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this is Co²

Migrated topic.


Born to hula
‹hostilis› but you can just tell us about your experience with entheogens
‹hostilis› and your reason for being here
‹Co²› i tried them when i was 16. mushrooms.. havent stoppped reading about them sense..
‹Co²› im here cause the nexus is way more mature than the shroomery or other sites
‹hostilis› for sure
‹hostilis› put that in an introduction

well seeing how i really want to get promoted and use this site without restrictions i decided to write one. when i was 16 my friends were at a local lake side, grassy area with a firepit and a shed (which we accidently burnt down years later). friend 1 had a quote/unquote "funny" idea.. he said he have some magic mushrooms.. ..which 5 of decided to take. friend 1 handed us small tinfoil packets that contained some black looking dirt that smelled of old socks.

after ingestion we just hung out.. for about half hour we were cool then we all noticed our legs were getting funny/weak. we seen that things were looking more watery and things were much funnier, just standing up looking at a lake laughing for no reason. we had such a great time, the lot of us. it stands as my most favorite life memory.

since then i have dried salvia.. lsd (supposedly).. weed.. and thanks to terence mckenna and this website.. DMT! but im now really trying to get my hands on some mescaline, which is proving to be rather hard.. to aqquire materials.

i am a citizen of canada and im here at the nexus because other drug sites are foolish... no offence, they are important but theres too much comotion.

thanks take care :)
I saw you post this in chat:

04:34:31 ‹promote me› ill never get prmoted
04:34:45 ‹promote me› 20+ views on my thread no one has even commented.
04:34:51 ‹promote me› completey depressed now
04:34:53 ‹promote me› im off
That made me laugh, thanks. :) Here's the thing, while I don't know enough about how things work around here to say it with the weight of any authority, I will say that they don't just promote people because of a brief flurry of activity and desperate pleading. You'll need to be patient.
Co² said:
when i was 16 my friends were at a local lake side, grassy area with a firepit and a shed (which we accidently burnt down years later). friend 1 had a quote/unquote "funny" idea.. he said he have some magic mushrooms.. ..which 5 of decided to take. friend 1 handed us small tinfoil packets that contained some black looking dirt that smelled of old socks.

after ingestion we just hung out.. for about half hour we were cool then we all noticed our legs were getting funny/weak. we seen that things were looking more watery and things were much funnier, just standing up looking at a lake laughing for no reason. we had such a great time, the lot of us. it stands as my most favorite life memory.

I like this, very accurate description of such a first time experience. That's exactly how it happens :thumb_up:
PupilOfPerception said:
That made me laugh, thanks. :)
no problem!

PupilOfPerception said:
Here's the thing, while I don't know enough about how things work around here to say it with the weight of any authority, I will say that they don't just promote people because of a brief flurry of activity and desperate pleading. You'll need to be patient.

yeah i just got carried away with my current mind state. its just that another new guy had like 5 views and 2-3 comments..
mine had twenty

oh and thanks Valura! it was the best description i could give
Hi Co2. Welcome to the Nexus.

I definitely agree that this site has a more mature attitude with all of it's members. The promotion process is one of the things that keeps it that way. That is why I was telling you that you need to write up this intro and also make more posts on the other sections that you are allowed to post in now (Welcome Area, Research.) Keep up the posting and taking part in the forums and soon you may get promoted. Just be sure to maintain a good attitude and follow the rules.

Hi Co2. Welcome! I smiled when reading through this post... I just posted an introduction this morning and keep checking if there are any responses... So I completely agree that the vibe here is so much better than some of the other forums. Good luck in your exploration....
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