Rising Star
Okay, so I have had this often slow-in-coming vision of a plane of existence that my intuition says might correspond to extreme psychedelic states. Having limited experience with salvia and MDMA and none with DMT, I want to present my vision to people here for them to compare with their residual memory of breakthrough trips. I'm hoping that my account of what I will be calling "the Last World" resonates with anyone who's broken through. If it does so resonate... Well, not sure what that would imply, but it'd be interesting to me, anyway.
Without further delay:
Premise 1. Time is not a straight line. Evidence: there is a problem in the philosophy of music as to why pure instrumental music is correlated with emotions. As instrumental songs don't contain lyrics, they don't contain words that refer to emotions or descriptions of scenarios with which people could sympathetically identify in order to feel a relevant emotion.
Musical notation reminds me of graphs of numbers. But music is not graphed in spatial but temporal terms. Now consider talking about emotional "highs" and "lows." These are not positions in space. Are they positions in time? If they are, then our lives don't trace a straight line from past to present to future, but arc up and down through a second dimension of time. Emotional consciousness is like kinesthesia, then, only temporal instead of spatial. Pure instrumental music evokes emotions because it is isomorphic to the pure temporal form of emotion.
Premise 2 (assumed). Curved lines in time coalesce, from a higher-dimensional vantage point, into polygonal structures. These coalesce in turn into polyhedra.
Premise 3 (assumed). Temporal polyhedra are more than the sums of their parts just as a full organic body is more than the sum of its cells. That is, these polyhedra have lives of their own. These lives trace lines through a geometric manifold in a way that corresponds to how we, from within space, trace lines in time. Those trans-temporal lines reiterate the process referred to in premise 2. The resulting trans-temporal polyhedra go on to reflect themselves into a hyper-trans-temporal state (please forgive that lexical atrocity), and so on, infinitely.
From Cantor we know that there are an infinity of infinities. The process referred to in premise 3 therefore escalates into the domain of the aleph numbers. Each threefold set of dimensions constitutes a plane of existence. Therefore, "next to" our spatial world, there is an aleph-numbered series of planes.
DMT conjecture 1: part of the DMT breakthrough experience involves our consciousness simulating/translating itself through this series.
Now Cantor thought that there was a type of infinity that was conceivable as totally outside, or transcending, the aleph-numbered series. He called this the Absolute Infinite.
DMT conjecture 2: the final breakthrough is to the Absolute Infinite.
Premise 4. The Kantian conception of pure reason corresponds to our ability to conceive the Absolute Infinite. Evidence: the regressive dynamic of transcendental dialectics pushes us towards an idea of the total synthesis of all parts. The Absolute Infinite would comprehend the synthesis of all other infinities; therefore, the concept of the Absolute Infinite is a product of the absolute exercise of pure reason.
Premise 5 (assumed). Pure reason is objectively valid only when used for practical purposes (i.e. in ethics).
Conclusion from the foregoing: the only objectively valid information we have about the Absolute Infinite is that it is morally determined. The only concrete representations of Absolute Infinity are, therefore, based on moral conceptions.
Premise 6. The Absolute Infinite is the seat of all possible truth. Evidence: the pure concept of truth serves as the general form of all truth. Conceptual purification/refining involves the regressive dynamics of pure reason, applied to concepts. The ultimate truth, then, is to be understood in a way as the Form of Truth (to put it in Plato's terms).
Transcendence is inherently mysterious. There is a degree of ineffability to transcendent states. Is this due to the limitations of those who find themselves in these states, or is the Form of Mystery, you might call it, essential to the Absolute Infinite also?
Questions and answers go conceptually hand in hand. An answer is an assertion, and assertions are what are true or false. Therefore, pure truth in itself implies a pure question. Moreover, all knowledge is based on the ability to ask questions, wherefore the relationship between the Form of Mystery and the Form of Truth is another Form, namely that of proof/justification/knowledge/etc. The heart of the Last World, the plane of existence that corresponds to Absolute Infinity, then, is a Trinity of Forms, the Form of the Good even.
Right and wrong can be defined as true and false action. When our actions are statements in a language, statements of truth, then they are right. (Any language has rules for how to use it: this is a solid enough observation of Wittgenstein's, so the rules of the language of action are involved in the rules of right and wrong.) These are the True Words of the mystical tradition, even. Christ was the Word, for example, because His entire life was the sinless representation in His actions of the Trinity. That is, Christ was a living symbol, a living name, for the Trinity. (If you pay attention to a certain theme in the New Testament, that of Christ superseding the Jerusalem temple, and consider that the Kodesh Kodashim was referred to as the Name of God on Earth, you'll see that Christ was self-consciously trying to replace the temple with Himself as God's Name.)
Doing philosophy shows us that the concept of existence is similar or identical to the concept of denotation/reference. This can be inferred from e.g. the problem of empty terms. Now Kant says a divine understanding would refer to objects not by finding objects and then applying its referential capacity thereto, but in the act of trying to refer itself. A divine understanding, then, as morally pure, acts in such a way that all its actions are True Words, and those of these Words that are also Names refer through the act of referring, viz. they create what they refer to.
