I grew up believing any and all drugs were a crutch for the weak. This was not taught to me (in any overt manner that I can tell), it's just how I felt. I never hit the joint at parties, had a tall glass of water on my 21st birthday (I'd been drunk only twice: once at 14 via an irresponsible uncle, and once at 16 because of a girl).
At age 18, after a very brief bout of homelessness, I greyhounded across the country to live with my crazy brother, his girlfriend and their toddler. I hadn't seen my brother in eight years (we were adopted and he was kicked out of the house when he was 14). He was a pothead through and through, and through many weeks of non-stop peer pressure from a very persuasive brother, I hit the bong. I was in love, the giggles, walking to the store for a box of doughnuts-paying with a hundred dollar bill and forgetting the change; all that fun stuff you do when you get high on really good weed for the first time.
One day my brother bought me an 8th of shrooms. It was a true splitting open the head trip. I did shrooms every week or so for a couple years, having upped my standard dose to a quarter (I now considered an 8th only a waste of time; if you're going to drink, drink deep).
My brother brought acid home one day but I refused to take it, still young and not wanting to take any kind of chemical (I wish I taken the acid now on one level, but on another I realize every step I've taken has lead me to where I am now, which is a very good place. Changing anything, the good or the perceived-bad, could have forked my path. I would change nothing.). I continued to shroom hard.
Two years of craziness with my brother and I bus back east. Years pass, I shroomed when I could find it, smoked weed every day, had the occasional acid trip, and worked like a pack mule as a bicycle messenger.
At some point, probably while listening to Coast to Coast Am with (then) Art Bell, I learned about the Spirit Molecule. I became interested, read the book, and wanted to try it but didn't pursue it at that time.
More years pass. I no longer work like a slave for pennies (work from home now, in fact), live alone in a house with a dog, and have for the last year. For the first time in my life I have a great living and work situation. I turned 30 last month and ordered a kilo of MHRB at around the same time. It was now time to get serious about my journeys. There were some issues getting my MHRB, but it came about two weeks ago. Last week I began an STB extraction on 100mgs just in case I messed up. I didn't. I got 1.3 grams of very pale yellow crystals. I immediately started six more jars and ordered a GVG.
I tested my spice with a bong (three screens, powdered weed, spice, powdered weed) and had an amazing time. Not a breakthrough, but enough to make any other substance I've tried pale in comparison. I smoked a few more times that evening, loving loving loving everything about the spice. The spice was very playful.
Two nights ago was a mystical evening with dmt. Again, no breakthrough, but transcendent nonetheless. I decided to dedicate my evenings to dmt, to learning everything about it. So much fun! Though I feel I'm wasting the spice with the bong and can't seem to breakthrough, so I'm going to wait until my GVG gets here before I begin exploring further.
Meantime I'm having great fun reading through this site and have started four more jars. I'm also doing my first re-x as I type, it comes out of the freezer in the morning.
Trip reports galore to come once my GVG gets here (please please please come tomorrow!!).
At age 18, after a very brief bout of homelessness, I greyhounded across the country to live with my crazy brother, his girlfriend and their toddler. I hadn't seen my brother in eight years (we were adopted and he was kicked out of the house when he was 14). He was a pothead through and through, and through many weeks of non-stop peer pressure from a very persuasive brother, I hit the bong. I was in love, the giggles, walking to the store for a box of doughnuts-paying with a hundred dollar bill and forgetting the change; all that fun stuff you do when you get high on really good weed for the first time.
One day my brother bought me an 8th of shrooms. It was a true splitting open the head trip. I did shrooms every week or so for a couple years, having upped my standard dose to a quarter (I now considered an 8th only a waste of time; if you're going to drink, drink deep).
My brother brought acid home one day but I refused to take it, still young and not wanting to take any kind of chemical (I wish I taken the acid now on one level, but on another I realize every step I've taken has lead me to where I am now, which is a very good place. Changing anything, the good or the perceived-bad, could have forked my path. I would change nothing.). I continued to shroom hard.
Two years of craziness with my brother and I bus back east. Years pass, I shroomed when I could find it, smoked weed every day, had the occasional acid trip, and worked like a pack mule as a bicycle messenger.
At some point, probably while listening to Coast to Coast Am with (then) Art Bell, I learned about the Spirit Molecule. I became interested, read the book, and wanted to try it but didn't pursue it at that time.
More years pass. I no longer work like a slave for pennies (work from home now, in fact), live alone in a house with a dog, and have for the last year. For the first time in my life I have a great living and work situation. I turned 30 last month and ordered a kilo of MHRB at around the same time. It was now time to get serious about my journeys. There were some issues getting my MHRB, but it came about two weeks ago. Last week I began an STB extraction on 100mgs just in case I messed up. I didn't. I got 1.3 grams of very pale yellow crystals. I immediately started six more jars and ordered a GVG.
I tested my spice with a bong (three screens, powdered weed, spice, powdered weed) and had an amazing time. Not a breakthrough, but enough to make any other substance I've tried pale in comparison. I smoked a few more times that evening, loving loving loving everything about the spice. The spice was very playful.
Two nights ago was a mystical evening with dmt. Again, no breakthrough, but transcendent nonetheless. I decided to dedicate my evenings to dmt, to learning everything about it. So much fun! Though I feel I'm wasting the spice with the bong and can't seem to breakthrough, so I'm going to wait until my GVG gets here before I begin exploring further.
Meantime I'm having great fun reading through this site and have started four more jars. I'm also doing my first re-x as I type, it comes out of the freezer in the morning.
Trip reports galore to come once my GVG gets here (please please please come tomorrow!!).