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The sense of reality on DMT

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Rising Star
OG Pioneer
Alot of users report that when they manage a full breakthrough on DMT they feel like this new reality they have entered feels so REAL, actually realer than the reality of daily life, amazingly vibrant neon colours and shapes are many times more deeper and penetrating than anything on the earthly plane and the overall sense of waking up into something much more wonderous is a strong theme. Do any of you get the effect of what you just encountered is somehow the way things really are, the higher manifold of existance and could this be where we as a species are heading or perhaps opening the doors to?
that is deep blackclover ... for me it's not so much about entering the "real" existence, but more like entering an alternate dimension ... the DMT experience is very dose dependant .... IMHO it can be enjoyed recreationally in minute amounts , or , go for it and shoot above the 40 > 50mg range, you have the real chance of having a full on DMT out of body trance-like trip ....
[quote:ca5e2faac7="blackclo"]Alot of users report that when they manage a full breakthrough on DMT they feel like this new reality they have entered feels so REAL, actually realer than the reality of daily life, amazingly vibrant neon colours and shapes are many times more deeper and penetrating than anything on the earthly plane and the overall sense of waking up into something much more wonderous is a strong theme. Do any of you get the effect of what you just encountered is somehow the way things really are, the higher manifold of existance and could this be where we as a species are heading or perhaps opening the doors to?[/quote:ca5e2faac7] I haven't yet had a full-blown, certifiable psychedelic DMT experience. I've been making a brew of acacia leaves, and taking medium doses, a few shot glasses or so. It definitely opens me up and I feel assists me in expressing my true self, and yes I do get the feeling that this is where we ar headed as a species--to a dimension of limitlessness and freedom. It gives me a taste of this, at least, and definitely whets my desire to experience this more and more! In fact, I am using my DMT experiences as a standard for my normal "sober" reality--working on bringing in more of those positive, blissful feelings on a daily basis, naturally. Here's a recent exchange I had with a friend about this: Friend: ...on DMT, you'll notice on slightly higher doses an empethagenic (not sure if that's how you spell it) energy to people and the world around you when your out and about, it's really a beautiful entheogen this DMT. Me: I definitely did notice that effect!! I am generally rather quiet and shy but this past weekend I was striking up conversations with people all over the place, especially on Saturdayat the beach nearby. It's been beautiful weather here in SF and folks were out in force, I think I got into eight or so exchanges with people, all very pleasant, about their dogs, kds, etc. << I think we all have aspects of ourselves that are just waiting to be discovered and unfolded, and DMT can be of great help in this. :)
[quote:a38c7d1009="aoxoa"]delphine ... let me say hello &amp; welcome to the nexus :)[/quote:a38c7d1009] thanks blackclover, I missed this before, the notification went into my spam folder. Thanks, I'm very glad to be here sharing with fellow DMT Divers! ;) Jen
Its not so much like a different reality for me, I stil retain some sense of having a body - and i find immediately before and immediately after the very, very crest of the peak 60 - 120 seconds after dosing I can still open my eyes and look around. Its more like a deep black space behind my eyelids, much more space than should actually be there; but as I said I retain some sense of a body.
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