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THH and low dose spice.. almost knocked my head off last night before bed!!

Migrated topic.


Rising Star
I want to report a trip i had last night before bed...

[[ELEVATOR UP!! ]]Shocked Shocked Shocked

Using my torch lighter ..last night..before bed..I took sublingually only 25mgs of this ...
lift mode/THH...then vaped what i thought to be a very baseline light amount of spice...

OMG!! was i surprised at vaping what weighed only to 12 to 15 mgs of spice...!

Even after vaping most.. [but not all]..of this low dose of spice ....
[there was still a little left in the chore boy pad]!!!

The experince was like i was in an elevator...and it was gaining speed GOING UP!!
The elevator would not stop!! ..and it was gaining speed!...I also heard a loud ..[wining sound] as i decended upward!

At one point i thought...[did i over do it this time!?] it kept gaining speed shooting upwards..this was starting to get uncomfortable..i thought!

Even the relaxing piano music that was playing ..had no calming effect..as the experiance seemed to be getting out of control!

ALL THIS happened...[on only 12 to 15 mgs of spice!!??/ this is not.. [posible..i thought.!!..

It MUST...have been effected by the THH i took sublingually//?

Finally after awhile it slowed down and i was so thankfull it did.....

I like a slower more gentle come up.. and this one seemed out of control..on a tiny amount of spice?

the THH may have had a dirrect effect on this one!

Then later i went to sleep and later in morning had ....TWO LUCID DREAMS! :thumb_up:

Most of my dreams are vivid..but not often lucid....the not so fun experiance i had in the runaway elevator...was made up for..[in morning].. by rewarding me with two lucid flying dreams!

I became lucid in booth short dreams..in the latest dream ..i was in a room and looked up at the ceiling and observed a disc ceiling light.. that looked like a flying saucer...and it had a circle of multi colored diamond shaped lights under it...

In dream i stared at this overhead ceiling disc..and noticed the lights were diferent colors... green...red...blue ..orange..and other shades and they were capturing my intrest..

So with a suden shift of conciousness i realized i was dreaming! and willed myself to levetate up in the air to look closer at the multi colored disc on ceiling...

I floated upwards till i was just under the disc ..then the discs colored lights started spining in a circle...

I just stared at it near hypnotized...then alowed my self to wake up in bed!

Its posible that my spice experiance kick started my ability to lucid dream..

They are calling the lift mode THH a nutropic!


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Very interesting report.
I was interested in getting this liftmode THH and try it as a companion with smoked dmt (changa joints) and maybe 1,5gr cubensis as warm-up.

I had experienced that elevator feeling before... like your are sucked through a pipe. But, if you can still feel your body, it´s kind of uncomfortable.
For me, I took a high dose o DMT through a single inhalation on a glass pipe I don´t use anymore... I preffer changa joints, it takes between 2-5 inhalations, is more controlable.

About lucid dreamings... and the recurring theme of being laid in a kind of hospital bed inside a spaceship...

I´m a lucid dreamer myself, I´ve kept a diary of my dreams that I write as soon as I wake up (although I might dream 2-3 times on a night (I wake up) and sometimes I´m lazy to get out of bed and write... but then I might forget about the first dreams...

I think there is much more involved in lucid dreams being induced by certain substances... it´s not only a pharmacological issue.
I think there are entities with you all the time, and they would carry you on your dreams to certain places... taking care of you don´t noticing them.
I´ve had dreams where I felt I was being shower TV screens, projections to influence my dreams.
There were times when I would kind of scape within the hospital/spacehip/buy airport... and I would be stopped... I would wake up with paralysis and feel a distinct feeling of being hold by the waists, and being put something like a hose in the mouth (I maybe taken out...).

I´d been researching on certain literature, like regressive hipnosis (look some session by Calogero Girafini) and also conventional medium like the books from Chico Xavier, which are very instructive.

I believe we aren´t 100% free in our dreams, we are being manipulated. The whole Matrix scene, about waking up in a medvac full of liquids with a mask on and wires... that might be what happens to your etheric body while you are dreaming... we might be being manipulated in our dreams too...
So, practicing lucid dreaming is interesting... next time try to see what´s around you.
starway7 said:
I want to report a trip i had last night before bed...

