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The Travelers first aya experience...

Migrated topic.

The Traveler

The Moxylator
Staff member
...failed! It didn't fail completely but it didn't go exactly as planned. The key factor here is: I didn't take the mimosa extract I brewed. I'll tell you about this later. The day began ok, a little hangover from drinking too much beer the day before but the general feeling was ok, even quite spiritual, while laying in bed I had two experiences of heavy meditation giving spiritual food. So this would be the day of my aya experience and it started quite ok. In the afternoon I prepared the mimosa, I took 10 grams of it and grinded it in my newly bought coffee grinder, the grinder worked perfectly and an orange powder with some cotton-like fibres were the result. I took 2 litres of water, added the grinded mimosa and started the boiling down. While doing the boiling down I was consulting the DMT nexus forum once in a while to get some last minute information from blackclo and Noman (thanx guys!). At that point I found out I forgot to put some lemon-juice into the boiling mixture and went for the shop, bought some of those fresh smelling lemons (not cheap in The Netherlands at 1,99 euro's for 4 of them) and squished one of them into the mixture and added half a litre of water and continued the boiling. While doing the boiling down I cleaned the coffee grinder thoroughly and grinded about 4 grams of rue, I wanted to grind 3 grams but my weighing equipment only counted by 2grams at a time, oh well.. In the end I boiled the mimosa down to a measured 400ml and filtered the bark out of it which resulted in a remaining 250ml of brewed mimosa liquid to use that night. At about 23:15 I took the grinded rue on an empty stomach and swallowed it down with water (I hadn't eaten all day and didn't feel hungry) and I almost puked because of the filthy taste of it, man what a filthy taste this stuff has, horrible! I lit a beautiful candle, started the relaxing music (Liquid Mind) and dimmed the light. I decided to wait 45 minutes for the rue to get into my system before drinking the mimosa extract. At about 23:45 I started feeling the rue and felt quite ok with it, kinda soothing. Then at 0:00 it happened, suddenly my limbs were getting heavy and I got an urgent need to lie down, the world started to spin and the candle I lit started to move erratically to the movement of my eyes. At that moment I thought "I have to get the mimosa extract" but was so pinned down it was almost impossible to stand up for longer then 30 seconds. I got to the mimosa brew but was so heavy limbed I decided I couldn't drink that liquid even if I would and wend back to lay down on the couch just in time for some nice visions. When I looked into the room it was as if I was looking at it with only 3 frames per second and what I saw came with quite some delay. The spiritual visions were clear when I closed my eyes and disappeared when I opened them. I saw a message coming to me explaining that time was an illusion, it could be stopped, started and rewind but we normally only sense the forward motion of it as it comes in pulses at us. I saw the vision of 'time' getting from a 3D vision to a 4D vision and understood that under normal situations our brains cannot compute with 4D images but with this full focus there was power enough and the image was clear: there is much more out there then what we can normally see, everything has an extra dimension containing fast amounts of 'pulses'. I could ask questions and they were answered immediately. This questioning continued for some time until I felt a nausea coming up. I knew it was time for the bucked I put next to the couch and puked out the rue which was disgusting because once you puke it out you taste that awful taste again making you puke even more. After some heroic stumbling crusade from my couch to the water tap I washed my mouth and went back to crush on the couch, the visions were slowly drifting away and only some relaxed feeling stayed until about 5:00 after which I went to bed and fell asleep. So of course the question I have now is this: is it possible to get this from rue alone or was there just enough bodily-created DMT to start this limb feeling and visions or ...? If it's not the rue then I've got some theories: 1. I drink quite a lot of power drinks, maybe my body makes quite a lot of enzymes to break down the bad stuff in it, this also means that bodily-created DMT is broken down more quickly. This might result in the body creating extra DMT to keep levels up, when I took the rue, the DMT wasn't broken down anymore and for a small amount of time there was an extra stack of it. 2. Some say meditation gets your body into creating more DMT then usual, I meditate A LOT! Anyone know the answer to this?
And after some searching I found more people who experienced the same thing so it's part of the rue. I also found some good idea's to take the rue: extract tea and drink mixed with a softdrink like pepsi. Also it might be a good idea to take the mimosa extract with loads of pepsi since I think it's as disgusting to drink as the rue. ;)
