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The Story of Our Universe May Be Starting to Unravel

Migrated topic.
Unfortunately the likelihood of a black hole existing in another black hole is, with our current knowledge, something that is considered as not possible.

This due to the ever increasing density en gravity pull inside, thereby making it impossible to have anything go into another direction than IN (and therefore you cannot have another 'bubble' inside a black hole since that requires information to also move OUT).

Kind regards,

The Traveler
In essence it's just a ton of matter gathered in a tight location giving off energy under the immense pull of gravity. If we were able to harness the gravity and convert it to power, would be possible? Gates and or portals be accessible somehow using and distorting the gravitational energy?
In essence it's just a ton of matter gathered in a tight location giving off energy under the immense pull of gravity. If we were able to harness the gravity and convert it to power, would be possible? Gates and or portals be accessible somehow using and distorting the gravitational energy?
Not likely, since you cannot even come close to a black hole in a contextual timeframe from the outside observer.

Meaning that before you ever reach the event horizon of a black hole (and it needs to be a HUGE black hole for you to not be spaghettified and yes, that is a real scientific term :p) due to the forever growing time dilation by the bending of spacetime, so for the outside observer you will never seem to reach it.

Kind regards,

The Traveler
Unfortunately the likelihood of a black hole existing in another black hole is, with our current knowledge, something that is considered as not possible.

This due to the ever increasing density en gravity pull inside, thereby making it impossible to have anything go into another direction than IN (and therefore you cannot have another 'bubble' inside a black hole since that requires information to also move OUT).

Kind regards,

The Traveler
Hm, this claim seems at odds with the observation about the universe being "smaller" than a black hole of corresponding mass. Add to this how time dilation and space compression(?) would occur in the extreme gravitational field and it looks - to me at least - like black holes would have tardis-like properties. Incidentally, in contemplating what the upper limit of gravitational force could be, my conclusion is c divided by the Planck time, which reduces to c²/ℓₚ, i.e. (2.9979E8)²/1.616255E−35 =
5.5607E51ms⁻² using the given value for ℓₚ - but when I calculate this with c²/√(hG/2πc³) I get a totally different value: 1.7584486801035E29 so my astrophysics probably needs more than a little polishing 😂

I did the Schwarzschild radius calculation for the ordinary matter mass given for the universe and it turns out to be just under half that of the observable radius but it doesn't take photon energy, dark matter or dark energy into account.

I feel like Zeno's tortoise with my calculations - maybe I'm sat too close to a black hole (in my awareness?)
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