Now some things are directly possible only on condition of an antecedent possibility being given in fact. For example, right now I can type on a computer only because I in fact currently am sitting at a computer. Premise 7 (not assumed; evidence self-implicit). A divine entity can create obligations because it exists in the Last World, the world of the Forms and therefore all the grace of pure reason. But by creating an obligation, it would make something possible, namely the fulfillment of said obligation. This is due to the principle that ought implies can. In this way, the context in which an obligation can be fulfilled is created as such:
In other words, actuality can be attained by routing possibility through obligation. A kind of bootstrapping, you might say. But obligations as the source of right and wrong go with the concept of True Words, then. So a divine entity creates objects by speaking True Words that correspond to obligations, so that the act of creation-by-reference is perichoretically united with the process of creation-by-obligation.
The Last World, then, supposing that it exists, has the power to create physical reality. And directly interfacing with the Trinity presents this absolute and infinite power to us.
DMT conjecture 3: the last stage of a high-level DMT trip is apprehension of the Trinity at the heart of the Last World.
Premise 8. Individual persons are morality, not just subject to its standards. Evidence: premise 8 follows from Kant's doctrine of autonomy (and conception of personality).
But now what is a person? A person is a set of emotions and actions, the things that trace a line in time. The lines we trace in the second dimension of time are us, more or less. Since this is what pure instrumental music draws inspiration from, then in the Last World, individual persons would resemble music, or have musical power. Music as a language, written in terms of the True Words, would then be how the Trinity "talks" creation into existing. So DMT trip reports of entities in DMT hyperspace generating objects musically are almost literally correct (on the supposition that DMT hyperspace is, at this stage, equivalent to the Last World).
On an emanationist metaphysics, God creates by emanating Itself down through the dimensional series. Its initial emanation would be of a structure comparable to Itself, i.e. another Trinity. Premise 9 (assumed; I have an argument for this assumption but it would take us far from the topic). The first emanated Trinity is Love. Love has to do with individual persons understood as irreplaceable (you don't switch out someone you love for someone else). Therefore, the form (Form?) of Love, as a personal force, is the Song of Love's True Power, and it is this song through which our personal world is created.
DMT conjecture 4: some of the feelings of awe, gratitude, love, etc. reported to accompany a final breakthrough result from instantaneously realizing that the Song of Love's True Power is the foundation of human existence.
I'm going to leave off from the OP here. Whether my model of higher planes of existence has an affinity with DMT hyperspace should be evident to other members of this site by now.
Without further delay:
Premise 1. Time is not a straight line. Evidence: there is a problem in the philosophy of music as to why pure instrumental music is correlated with emotions. As instrumental songs don't contain lyrics, they don't contain words that refer to emotions or descriptions of scenarios with which people could sympathetically identify in order to feel a relevant emotion.
Musical notation reminds me of graphs of numbers. But music is not graphed in spatial but temporal terms. Now consider talking about emotional "highs" and "lows." These are not positions in space. Are they positions in time? If they are, then our lives don't trace a straight line from past to present to future, but arc up and down through a second dimension of time. Emotional consciousness is like kinesthesia, then, only temporal instead of spatial. Pure instrumental music evokes emotions because it is isomorphic to the pure temporal form of emotion.
Premise 2 (assumed). Curved lines in time coalesce, from a higher-dimensional vantage point, into polygonal structures. These coalesce in turn into polyhedra.
Premise 3 (assumed). Temporal polyhedra are more than the sums of their parts just as a full organic body is more than the sum of its cells. That is, these polyhedra have lives of their own. These lives trace lines through a geometric manifold in a way that corresponds to how we, from within space, trace lines in time. Those trans-temporal lines reiterate the process referred to in premise 2. The resulting trans-temporal polyhedra go on to reflect themselves into a hyper-trans-temporal state (please forgive that lexical atrocity), and so on, infinitely.
From Cantor we know that there are an infinity of infinities. The process referred to in premise 3 therefore escalates into the domain of the aleph numbers. Each threefold set of dimensions constitutes a plane of existence. Therefore, "next to" our spatial world, there is an aleph-numbered series of planes.
DMT conjecture 1: part of the DMT breakthrough experience involves our consciousness simulating/translating itself through this series.
Now Cantor thought that there was a type of infinity that was conceivable as totally outside, or transcending, the aleph-numbered series. He called this the Absolute Infinite.
DMT conjecture 2: the final breakthrough is to the Absolute Infinite.
Premise 4. The Kantian conception of pure reason corresponds to our ability to conceive the Absolute Infinite. Evidence: the regressive dynamic of transcendental dialectics pushes us towards an idea of the total synthesis of all parts. The Absolute Infinite would comprehend the synthesis of all other infinities; therefore, the concept of the Absolute Infinite is a product of the absolute exercise of pure reason.
Premise 5 (assumed). Pure reason is objectively valid only when used for practical purposes (i.e. in ethics).
