Hello and welcome..
So I'm not out to offend anyone that practices wicca or traditional witchcraft with this thread, I do respect those beliefs. I would just like to adress the sometimes deceptive manor in wich the information is provided as far as popular witchcraft literature is concerned. I would also like to stress that people reading these books should inform themselves thouroughly on any particular esoteric subject they wish to learn in order to avoid trickery by ill intentioned authors.
Here and there in the mystical sub-forum I have mentioned how sometimes mainstream type magic and witchcraft books are often times laiden with self cursing "spiritual traps" that are very difficult to undo once invoked. IMHO alot of these black magician authors are just trying to set traps for eager magic seekers.
A very classic example of such a trap IMO is a popular piece of witchcraft literature from 1970 where the author suggests that someone who seriously wants start practicing witch craft should first recite a "sybolic" incantation. This incantation suposedly is just a harmless renouncement of organized religion but.....But it's clearly more than just symbolic IMO, this incantation has been used to summon demons since medevil times.
Seems like a fast track way to get beginning dabblers neck deep in demonic activity. Not sure if it would be easy for an unsuspecting individual to recover frm this type of self curse.
So while this is an obvious example of a set trap, there are other far more subtle traps, in liber 777, a informational guide on kabbalah and egyptian magic among other things by Aliester Crowley...Crowley, obviously someone who knew better blantantly includes some of the fallen angels names mentioned in the book of enoch as regular angels. This is a clear ploy to trip up anyone who has not bothered to familiarize themselves with the book of enoch.
Also I have noticed the casual use of an upside down five pointed star by wiccans...
This is what the "official" wiccan meaning of an upside down five pointed star according to the "wicca forum":
-So in my mind this is completely incorrect as in judiasm the five pointed star is a geometrical representation of YHWH or "God". The Tetragrammaton also represents the Messiah, turning it upside down isn't very nice IMO and would potentailly attract demonic spiritual activity I would think.
From the book Mastering witchcraft by Paul Huson, 1970:
Below: the tetragrammaton, a sacred geometry symbol derived from the hebrew letter number sequence Yod, Heh, Waw, Heh = YHWH a Hebrew word that expresses the Creator force..I doubt it's respectful towards YHWH to wear an upside down one.
So I'm not out to offend anyone that practices wicca or traditional witchcraft with this thread, I do respect those beliefs. I would just like to adress the sometimes deceptive manor in wich the information is provided as far as popular witchcraft literature is concerned. I would also like to stress that people reading these books should inform themselves thouroughly on any particular esoteric subject they wish to learn in order to avoid trickery by ill intentioned authors.
Here and there in the mystical sub-forum I have mentioned how sometimes mainstream type magic and witchcraft books are often times laiden with self cursing "spiritual traps" that are very difficult to undo once invoked. IMHO alot of these black magician authors are just trying to set traps for eager magic seekers.
A very classic example of such a trap IMO is a popular piece of witchcraft literature from 1970 where the author suggests that someone who seriously wants start practicing witch craft should first recite a "sybolic" incantation. This incantation suposedly is just a harmless renouncement of organized religion but.....But it's clearly more than just symbolic IMO, this incantation has been used to summon demons since medevil times.
Seems like a fast track way to get beginning dabblers neck deep in demonic activity. Not sure if it would be easy for an unsuspecting individual to recover frm this type of self curse.
So while this is an obvious example of a set trap, there are other far more subtle traps, in liber 777, a informational guide on kabbalah and egyptian magic among other things by Aliester Crowley...Crowley, obviously someone who knew better blantantly includes some of the fallen angels names mentioned in the book of enoch as regular angels. This is a clear ploy to trip up anyone who has not bothered to familiarize themselves with the book of enoch.
Also I have noticed the casual use of an upside down five pointed star by wiccans...
