I came across a paper soon to be published in The American Journal of Physics that makes a pretty strong case that we should drop particule based thinking and just embrace the wave phenomena. Personally I tend to agree with this author and think that the particule behavior is really just a special case eigenstate of the wave function.
From the abstract
I've attached the full paper and encourage those that are interested to read it. It's VERY approachable and rather easy to read in comparison to a lot of physics papers. The author does a great job of making his point and keeps the focus to particles vs waves and sidesteps any philosophical implications though he does go out of his way to address all the pseudoscience that has arise from the apparent particle wave paradox.
From the abstract
Quantum foundations are still unsettled, with mixed effects on science and society.
By now it should be possible to obtain consensus on at least one issue: Are the
fundamental constituents fields or particles? As this paper shows, experiment and
theory imply unbounded fields, not bounded particles, are fundamental.
I've attached the full paper and encourage those that are interested to read it. It's VERY approachable and rather easy to read in comparison to a lot of physics papers. The author does a great job of making his point and keeps the focus to particles vs waves and sidesteps any philosophical implications though he does go out of his way to address all the pseudoscience that has arise from the apparent particle wave paradox.