Conclusion from the foregoing: the only objectively valid information we have about the Absolute Infinite is that it is morally determined. The only concrete representations of Absolute Infinity are, therefore, based on moral conceptions.
Premise 6. The Absolute Infinite is the seat of all possible truth. Evidence: the pure concept of truth serves as the general form of all truth. Conceptual purification/refining involves the regressive dynamics of pure reason, applied to concepts. The ultimate truth, then, is to be understood in a way as the Form of Truth (to put it in Plato's terms).
Transcendence is inherently mysterious. There is a degree of ineffability to transcendent states. Is this due to the limitations of those who find themselves in these states, or is the Form of Mystery, you might call it, essential to the Absolute Infinite also?
Questions and answers go conceptually hand in hand. An answer is an assertion, and assertions are what are true or false. Therefore, pure truth in itself implies a pure question. Moreover, all knowledge is based on the ability to ask questions, wherefore the relationship between the Form of Mystery and the Form of Truth is another Form, namely that of proof/justification/knowledge/etc. The heart of the Last World, the plane of existence that corresponds to Absolute Infinity, then, is a Trinity of Forms, the Form of the Good even.
T. McKenna said:There are many of these things, but the main thing that's happening is that they are engaged in a linguistic activity of some sort, which we do not have words for, but it's visible language. They are doing the visible language trip.
Right and wrong can be defined as true and false action. When our actions are statements in a language, statements of truth, then they are right. (Any language has rules for how to use it: this is a solid enough observation of Wittgenstein's, so the rules of the language of action are involved in the rules of right and wrong.) These are the True Words of the mystical tradition, even. Christ was the Word, for example, because His entire life was the sinless representation in His actions of the Trinity. That is, Christ was a living symbol, a living name, for the Trinity. (If you pay attention to a certain theme in the New Testament, that of Christ superseding the Jerusalem temple, and consider that the Kodesh Kodashim was referred to as the Name of God on Earth, you'll see that Christ was self-consciously trying to replace the temple with Himself as God's Name.)
Doing philosophy shows us that the concept of existence is similar or identical to the concept of denotation/reference. This can be inferred from e.g. the problem of empty terms. Now Kant says a divine understanding would refer to objects not by finding objects and then applying its referential capacity thereto, but in the act of trying to refer itself. A divine understanding, then, as morally pure, acts in such a way that all its actions are True Words, and those of these Words that are also Names refer through the act of referring, viz. they create what they refer to.
Now some things are directly possible only on condition of an antecedent possibility being given in fact. For example, right now I can type on a computer only because I in fact currently am sitting at a computer. Premise 7 (not assumed; evidence self-implicit). A divine entity can create obligations because it exists in the Last World, the world of the Forms and therefore all the grace of pure reason. But by creating an obligation, it would make something possible, namely the fulfillment of said obligation. This is due to the principle that ought implies can. In this way, the context in which an obligation can be fulfilled is created as such:
1. X ought to be the case.
2. X can be the case.
3. X can be the case if and only if Y is the case.
C. Therefore, Y is the case.
2. X can be the case.
3. X can be the case if and only if Y is the case.
C. Therefore, Y is the case.
In other words, actuality can be attained by routing possibility through obligation. A kind of bootstrapping, you might say. But obligations as the source of right and wrong go with the concept of True Words, then. So a divine entity creates objects by speaking True Words that correspond to obligations, so that the act of creation-by-reference is perichoretically united with the process of creation-by-obligation.
The Last World, then, supposing that it exists, has the power to create physical reality. And directly interfacing with the Trinity presents this absolute and infinite power to us.
DMT conjecture 3: the last stage of a high-level DMT trip is apprehension of the Trinity at the heart of the Last World.
Premise 8. Individual persons are morality, not just subject to its standards. Evidence: premise 8 follows from Kant's doctrine of autonomy (and conception of personality).
But now what is a person? A person is a set of emotions and actions, the things that trace a line in time. The lines we trace in the second dimension of time are us, more or less. Since this is what pure instrumental music draws inspiration from, then in the Last World, individual persons would resemble music, or have musical power. Music as a language, written in terms of the True Words, would then be how the Trinity "talks" creation into existing. So DMT trip reports of entities in DMT hyperspace generating objects musically are almost literally correct (on the supposition that DMT hyperspace is, at this stage, equivalent to the Last World).
On an emanationist metaphysics, God creates by emanating Itself down through the dimensional series. Its initial emanation would be of a structure comparable to Itself, i.e. another Trinity. Premise 9 (assumed; I have an argument for this assumption but it would take us far from the topic). The first emanated Trinity is Love. Love has to do with individual persons understood as irreplaceable (you don't switch out someone you love for someone else). Therefore, the form (Form?) of Love, as a personal force, is the Song of Love's True Power, and it is this song through which our personal world is created.
DMT conjecture 4: some of the feelings of awe, gratitude, love, etc. reported to accompany a final breakthrough result from instantaneously realizing that the Song of Love's True Power is the foundation of human existence.
I'm going to leave off from the OP here. Whether my model of higher planes of existence has an affinity with DMT hyperspace should be evident to other members of this site by now.