Rising Star
I've broken through about 4-5 times on medium doses (still working up to the McKenna "3rd hit"). I'd like to share my theory of DMT entities and ask for your comments.
This theory does not rely on mysticism so I consider it to be an improvement on the whole "aliens from another reality" thing. If you have a better theory please share it.
The brain is like an information sponge that's designed to create facsimiles or mental models of the people around us. These mental models allow us to predict people's actions, feel empathy towards others and function in a social group. When we're growing up, this happens at a deeper level as our developing brains are shaped by the mental models we create of our parents and siblings. These models stay with us for the rest of our life and define us. The internal model of a loved one will be more complex and realistic than that of an acquaintance.
During normal consciousness, the various personalities we've absorbed over the years are usually part of the background processing that occurs in our subconscious, subtly directing our conscious perceptions and attitudes. DMT, on the other hand, seems to have the ability to separate and resolve the various mental models which we carry with us in our brains. These entities are animated by the energy of DMT and our inner perception is enhanced to such a degree that the subtle signals and feelings that emanate from each mental model's neural network bloom into a fully-developed entity. The information streaming from the entities is actually in the form of neural signals from a particular area of the brain, but in our DMT-enhanced state we take these signals and amplify them into a fully-blown picture, complete with movement, gesture and voice.
These entities are what I believe McKenna was referring to as beings of pure information. Remember the quote about an alien life form requiring the nervous system of a mammal? Our brains are designed to capture and reproduce these entities. Just as my loved ones live inside of me in the form of neural patterns, I am present in the minds of my family and friends (in varying degrees of fidelity). Each one of us is an entity, made of several lesser entities, existing in the substrate of mammalian nervous tissue.
This theory explains why many DMT entities resemble loved ones, parents, siblings, friends, etc.
God, Jesus, Allah, etc could be interpreted as (extremely successful) entities which have managed to spread to many physical bodies. (By spreading to many bodies the entity can accomplish more, such as build a world religion devoted to its continuance complete with churches, shrines, rituals, initiation, evangelism, etc).
Does DMT allow us to communicate instantaneously with aliens in hyperspace in different universes, violating the laws of physics? I doubt it. The theory I introduced above is simpler and makes more sense. If we want to communicate with real aliens (the ones that don't live on Earth as entities inside human brains), we'll need to do it the hard way, with radio dishes or space ships.
Of course, the world of human entities is much more interesting which is why I'll be coming back to DMT for many years to come.
This theory does not rely on mysticism so I consider it to be an improvement on the whole "aliens from another reality" thing. If you have a better theory please share it.
The brain is like an information sponge that's designed to create facsimiles or mental models of the people around us. These mental models allow us to predict people's actions, feel empathy towards others and function in a social group. When we're growing up, this happens at a deeper level as our developing brains are shaped by the mental models we create of our parents and siblings. These models stay with us for the rest of our life and define us. The internal model of a loved one will be more complex and realistic than that of an acquaintance.
During normal consciousness, the various personalities we've absorbed over the years are usually part of the background processing that occurs in our subconscious, subtly directing our conscious perceptions and attitudes. DMT, on the other hand, seems to have the ability to separate and resolve the various mental models which we carry with us in our brains. These entities are animated by the energy of DMT and our inner perception is enhanced to such a degree that the subtle signals and feelings that emanate from each mental model's neural network bloom into a fully-developed entity. The information streaming from the entities is actually in the form of neural signals from a particular area of the brain, but in our DMT-enhanced state we take these signals and amplify them into a fully-blown picture, complete with movement, gesture and voice.
These entities are what I believe McKenna was referring to as beings of pure information. Remember the quote about an alien life form requiring the nervous system of a mammal? Our brains are designed to capture and reproduce these entities. Just as my loved ones live inside of me in the form of neural patterns, I am present in the minds of my family and friends (in varying degrees of fidelity). Each one of us is an entity, made of several lesser entities, existing in the substrate of mammalian nervous tissue.
This theory explains why many DMT entities resemble loved ones, parents, siblings, friends, etc.
God, Jesus, Allah, etc could be interpreted as (extremely successful) entities which have managed to spread to many physical bodies. (By spreading to many bodies the entity can accomplish more, such as build a world religion devoted to its continuance complete with churches, shrines, rituals, initiation, evangelism, etc).
Does DMT allow us to communicate instantaneously with aliens in hyperspace in different universes, violating the laws of physics? I doubt it. The theory I introduced above is simpler and makes more sense. If we want to communicate with real aliens (the ones that don't live on Earth as entities inside human brains), we'll need to do it the hard way, with radio dishes or space ships.
Of course, the world of human entities is much more interesting which is why I'll be coming back to DMT for many years to come.