[[ELEVATOR UP!! ]]Shocked Shocked Shocked

Using my torch lighter ..last night..before bed..I took sublingually only 25mgs of this ...
lift mode/THH...then vaped what i thought to be a very baseline light amount of spice...

OMG!! was i surprised at vaping what weighed only to 12 to 15 mgs of spice...!

Even after vaping most.. [but not all]..of this low dose of spice ....
[there was still a little left in the chore boy pad]!!!

The experince was like i was in an elevator...and it was gaining speed GOING UP!!
The elevator would not stop!! ..and it was gaining speed!...I also heard a loud ..[wining sound] as i decended upward!

At one point i thought...[did i over do it this time!?] it kept gaining speed shooting upwards..this was starting to get uncomfortable..i thought!

Even the relaxing piano music that was playing ..had no calming effect..as the experiance seemed to be getting out of control!

ALL THIS happened...[on only 12 to 15 mgs of spice!!??/ this is not.. [posible..i thought.!!..

It MUST...have been effected by the THH i took sublingually//?

Finally after awhile it slowed down and i was so thankfull it did.....

I like a slower more gentle come up.. and this one seemed out of control..on a tiny amount of spice?

the THH may have had a dirrect effect on this one!

Then later i went to sleep and later in morning had ....TWO LUCID DREAMS! :thumb_up:

Most of my dreams are vivid..but not often lucid....the not so fun experiance i had in the runaway elevator...was made up for..[in morning].. by rewarding me with two lucid flying dreams!

I became lucid in booth short dreams..in the latest dream ..i was in a room and looked up at the ceiling and observed a disc ceiling light.. that looked like a flying saucer...and it had a circle of multi colored diamond shaped lights under it...

In dream i stared at this overhead ceiling disc..and noticed the lights were diferent colors... green...red...blue ..orange..and other shades and they were capturing my intrest..

So with a suden shift of conciousness i realized i was dreaming! and willed myself to levetate up in the air to look closer at the multi colored disc on ceiling...

I floated upwards till i was just under the disc ..then the discs colored lights started spining in a circle...

I just stared at it near hypnotized...then alowed my self to wake up in bed!

Its posible that my spice experiance kick started my ability to lucid dream..

They are calling the lift mode THH a nutropic!

Im still haunted by the ..[posible direct connection]..in my experiance above.. with the ..[elevator up experiance] using the ...[Thh and spice]

and how i had two lucid dreams later that morning back to back..!

There may be a link here?...i may try again soon..but maybe just with a ..
[rue seed and spice capsule]... taken at WBTB...wake back to bed...
not trying to get buzzed with this ...only to tweak my dreaming abilitys...


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Well I tryed it last night...first sleeping for atleast three hours...then waking getting up to go to bathrooom breifly.. turning on lights.. then drinking only 3/4 of my rue tea in photos below..

The amount of rue seed used was.. VERY SMAlL... only one fifth of a gram of rue seed!

Then i mixed barely 30 mgs of spice into the very hot rue tea ..and the freebase desolved very quickly...

I took only a couple of very small sips of the [rue spice tea] ..then took some melatonin...and drank some sleepy time celestrial seasonings tea..went to sleep...

I breifly woke three hours later at [12:30AM].....WBTB..[wake back to bed].. then drank only two thirds of my
[..R..S tea]] it was very bitter!

in the next 5 hours i had ..10 to 13,..dreams...the later dreams i remembered the the clearest and came ...[[very close !!]] to becomming lucid in two dreams...

I was also wearing a ...[smart lucider dream mask]...that monitors my REM eye movement while asleep..

The electronic dream mask watches for [eye movement] while your asleep and it makes its best guess
as to determine if your dreaming or not..
If the device thinks your dreaming..it will signal you with pre set light cues .......
[flashing red Light Emitting Diodes ]

And if your not too groogy or too deeply asleep ..your supposed to recognise the [light cues] signal that your dreaming and become lucid...

Ive been using this device for a couple months .. but unfortunatly... over time the brain finds a way to ignore the cues...But!! im finding that problem can be overcome ..if you use the rue ..and spice in a tea or maybe even in a capsule taken at the right time durring the night..

