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There's something about Rue...

Migrated topic.


Rising Star
That really puts perspective in BIG BOLD LETTERS

The blossoming flower to the ever astral presence.

I advocate the spirit plant with all my soul. Everything that I've got, the ambitions, my thoughts, to the future and for those around to mend.

"I lay here with you now to show you your life for you alone to accomplish"

And the future to come? or so I assume. Can I really accept what was shown to me to what I believe as the future? It felt all too good and all too real to pass as the illusion of time & life's hallucination. Would it just be me or is it whenever I take harmaline, random occurrences of future tense comes into display as the landscape forms from positive awareness into action.

There's lack of description of rue. It may have just been possibly been how I feel life should come to and may never be reached at all. However, this is what was shown to me multiple times & must know that I do not feel this way about the experiences at all. I'm no oracle and far from it nor do I believe in such a thing. The power of the mind is a powerful mechanism and this is what I believe in.

btw, I get this eerie and somewhat uneasy presence when consuming as a tea. When smoked or capsulated extract.. it's rather relaxing, detoxifying even. But its spirit may seem all friendly but it's a little creepy to be honest :shock:
Maybe it's just ... SWIM :p

but hey, in the end. peace&love
so....did SWIY take Rue alone? if so, how does one make tea from it? is it better to couple it with anything? SWIM just bought a large amount of syrian rue seeds and would love to know how best to imbibe their wisdom...
SWIM always felt with DMT that it is missing the connection. These teachers are that missing link.

He prefers to extract over the tea, but they both serve their purpose quite well. So yeah, you can either boil down a tea or take an extraction to an almost pure form of harmaline. There's teks on both but brewing a tea is pretty straightforward. Boil down no more than three grams of seeds in a liter of water for about an hour or so to a doseage and drink that down. This can be a little nauseating and there's a "PURGE" stamp written all over that.. :p I'd suggest an egg white or gelatin to reduce tannins.

I've been taking a spagyric remedy of rue from www.al-qemi.com. Was a bit iffy at first but it shocked me. Three drops was all it took to notice the drowsiness and an almost immediate connection. Their products are ver-ry powerful. Could homeopathy be the next step?

But it's very self-reflective experience but again would prefer to extract his rue. So yeah, there's teks flourishing all over the place with one pure form to another. Take a look:
SWIM went to the al-qemi website SWIY mentioned.....WOW!!! so many he wants to order up!! does it REALLY work?? they have an aya tincture as well....do these actually work?? SWIM's gonna get a couple and try for himself. many thanks and blessings for the recommendation!!
Hey all,
Micah from Al-Qemi here, popping my head in to the "room" to say hello. Also, thanks to coz42 for the comments on our Rue, I appreciate it. It's not personally one of my favourites of our Spagyrics, I actually find it a bit abrupt, your description earlier of "creepy" is a lot of what I get from it. I prefer the vines, and have worked more with them, so your thoughts on Rue are helpful & add to our knowledge base.

I'm happy to hear about the connection aspect as well, I think that really speaks to the heart of what so many get from all these special plants. If I can ask, do you have a meditation or other spiritual context to how the plants are included in your life? Connection seems to speak of that, as does your ability to be surprised by our Rue, since it can be too subtle for some of the more hard-headed psychonauts we know.

It seems that the more experience one has exploring the inner world, with or without the plants, the more able one is to connect with them, even at non-heroic doses. From working with various Ayahuasceros over the years, I know that they feel the connection builds and requires less and less substance each time they work with it, sometimes after years, they stop ingesting at all. I've seen this effect, myself, to the point where just the smell of our Salvia or Blue Waterlily in particular will send me, whereas in the beginning, I would take many drops.

This is something we try to express to customers when they first work with our Spagyrics, in order to avoid disappointment, I've ranted about it recently on our site, in fact. In circles like these forums, it's hard to explain the dichotomy of power and subtlety that all these plants, and especially our versions of them, can have.

Strength & Wisdom,
Thanks Micah for the reply and welcome to the nexus :d

There's certainly a direct flow of energy coming from the products. I'd say for the most part that sensitivity is not a determining factor for myself as I've run into hit-or-miss scenarios. Though as much as I understand spayrics is that it uses the entire plant material condensed into liquid tincture. Nothing is wasted and everything gets extracted over again.

With these remedies I can actually comprehend my experiences visually and continue to understand whats most important because sometimes these things can become so overbearing that the negative vibes allocate to the mystery. I'm at a steady pace working with plants and I welcome these medicines with gratitude. Much thanks.
Thanks for more thoughts on the Rue, good to hear how it is in someone else's world. You're right that it is an extraction of all the plant, purified, but very concentrated. For instance, the Rue and other Spagyrics at that level were from 3-5 lbs. of plant, made into about a pint of final extract. Everything extracted repeatedly, as you said, since increased purification is the main objective in our work.

I'm glad you mentioned comprehending the experiences, I think that's another great key to working this way. I'm not against the skyrocket approach of heavy doses, I worked that way for years as a kid and got a lot out of it. But, it's hard to integrate, that "boom, you're in another world, boom, you're back here." What I like about working with our Spagyrics or even the raw plants for that matter, is the long slow entry into the sacred space, and the gradual return back. It lets me take the insights directly into my life here, as I see them weaving into the world around me as I return, and I can get right to work on whatever I was shown. No disorientation, no recovery time for my body, just ok, I got that latest assignment, now, back to work.

Our Spagyrics are an easy way to get at that, but the raw plant can work this way too, if one prefers. In fact, with every one of the plants we work with, before we do anything with it in the lab, we chew on it raw, as is, all day, every day, for two weeks. It can be really rough going with some, but I think it's a great practice if you want to truly know a plant and what it has to say. Then, we go on to work with the plant in the lab, feeling like we have connected with what it offers and learned how to get the best out of it. This leapfrogging of tasting and extracting has taught me so much, and I don't think it ever ends.

Strength & Wisdom,
hello Micah, I see you have caapi extracts of all kinds.. how fortunate!

with your spagyrics.. what is a usual amount needed for work? a few drops? and how much would a heavy dose be?
I normally would order up and find out for myself, but in this wacky economy I am driven to be a bit more calculating with funds before diving in
Hi Micah, I notice on your site that you have a product that consists of the essence of Kava Kava. I just ordered powdered Kava Kava to have the drink on occasion. Would your product essentially be the same thing but much more condensed so that a couple drops would similar to a traditional drink?
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