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The starving season

Migrated topic.

The Black Cat

Rising Star

I just wanted to plant a suggestion about the time we are in. In the Northern Hemisphere we are moving into the winters stretch. All most all the animals (humans included) have used up last years food reserves. The humans have used up much of thier savings due to xmas consumerism. People are now waiting for thier tax returns to come in and get them through to the next cycle of abundance. The animals have used up much of thier food that was stored from last years harvest and now thier fat reserves are nearing depleation.

Just a few handfuls of sunflower seeds or other bird seed a day at this time will be critical in helping nature in this time of need. Indeed, this will have a huge concetric ring of effect in back yards and cities that will cascade through out the extended landscape of the natural world.

Wishing everyone blessings of abundance and prosperity as we move toward the new beginnings of spring.
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