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Theory on using only one naptha pull

Migrated topic.


Rising Star
SWIM was rereading the lazyman tek from which he derived his own methods...

In this tek, it mention using larger amounts of naptha and soaking longer.

SWIM's roomates understand and do not complain of his DMT usage although
they only smoke weed. The only thing that concerns them is the naptha.

SWIM figures if he could minimize the amount of times he needs to pour
and collect naptha, the less likely they'd smell it and bitch.

So, what do you guys think of a single, admittedly excessive, 1:1 water:naptha pull?

For instance, SWIM just mixed ~500ml of mimosa/base water with 500ml naptha because
he intends on testing out his idea.

Aside from the inevitable evaporation before freeze-precip which he's able
to keep eh .. unaromatic, do you guys think it's possible to pull
the majority of the DMT in a single pull?

For the evaporation and freeze precip..
SWIM has a special place to keep his pyrex dish which noone can smell.
He also has his own freezer which he ninja's to at night.

It's the whole pouring thing he has to do in open air releasing the vapors
where they aren't wanted.
Bumpity bump bump..
69ron? jorkest? anyone?
I look up to you guys for advice, come on!!
lol, kidding.

really though, has anyone tried this?
I dont remember which thread but this question was answered with an analogy:

like when washing clothes, its better to put water/soap, rinse and repeat, then to do only one water/soap run.

SWIM would recommend doing it the 'right' way (at least 3-4 pulls), and also SWIM would discourage anyone from doing it in a place where one could have trouble with room mates/neighbours, and have to be in a hurry, worried, needing to be too quiet, etc
endlessness said:
"like when washing clothes, its better to put water/soap, rinse and repeat, then to do only one water/soap run."

100% agree.

Take your 50ml pull and place it directly into the freezer. Don't air evap. Only time SWIM ever smells Naphtha is during the heating process. But that lasts for under 5 minutes.

perhaps if you explain your process, we can help refine it.
I'll add then..
SWIM's method makes it so he cannot use amounts as small as 50ml.
He has to pour it off the top.

IDK, he says his place really is shitty for making and using spice,
it drives him bonkers.

His biggest thing is "less time with my tools exposed", being naptha, jars, whatever.

SWIM's planning on moving soon though for many reasons so hopefully
he'll be able to go back to the proper way.

He used to be able to do multiple tiny pulls but, it led to too many problems in the homestead.
LLB said:
SWIY can use LESS naphtha and get better results in the freeze precipitation...

Yes, I agree 100%. I've tried both methods, and a whole bunch in between. Even for large extractions (1kilo+) it is always easier and give better results to use smaller naphtha pulls, granted more of them, than doing it in 1 pull.

You can NEVER get all the alks out with 1 pull no matter how much solvent you use. The magic number in plant extractions has always been 3. Although I have found that 5 50mL pulls do better than 3 100mL pulls.

It also saves a lot of time evaporating petro chemicals into the air (also not a good thing).

Of course, do what works best for you.
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