This is what the "official" wiccan meaning of an upside down five pointed star according to the "wicca forum":
"It's used in Gardinarian Wicca when one reaches the second degree initation..representing the need of the witch to learn to face the darkness within so that it may not later rise up to take control. The centre of a pentagram implies a sixth formative element - love/will which controls from within, ruling matter and spirit by Will and the controlled magickal direction of sexual energies. This is another lesson of initiation.(angelfire.com)
it is also said that the two points uppermost represent the horns of light, symbol of 'the Horned God', consort to the Great Goddess (like the Greek god Pan). (Mike Nichols, geocities.com)"
"In my Trad we viewed the upright pentacle at 1st Degree as our reaching upwards towards spiritual enlightenment. The inverted pentacle at 2nd Degree represented our turning our attention towards returning Spirit and our energy to the benefit of the community."
-So in my mind this is completely incorrect as in judiasm the five pointed star is a geometrical representation of YHWH or "God". The Tetragrammaton also represents the Messiah, turning it upside down isn't very nice IMO and would potentailly attract demonic spiritual activity I would think.
From the book Mastering witchcraft by Paul Huson, 1970:
:?: :thumb_dow"So enough of all the cant—religious, political, nationalist, whatever. Overboard with the lot of it. And this is where your little gesture comes in. No, we are not going to ask you to burn a draft card or an American flag; the time-honoured tradition of repeating the so-called Lord's Prayer backwards is all you have to observe. Whether you are or were a practising Christian, Buddhist, Jew, Mohammedan,Parsee, Hindu, whatever, make no difference at all. As long as you are living in a "Christian" country, the gesture is most effective.
It is a defiant relic from the days of the great witch persecutions, and though witches used not to be specifically anti-Christian, many of them became so, not unnaturally, with the advent of that tide of religiously motivated oppression and bloodshed. It is a symbol of defiance towards the dead letter as opposed to the living spirit of organized religion.
This is what you must do:
When you are quite sure you wish to take this first step, prior to going to bed on three successive nights, making quite sure you are not observed, light a candle and address yourself to it with the following words. This gibberish is, in fact, the Lord's Prayer written out backwards. It is somewhat difficult to pronounce, but struggle through as best you can. It will be no more complicated than some of the peculiar words of power you will encounter later on, and it will be good practice for you. You should find it easier to say on each successive occasion; the third time you will be fairly fluent. I have
written it phonetically, hence the slight difference from the usual backward spelling.
N*ma! Liv*e mo*f su re*illed tub
Noish*y*pmet ootni t*n suh deel
Suh ts*aiga sap*ert tath yeth
V*g*awf eu za se*apsert rua suh vigrawf.
De*b il*id rua y*d sith suh vig
Ne*eh ni *i za thre ni
Nud eeb liw eyth
M*ck m*d-*gik eyth
M*in *yth eeb dwohlah
Ne*eh 8i tra chioo
R*rt*arf r*a! <<<<<(Yah, I censored it..Eliyahu)
As you chant the words, use your imagination to visualize great iron shackles struck off your hands and feet by sizzling bolts of lightning and disintegrating into molten shards to either side of you. Hear the whine and crackle of the searing flashes as they accomplish the work of liberation, and consciously try to feel the burden of all your inherited guilts, all those awful shalt's and shalt not's, all that vast edifice of twaddle and claptrap, sliding easefully from your back.
When all is over, blow out the candle, uttering the witch words "So mote it be!" Should you feel any frissons of fear creeping up your spine during the performance of what may appear to you palpable blasphemy, it is all to the good. This is a process of purgation and catharsis and often carries with it a certain echo of childhood fears. Don't worry, though; any cold shivers only herald the fact that your deep mind is sitting up and taking notice. It is through your deep mind that you will develop your powers once you have cleared away the litter and debris that usually clogs it, as indeed is generally
the case of the ordinary man-in-the-street."
Below: the tetragrammaton, a sacred geometry symbol derived from the hebrew letter number sequence Yod, Heh, Waw, Heh = YHWH a Hebrew word that expresses the Creator force..I doubt it's respectful towards YHWH to wear an upside down one.