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Thoughts on yopo?

Migrated topic.


Rising Star
I recently tried around 600mg of Anadenanthera peregrina, mixed with around 1/6 to 1/5 of sodium carbonate and snorted. For the most part, I found it completely unintelligible; the intense nausea and general body load combined with the startlingly intense comeup made it pretty hard for me to concentrate or really use my mind at all. During the peak, my mind just seemed to shut down, and I can only recall glimpses of visuals (colored vines? wrapping across my vision, etc). While coming down, I was seriously convinced that this was it, and that this time I really had broken my brain, however a few minutes later enough of normal consciousness returned that I began to feel quite comfortable.

I've tried a smaller dose since, around 4 seeds (not sure of the weight), and this was nowhere near the same strength. Very little nausea and not much in terms of visuals, but a noticeable numbness in my limbs and pressure on my head. Overall, I found yopo (at least using this method) fairly unworkable for me, as the briefness combined with the intense body load made it really hard to bring back anything at all. LSD and mushrooms seem to have worked the best for me so far, with both having a kind of clarity and profundity that I've always liked and been able to work with. So I was wondering if anyone has been able to get something significant out of yopo, and if so, how. Is it a matter of method, one's own personal bent, or something else?

Any insight would be much appreciated 😁
Sounds like it worked great for you, some cant achieve visions and just get sick. I have not had luck using snuff made from sodium carbonate just calcium hydroxide. My favorite way to use the seeds is to make a sodium carbonate snuff like you then run fasa on it and store the bufotenine fumarates freebasing as needed I tend to only use <10mg vaporized with maois. At this dose its like a psilocin analogue at higher doses or with oral maois it delivers prolonged breakthrough experiences which are less disorienting and easier to navigate than DMT. I dont think your snuff is unworkable snorting freebase tryptamines is just always a bit of an ordeal. Its a matter of methods and metabolism some people just dont get a lot outside of vasoconstriction from bufo.
Yopo by itself comes with a lot of unpleasant side effects and disorientation, because it becomes interesting only at larger doses.

However, it also works amazingly well in small quantities, when you've taken shrooms, LSD or other classic hallucinogens. Sort of like a booster, you could say.

It can be taken sublingually without a problem.

I don't know how it works with sodium hydroxide, but when you mix with calcium hydroxide and a little water and let it dry, it forms these small dark brown crumbs, and a few of these crumbs under the tongue will be enough to get effects.
You don't get any side effects with such small quantities.

So i mostly use it as a booster myself. And i realy like it that way. It may sound strange if you've experienced the nausea from larger quantities, but as a booster it can be extremely pleasureable.
I made the bufotenine changa as described by jamie. Dry tek with sodium carbonate on a small amount of cebil seeds, pulled with alcohol and evaporated onto caapi leaf.

I only used it a couple times, and probably will not use it any more. The body load and nausea is very unpleasant. Also smells/tastes bad.
Thanks for all the replies, I'll probably attempt a few more dosings at some point in the future to better explore bufo. I wonder if the complete mental overload I experienced was shock, but of course I'll need to try a few more doses around the 500-600mg range to see if this is the case. I don't think I'll be doing this very soon, but if I remember I'll be sure to update on this :)
Having tried another dose of 650mg (1:4 sodium carb to seed), I assume what I experienced from my first dose was some kind of shock; this time I was able to settle into the experience which was far less propulsive and more relaxing, but still intense. This time the visuals were very prominent, with the main theme that I remember for the peak of the trip being these flowing lattices which geometric but soft-edged visuals would form over. I don't find the visuals to be particularly sharp and vivid, but they're certainly still interesting; after the peak past, I loaded up a bowl of cannabis, which gave the experience some more depth. I recall seeing a vision of a forest of huge trees, the ground completely covered by huge, tangling roots, which were covered by swarms of scuttling jeweled, brightly colored beetles and other insects. It then shifted, and I received this intimation that the earth was a conscious, sentient being – and an incredibly ancient and intelligent one at that – and human consciousness is just a node on this vast consciousness, and just as in a fractal, is made in the image of the whole.

Overall, I found yopo to be far more fascinating this time round, and it's definitely workable for me. This time I had my friend blow the yopo into my nose, which is a far less miserable method then trying to snort all of the snuff, and definitely contributed to the better experience this time round.
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