin is the active psychedelic chemical in "magic mushrooms". All psychedelics cause the spirit to slowly lose, what we would call your "ego". You would think thats a bad thing, but what would a society be like without an ego? there wouldnt be fighting, or suffering, or cruelty to your fellow man. What would be done when a group of people find out how to split an atom? or make a rocket to take us to the moon? we certainly wouldnt have immediatly used that information and discovery as a weapon like we did. we would have though "how can we use this for the common good" not "how can this be a weapon?".
What happened when climates started changing? suddenly the lush prairie are turning into desert valleys and scorched earth. suddenly the yearly availability of something like mushrooms changes to a few months out of the year, so they have to find a way to preserve the mushrooms. They like all tribes in the world, know that honey or beeswax can preserve plants for long periods of time. But what do they discover when they go to eat their 9 month old honey preserved mushrooms? They discover that the honey fermented, and turned to an alcoholic substance. which as we have seen with humans in the past, we really enjoy being drunk and drinking alcoholic drinks. But what would that have done to this peaceful culture? It would have created an ego amongst the people. and this is where we created agriculture and hierarchys, and leaders, and warriors. This my friends, was the last peaceful time the world ever knew. when man walked beside the earth, and not on top of it.
I ask all who read this not to just dismiss the idea simply because its something new, or because you have never taken psychedelics before. If you have experience with mushrooms, acid, or dmt. You would agree that after years of use, it transforms you into a more earth friendly, happy, accepting and open minded person.
I do not suggest drug use to anyone, but as someone who has spent years experimenting with psychedelics of all kinds, if there is one conclusion I have come to it is this. Psychedelics do not make you think your superman and jump out of a window, they do not make you go rabid and kill people or yourself, the last thing you want to do while on a psychedelic is hurt anyone or anything. this goes for everyone on this earth, tripping and the human brain are ment to be together. Every night when you sleep, you dream. the dreams that we remember vividly are the weaker dreams we have. when you cant remember a dream its because the dream was to strong. you dream because of a combination of chemicals being released every night when you sleep, just a few of those chemicals are N.N.Dmt, seretonin, meletonin. YES, YOU TRIP EVERY NIGHT WHEN YOU SLEEP! What happens if you contract a rare disease that deminished the DMT in your brain? well, after about 15 nights, your brain shuts down and stops working because if your brain dont trip every night than it dies. YOU DIE IF YOU DONT TRIP!
Most of this is fact, from people who have done the studies, and found the answers. But these are not things that the general public want you to know. these things scare people to much. and I think that the elders of our time, choose to remain blind, along with the rest of the world.
Is it really to late for change? you decide.
Much peace and love