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Think outside the box

Migrated topic.


Rising Star
My reason for joining this forum is that it seems like a place where people really want to learn something about the universe, life and their inner self in an open minded way. So do I. It really seems wonderful to me how everybody contributes to this place in an inspiring manner.

After nearly one month of reading in this forum I feel that now it is the time to introduce myself.
So here I am.
My Alias is Daydreamer because I fell asleep nearly everyday in boring school lessons back when I was in school and because of my interest in Lucid Dreaming.

About one and a half year ago I was able to have 3-4 lucid dreams a week but I didn't really know what to do with this ability so I kinda lost it but currently I realize again how interesting dreams can be especially if they seem to be absolutely realistic.

Other tools I used to explore my inner self are NLP, Self-Hypnosis and Meditation (still a beginner in this practice) but the greatest experience in my Opinion is when one just puts his Ego away and experiences life like a little kid without thinking too much and just feeling this indescribable bliss.

So far my psychedelic experiences are limited to low dose LSA, MJ and one low dose unpure Yopo Extract (felt like someone kept hitting the back of my head with a cinder block)

If you have any questions feel free to ask.

So long

gammagore said:
What brought you here to the Nexus?

I've been interested about personal growth for half a decade now that's how I discovered a lot of peer groups and so it feels like it would only be a matter of time before I find this place.
But basically I was reading in another ethneogen forum and stumbled upon this place and immediately felt that this forum was different in a positive manner.
Hi Daydreamer! I used to have alot of lucid dreams when I was young also. I had alot of clues and things I couldn't do in a dream like run or scream and when this happened I'd have the realisation that is was a dream and it would become lucid for a short time. On a couple of occasions I could create things or manipulate things in the enviroment because I was lucid but I soon forgot and carried on in the usuall dreamy way.

One thing I used to do, which really worked but I didnt keep it up long, was keep a notebook by my bed and write all my dreams in it. after a very short time I found I could remember my dreams every night and they would become lucid much more regularly. I think maybe I'll try this again. I'd love to hear about some of your lucid dreams its really interesting.
I had most of my lucid dreams because I used Reality Checks in every day life like looking at your hand and when you have more or less than five fingers it's a dream or through repeated self-suggestion ("I'll have a lucid dream tonight" ). I also keep a dream log but when I did it daily I remembered up to 9 dreams and I was often too lazy to write them all down.
To be lucid for a longer time it helps to stabilize your dream. E.g. for me rubbing my hands, holding my hand under a sink or spinning around enhances my lucidity.
Most of the time I just flew around randomly (which can be fun too) or killed everything that was in my way.
Tonight I had a Lucid Dream about flying around on the rooftop of an ancient Chinese temple (like a film with Jet-Li)
Then I killed a man who wanted to kill another dream character and a voice asked me: "Why are you so violent?" and my answer was: "because it's my dream".

Next thing I want to do is to smoke DMT in a lucid dream before I even try it in Real Life and compare the two experiences afterwards to see if the mind knew what a DMT Trip would be like and if it is able to increase the natural DMT in your body.
MC Kenna said in an interview that after you have smoked DMT in real life that similar effects are possible through smoking it in a dream. So this inspires me to find out if the mind is familiar with DMT before using it in real life.
I've been attempting lucid dreaming on a more regular basis, and I haven't been able to pull it off recently. I'm really interested in committing more effort into trying =)
Livingstrategy said:
I've been attempting lucid dreaming on a more regular basis, and I haven't been able to pull it off recently. I'm really interested in committing more effort into trying =)

What helped me and a lot of other people to have their first lucid dreams is a free program called Infinity posted by a user named bendrummin in another forum.
It is like a 8 day bootcamp that overloads your brain with the idea of Lucid Dreaming until you have your first Lucid Dream and realize that it wasn't that difficult and you naturally begin to have Lucid Dreams if you remember your dreams (keep a dream diary).
thats really interesting Daydreamer and made me laugh. Thats a really good tip about 'reality checks' I'm going to start doing that along with a new dream journal. Yeah I'd like to hear what happens if you manage to do dmt in a dream. I had a dream where I took acid but didnt have any effect and I had another dream that became very psychadelic. I cant remember too clearly but it was very intense the sky was changing color and god was speaking to me or something like that, but it was very lucid although I couldnt realize it was a dream. I wonder if these sorts of things are linked to the theories of the brain releasing dmt during sleep.

Its pretty impressive that you were able to rememeber so many dreams per night it shows that the dream journal worked.
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