EG already covered the monk Terence dosed, who apparently was not particularly impressed/astounded. Alpert went all over India passing out strong caps to every Sadhu he met and got the whole gamut of reactions from "this is the best thing ever, where can I get moar?" to "oh yeah we've known all about these mind states for millenia" to getting no reaction at all when giving a very high dose to the Maharaji.
There does seem to be some interesting downstream activity with LSD. Considering such minuscule doses, which are metabolized within a few hours, yet the experience lasts much longer than the time it takes metabolize the drug. It would seem to imply that there may be something else going on here. The fact people get the same white light experience from high dose LSD (and DMT) as they do from 5-MeO-DMT is also an interesting phenomena.
It's a bit of a misnomer to suggest the vine is named as such for DMT. DMT admixture plants are often not used at all, and when used, are often considered only a minor component of the brew (eg. to light up the psychic space opened by the vine).
Both experientially and pharmacologically, 5-MeO-DMT is far moar likely to be involved in endogenous (NDE) experiences than DMT. A visionary/ego-death/breakthrough dose of DMT needs 20-25+ mg, even when it's injected directly into the bloodstream. Whereas, 5-MEO-DMT has been known to give people the rainbow white light at a dose of 5+ mg, smoked. Endogenous spikes up to 2 mg stresses credulity a lot less than endogenous spikes up to 20 mg. Also, note that NDE experiencees generally tend to come back talking about the pure white light rather than fractals and elves.
People eat 10 strips and larger doses all the time. Much of the membership of this website are experienced with such doses.