Years ago, I was intrigued by the apparent similarities between psychedelic experiences and near-death experiences (NDEs). As a result, I started reading and watching lots of NDE reports, and I’m coming to the conclusion that there actually aren’t that many similarities.
As with psychedelic experiences, every NDE is unique. There are common elements in NDEs, but not every NDE includes every element. Here are some of the “classic” NDE features, and my thoughts about their similarities to psychedelic experiences based on the many trip reports I’ve read and my own personal experiences:
Bird’s Eye View
Many NDEs begin with the experiencer suddenly realizing they’re outside of their body, and they’re usually looking down at their body and the surrounding environment from a vantage point near the ceiling when inside or several feet above their body when in other environments. This experience is rarely described in psychedelic terms – what they see is in many ways quite ordinary, except they often report extreme visual acuity and “360 degree” vision. They see their body but generally don’t feel emotionally connected to it, they see doctors and nurses, and other people who may be in the vicinity. It’s also worth noting that much of what they see occurring can later be verified to have actually occurred.
I’ve found very few trip reports where people see their own body from an outside vantage point during a psychedelic experience, and I’ve never personally experienced this.
Entering into an Eden-Like Environment
Many NDEs include entry into a garden, or a forest, or a meadow, or some other naturally beautiful environment. The environment is recognizable and familiar, but often the colors are vibrant beyond what is ordinarily sensed and many report that everything seems “alive”.
There are a good number of psychedelic experience reports that have similar elements, but it seems that they are often more “psychedelic”, if you know what I mean: Geometry, fractals, “impossible” objects, constant movement, …
Meeting Deceased Relatives
NDErs often report meeting deceased loved ones – parents, grandparents, and others. Sometimes they have recognizable human form, other reports describe orbs of light or human forms made of light.
I’ve had lots of encounters with living family members during salvia experiences, but I’ve never encountered a relative during a DMT experience., and I’ve never had the sense that the being was the actual person. When I encounter relatives, it’s usually clear that they’re symbols or avatars.
Life Review
A life review is a well-known NDE feature, and it is usually very explicit. The experience is shown scenes from their life and often experiences the scene as if it’s happening. They also often experience these life scenes from the emotional point of view of others – of those they were interacting with. The life review is often described as a learning experience or a non-judgmental self-analysis. Many of the scenes may have been long forgotten and seemingly insignificant, but their importance and significance is clear when viewed from the viewpoint of others.
Although psychedelic experiences open one up to introspection and encounters with the subconscious, I’ve never read a trip report that closely matches the explicitness and “formality” of a life review. I don’t doubt that there are some out there, but they seem very rare.
Entering Into the Light
NDE repots often describe a point of light in the distance, and an indescribable urge to move toward it. The experiencer moves toward the point of light, usually at incredible speed, until the light fills their field of vision. They describe it as brighter than the sun and are often surprised that they can look at it without discomfort. When they enter the light, they become one with everything, and describe incredible unconditional love. For many NDE experiencers, the love is beyond description and is often the most significant feature of the whole experience.
There are some similarities between this and descriptions from those who have had 5-MeO-DMT. However, based on experience reports I’ve read (I’ve never experienced this directly) the most prominent feature of the 5-MeO experience is being in the “non-dual” state. Indescribable unconditional love does not seem to be the prominent feature, if it occurs at all.
Experience Recall
The degree of recall that NDErs have is remarkable. Their experiences are very long and detailed, and yet they’re able to recall much of the experience (and recall the feelings and emotions) many years later.
Remembering details of psychedelic experiences is often difficult. There are fragments that stand out and can be remembered, but I and many others find recall to be difficult.
An NDE can bring about radical, life-long changes in personality, behavior, and outlook.
Although the same can be said of psychedelics, my experience is that transformation is much more gradual.
So what do you think about the similarities and differences between these two types of experience?
As with psychedelic experiences, every NDE is unique. There are common elements in NDEs, but not every NDE includes every element. Here are some of the “classic” NDE features, and my thoughts about their similarities to psychedelic experiences based on the many trip reports I’ve read and my own personal experiences:
Bird’s Eye View
Many NDEs begin with the experiencer suddenly realizing they’re outside of their body, and they’re usually looking down at their body and the surrounding environment from a vantage point near the ceiling when inside or several feet above their body when in other environments. This experience is rarely described in psychedelic terms – what they see is in many ways quite ordinary, except they often report extreme visual acuity and “360 degree” vision. They see their body but generally don’t feel emotionally connected to it, they see doctors and nurses, and other people who may be in the vicinity. It’s also worth noting that much of what they see occurring can later be verified to have actually occurred.
I’ve found very few trip reports where people see their own body from an outside vantage point during a psychedelic experience, and I’ve never personally experienced this.
Entering into an Eden-Like Environment
Many NDEs include entry into a garden, or a forest, or a meadow, or some other naturally beautiful environment. The environment is recognizable and familiar, but often the colors are vibrant beyond what is ordinarily sensed and many report that everything seems “alive”.
There are a good number of psychedelic experience reports that have similar elements, but it seems that they are often more “psychedelic”, if you know what I mean: Geometry, fractals, “impossible” objects, constant movement, …
Meeting Deceased Relatives
NDErs often report meeting deceased loved ones – parents, grandparents, and others. Sometimes they have recognizable human form, other reports describe orbs of light or human forms made of light.
I’ve had lots of encounters with living family members during salvia experiences, but I’ve never encountered a relative during a DMT experience., and I’ve never had the sense that the being was the actual person. When I encounter relatives, it’s usually clear that they’re symbols or avatars.
Life Review
A life review is a well-known NDE feature, and it is usually very explicit. The experience is shown scenes from their life and often experiences the scene as if it’s happening. They also often experience these life scenes from the emotional point of view of others – of those they were interacting with. The life review is often described as a learning experience or a non-judgmental self-analysis. Many of the scenes may have been long forgotten and seemingly insignificant, but their importance and significance is clear when viewed from the viewpoint of others.
Although psychedelic experiences open one up to introspection and encounters with the subconscious, I’ve never read a trip report that closely matches the explicitness and “formality” of a life review. I don’t doubt that there are some out there, but they seem very rare.
Entering Into the Light
NDE repots often describe a point of light in the distance, and an indescribable urge to move toward it. The experiencer moves toward the point of light, usually at incredible speed, until the light fills their field of vision. They describe it as brighter than the sun and are often surprised that they can look at it without discomfort. When they enter the light, they become one with everything, and describe incredible unconditional love. For many NDE experiencers, the love is beyond description and is often the most significant feature of the whole experience.
There are some similarities between this and descriptions from those who have had 5-MeO-DMT. However, based on experience reports I’ve read (I’ve never experienced this directly) the most prominent feature of the 5-MeO experience is being in the “non-dual” state. Indescribable unconditional love does not seem to be the prominent feature, if it occurs at all.
Experience Recall
The degree of recall that NDErs have is remarkable. Their experiences are very long and detailed, and yet they’re able to recall much of the experience (and recall the feelings and emotions) many years later.
Remembering details of psychedelic experiences is often difficult. There are fragments that stand out and can be remembered, but I and many others find recall to be difficult.
An NDE can bring about radical, life-long changes in personality, behavior, and outlook.
Although the same can be said of psychedelics, my experience is that transformation is much more gradual.
So what do you think about the similarities and differences between these two types of experience?