Yes, that was all beta carboline that you felt. If you extract your rue and bark, dry the extracts, and capsulize them, the results are much easier to take and way less pukey. The DMT wouldn't have made you feel the carboline high any more intensely, it just would have added another dimension. I think it offsets the sluggishness while the carboline calms the DMT down to a more comprehensible state. I had a similar experience last night: I took B Caapi vine for the first time and once it hit me full on, I decided that I wanted some DMT with it. Every time I got up and turned on the light I got dizzy and my stomach started flipping and vision went crazy and I had to lie back down. Once I'd get comfortable, I'd get bored because I felt pretty normal lying down with my eyes closed. I tried to get up and get to my closet four time before I gave up. Anyway, good going, you got your feet wet. If you can eat four grams of ground rue without vowing never again, you'll be fine with Aya.
[quote:287bcfdbdf="Noman"]If you extract your rue and bark, dry the extracts, and capsulize them, the results are much easier to take and way less pukey. [/quote:287bcfdbdf] You said that before and it sound like a very good idea now (I'm a hard learner sometimes). I'm gonna dry the extract of the mimosa I still have and hope it fits in a 00 capsule. And about never vowing to eat rue anymore, well lets see if the capsule works great, else trying the tea and if even that fails back to eating it. Thank you for your comments and funny you had the same experience.
You did say that indeed, I was at one moment even thinking about how many ppl in the world where in a trance at that same moment. And I've learned now, next time I'll order the caapi, just to try.
Well, since I still have the rue and nothing else I've got no choiceb ut to use the rue again. Only this time I'm making a tea out of it with some extra stuff in it to keep it less disgusting (tastefull is impossible I think). In some few hours the journey will begin again, hopefully this time I reach my destination.
Thanx for the link condo_pygmy, What I've done this time with the rue is making a tea out of 3g of rue and boiling it down to about 100ml. After letting it cool down I added some sprite like soda and drank it, this time it was good. 15 minutes after taking the rue I took the boiled down mimosa, also with the sprite, two glasses of 200ml. But I think I took it too fast. I really drank it fast because of the not so nice taste of the mimosa extract. About 15 minutes after I drank the mimosa extract some nausia was cropping up again. At about the same time the DMT kicked in really fast and I thought to myself: "Lets throw up now befoire the experience". So I threw up. Well, the trip was much better, bigger, etc as the previous time, I really felt the DMT but after about 30 minutes it was wearing off. The experience was REALLY nice. It felt like coming home and many arms ambraced me as a long lost son. I was expected to come this way and I was taken on a journey. Short but a good one. Next time I try to keep the extract for a longer period in my body but I've accepted the fact now that throwing up is a thing to comes with the aya and it's not a bad thing; it cleans you, you feel much better after it. With a little bit of luck I'll take my next journey tomorrow.
[quote:b144e2b5f2="The Traveler"]It felt like coming home and many arms ambraced me as a long lost son. I was expected to come this way and I was taken on a journey. Short but a good one.[/quote:b144e2b5f2] It sounds like you encountered her. Cool. Try to hold it down longer and you'll get a much longer trip. Ginger ale and lying very still under blankets helps me. If you hold it past the onset of the trip, the nausea often goes away.
[quote:3feec07565="Noman"]It sounds like you encountered her. Cool.[/quote:3feec07565] Indeed, this might be the case. I hope so, it was so soothing and relaxing. I also saw some entity that looked like a combination of an ape, frog and a parrot, it made me feel relaxed. It was probably a trick of the mind becuase the eye was the lightbulb at the ceiling of my room. What I'm going to do the next time is quite simple: The reu was ok this time but the mimosa was too much to drink in one go. So, I'm gonna boil down the mimosa till about 100ml and after that I add some nice tasting liquid without bubbles and sip it down slowly. Your advice of laying very still also worked yesterday, it was just that I thought I better had to puke now then later in the experience. ;)
What swim did was the Harmala hcl extraction tek from the above link, as the cleaned rue tea was simmered down to about 300ml's, swim switched to the Seasalt tek & extracted alittle over a G of very clean harmala extract. swim sampled a little bit of this harmala extract waited a 1/2 hr, then sprinkled a little dab of elf spice xtals into a glass of 7UP. Within 45minutes the effects kicked in \:D/ No nausea at all in a full color 2hr 3D show... :finger:
Ah nice! This week some 300g of MHRB will come in and I will extract it to crystals. In time I'll also order some extra rue and make an harmala extraction of it. As you make it sound, it's a real good and easy way to enjoy the spice. Thank you for that intormation. Kind regards, The Traveler
Yeah traveler, this was a first, i've done many a spice rides & combined smoked harmala extracts too, but this drink method was a first !! [b:9805202fa7]PS:[/b:9805202fa7] You might want to try smoking a little of the harmala extract, wait about 20 minutes then smoke about 30mgs of spice, this prolongs the visuals up to a 1/2 hr & less spice is needed !! with the drink method you need at least 100mgs of spice to get full visuals, but they last alot longer !!
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