When i say rue and spice..i mean in a low dose ..that wont be enough to get you noticably stoned while awake...but enough to effect dreaming very strongly while asleep!

Ive suspected for a long time that ..low dose pscyoactives could effect dreaming in a positive way..

After all if i woke up in the middle of the night and had a bananna and went beck to bed..the potasium in the fruit would probibly boost dream vividness to some degree..

So why shouldent a psycoactive have a strong effect also..??

I already know that rue by itself effects dreaming...and now i suspect that ..Spice added to the rue may increase chances for lucidity....

I already became lucid from late in morning twice in post above trying the THH and spice vaped before bed...

Even though..the amount of spice and rue is low...so far...it seems to effect dreaming to the point of pre lucid..to full lucidity in dreams!

[[ IF]].. this mix turns out to be a consistantly effective method to induce lucid dreaming,..

this would be big news for thousands of orionaughts [lucid dreamers]...

I seem to remember my later dreams the best and i remember three dreams as super vivid this morning!

This first dream was longer and an ..[inocent nice dream].. [similar to a dream out of a childs story book] ... with a comic book landscape ..with green lawns.. flowers ... birds bunnys..dogs cats...sun and clouds overhead..

the second late dream... was shorter but remembered much more vividly...as i was traped in a room without a roof,,as i could see clouds and sun above me!..

I kept trying to get out of the door less room .. running and jumping trying to grab the top edge of the rooms wall... to pull my self over and out into the sun lit world outside..

After three tryes i jumped high enough to grab the top edge of the wall and started pulling my self over the edge of the roofless room and as i dropped to the ground outside...[ in dream]..i was so excited that i alowed my self to wake up in bed and record the dream on my digital recorder..

If i made my self lay still long enough the dream would have continued..posibly into a lucid dream!

Latest dream number three ...

In this dream ..i think i was a prisoner on an alien ship...

Because i remember walking into this windowless room and under a bunk bed was a box..

In the box.. there apeared to be many volumes of books...

I was curious about the books but left the room..only to return finding the door shut and locked.

Inside the room was a ..DC...[dream carector]...and through the doors window ..i called to him and asked him to hand me the box under the bed,,,

The without warning!... i heard someone behind me..and turned around looking straight at strange being over 8 foot tall!!

As i looked up at the giant.. i clearly noticed the clothing was all ..shiny black and silver..and the shoulders were very wide and had a sharp curve upwards...

He told me not to talk to the prisioner!

The face of the being appeared to be android..[not human at all!]

The face looked exactly like... DATA..the android on the tv series...

[startrec the next generation!]

It was the eyes that gave him away...they werent human at all.. they were devices that emitted a cold emotioless stare!!

Again i was so excited ..i aborted my dream ans woke up in bed....second chance to become lucid!

This positive change in my dreaming...went from weeks and weeks of many dreams with varying degrees recall ..mostly not that great bof recall...to the higher caliber of dreaming ive experianced this morning again in using rue with spice...

So these two ingrediants in very low doses ]..[used for tripping in higher doses]]....apeare to have a positive strong effect on dreaming by causing the dreamer to maintain a heightened awareness when the dreams do come...!

I mean a dream if...high quality..can take a person anywhere a drug experiance can!

And normaly ...dreams cant harm you..no matter what happenes in them....

I must keep experimenting with physoactive dream supliments!


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the photos above show the very low dose of rue tea...i used last night with only 30mgs spice blended in to the hot water ...[[only about one fifth of a gram of rue seed]

i only drank about 3/4 of the total tea mix and got strong dreaming effects....
forgot to say...that in the alien ship dream...as soon as i saw the giant alien... very clearly..
i also noticed the ...[red flashing light cues].. from my dream mask ...flashing very strongly in front of the alien !

at the time i saw the lights..i also knew it was from the dream mask...but again let my excitement cause me to awaken and abort the dream...

It has been a couple months using the mask during sleep..and never seeing the the flashing lights in the dream untill this morning!

just observing the red light cues clearly was a plus! and another way to inform me that im dreaming!
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