Lately I've been having the feeling that psychedelic drugs are the only way to truly experience the full power of the human brain.
Think about this for a seconds. What else in the whole effing world can you do (not drug related) to truly experience the pure complexity/beauty of the human mind. I think that becoming knowledgeable and keeping a healthy body and brain is a great thing to do also. I know, from having religious parents, that some people just think that the mind and what it can perceive while sober is amazing and thats all there is to it and everything else isn't right to do since its a ""drug"". I think they believe this because when they think about using "drugs" psychedelic or not they associate that with damaging the brain and body which I do not believe is true if your using the right drugs/psychedelics.
What I am getting at is that alot of people in this world are so used to being in this reality that they don't even think about the fact that these substances are here to help us understand that the human mind is an amazing tool and can be pushed farther than you'd expect.
This is why I believe that whoever created us (if you believe we were created apposed to evolved) put these plants and chemicals on this earth so we could truly know the beauty of the human mind. And I feel sorry for the people who think that its not right to experiment with mind expanding substanses.
P.S. If this sounds weird or just doesn't make sense its because I used to be perscribed to adderall and decided to take a few of my left over pills and then I felt the urge to write this.
I'll re-read it tomorrow. But under the influence or not I still believe in what I just wrote.
Think about this for a seconds. What else in the whole effing world can you do (not drug related) to truly experience the pure complexity/beauty of the human mind. I think that becoming knowledgeable and keeping a healthy body and brain is a great thing to do also. I know, from having religious parents, that some people just think that the mind and what it can perceive while sober is amazing and thats all there is to it and everything else isn't right to do since its a ""drug"". I think they believe this because when they think about using "drugs" psychedelic or not they associate that with damaging the brain and body which I do not believe is true if your using the right drugs/psychedelics.
What I am getting at is that alot of people in this world are so used to being in this reality that they don't even think about the fact that these substances are here to help us understand that the human mind is an amazing tool and can be pushed farther than you'd expect.
This is why I believe that whoever created us (if you believe we were created apposed to evolved) put these plants and chemicals on this earth so we could truly know the beauty of the human mind. And I feel sorry for the people who think that its not right to experiment with mind expanding substanses.
P.S. If this sounds weird or just doesn't make sense its because I used to be perscribed to adderall and decided to take a few of my left over pills and then I felt the urge to write this.
I'll re-read it tomorrow. But under the influence or not I still believe in what I just wrote.