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The salvia buzz

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Rising Star
I have had salvia 20x laying around with no desire to touch it for a while. I tried experimenting with low doses every 10-15 minutes, and it was alright, but didn't feel too enlightening. Moderate doses would leave me with heart pounding and breathing heavily initially, and I would have interesting/strange experiences, but I don't feel like I really 'learned' much, and I would often feel like I didn't quite 'make it'.
Is the only way to do it just to pack a high dose and hold on? I am mainly worried about what feels like the 'painful' body buzz, I remember it being very uncomfortable at times. How do you folks deal with this?
Take enough of it and you wont be there to feel you're body...Mid-level or pre break through experiences can be wierd and uncomfortable...but a breakthrough is something different altogether..personally I feel from peoples reports that most have never had a real salvia breakthrough..if you are feeling you're physical body at all and not in some other dimension it's not a breakthrough and completely different..like even a mid level dose you feel spread out across several dimensions at once..which completely blows most people away..but for me when I smoke even more I go right part thatstage and enter other dimensions completely, filled with other beings that interact with me..sort of like spice but differnt...it doesnt feel werid and scary at those doses until you start re-entereing this reality and realize you even have a body, or are a human being..

On a full breakthrough you may actually live other lives thinking that you're life inthose strange places is the real reality..thats's why it's so shocking comming back, when you are in beteween the 2 states of being, attempting to figure out what real and what's not.. thast why they created the categoy existentia just for salvia..
Whew... What sort of mg dosage for 20x would you recommend for a more comfortable out of body experience?
keeping still - laying down flat, eyes closed from start to finish - any movement caused cold sweating for swim.
also the last item ur eyes see is preddy important some how - close ur eyes asap when smoking and make sure the last thing u see has been chosen previously.
Looking at objects during a sub-breakthrough dose is extremely infuriating for me. Last time (and probably last time ever) I kept uncontrollably looking at a light bulb and there are no words to express the anger I had toward that light bulb for no reason at all. I also get extremely hot and sweaty and have to take a shower. My nerves become so sensitive for a good while after the come down. Last time I took a shower to help me calm down from it afterwords and as I was putting my socks on the fabric moving against my skin felt like a physical assault and highly offensive.

It's possible this stuff just isn't for everyone. Be careful with this stuff.
Crisp said:
Whew... What sort of mg dosage for 20x would you recommend for a more comfortable out of body experience?

I dunno..seems different for everyone but I have never smoked 20x...

I know the anger people speak of with salvia..I have been there and I hate it..I dont tend to get that anymore though. It usually happends when I dont take a big enough dose or have expectations of the experience..which usually will not be met with salva...

Honestly..lately I have been too afraid to shoot for full breakthrough and end up with that wierd in between dimensions state trying to figure out what it is that I am..interesting but I think I have had enough of it..

I want to shoot for full breakthroughs from now on..my first every breakthrough I did not know how strong it could be and just smoked as much 10x as I could until I exited out the back of my head into outer spcae(literally)..A being was there and showed me some sort of star gate thing connecting up to many differnt worlds..it was not at all like the typical salvia trip..it was just like some sort of OBE..I had a light body and was in one single dimension at a time..and could speak to this being telepathically..I want trips like that again..
Yeah, I think I know the angry feeling too. It's hard to want to do a lot when a little can produce unpleasant physical sensations...
fractal enchantment said:
Crisp said:
Whew... What sort of mg dosage for 20x would you recommend for a more comfortable out of body experience?

I dunno..seems different for everyone but I have never smoked 20x...

I know the anger people speak of with salvia..I have been there and I hate it..I dont tend to get that anymore though. It usually happends when I dont take a big enough dose or have expectations of the experience..which usually will not be met with salva...

Honestly..lately I have been too afraid to shoot for full breakthrough and end up with that wierd in between dimensions state trying to figure out what it is that I am..interesting but I think I have had enough of it..

I want to shoot for full breakthroughs from now on..my first every breakthrough I did not know how strong it could be and just smoked as much 10x as I could until I exited out the back of my head into outer spcae(literally)..A being was there and showed me some sort of star gate thing connecting up to many differnt worlds..it was not at all like the typical salvia trip..it was just like some sort of OBE..I had a light body and was in one single dimension at a time..and could speak to this being telepathically..I want trips like that again..

If you decide to go through with the full breakthroughs, why not try like you did the first time and smoke till you can't smoke anymore? I would like to hear that report :)

The second time I ever smoked this stuff I dont think I had a breakthrough, but, I dont even remember closing my eyes and I saw laughing sunflowers kicking their legs like The Rockette dancers in a line on a moving track. Came out of it laughing like a madman, seriously like a crazy person.... it was great . I guess high doses of Saliva are nice, low doses are very misleading....
It's still werid/confusing/frightening on the re-entry of those high plateau experiences...like half of my memories of this life start to come back to me, but I am not yet fully "here"..I end up desperatily grasping at any sense of familiarity in hopes that I will indeed end up in one single place...

Once I fully get what is going on though I usually start laughing about it ecstatically...

Those trips are really something else..I have materialized in peoples kitchens in other dimensions while they were eating dinner..and it was like they get this all the time..like "oh, another one just popped up!"..once I rematerialized in a strange city with red brick buildings with a big red fire truck going by..i could go on and on..

Other times I have gone to completely alien dimensions with alien geometry, like as is physicas was completely different there, I cant even begin to describe these places, except for the fact that I did communicate with beings, but not in the way one would think..and I always thought that that was my ordinary life..sometimes those places were soooo heavenly, and I would feel so loved and at peace that being torn away from them was devistatiing..

Another time I smoked with a group of friends late at night in a dark garage, all set up with couches and blankets..and I became a key on this giant piano, and my other freinds were each a key on the piano as well(in my trip), and all the other keys were other beings similar to us..but the piano was also a lady bug..like a hybrid ladybug piano, and she was like the commander of that realm, but very very loving..like a great grandmother spirit.. She was taking us for a ride, but I dont remember what really went on, other than we were going around and around and it was sooo fun.

Other times I smoked lots, and my thoughts took on lives of they're own and I knew they were "her" children, and they started to pull my psyche apart, laughing and telling me how "she" had built all of it, my house and this world, she was real mastermind behind all of it. It really freaked me out at first, but I did not feel that they were evil, more innocent childish sort of playful curiousity.. like they wouldnt really harm me..and I got the feeling that if "she" had caught them they would have been in trouble..

She's definatily strange.
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