Before I get into this, most areas in which there was some dispute were fairly subjective, a definitive "right" or "wrong" doesn't really apply to these murky areas of discussion, and personal opinion plays a large role, I'm not trying to say "you are wrong" about anything, I'm simply elucidating my stance on these matters, if there's any disagreement I would happily engage in constructive conversation on the matter.
I'll start with some selected quotes from terence mckenna and occasionally others that are relevant to my position, and while I may not fully agree with mckenna or the others in every area, I more or less support the notions portrayed in these selected excerpts:
Mckenna feels most psychedelics have the potential to aid in experiencing after death consciousness, however I feel that DMT does this most effectively, psilocin can be quite effective as well, provided your willing to consume around 30mgs or more, which most people are not.
...5-meo-DMT can be just as effective, though for me 5-meo-DMT is a more of a "feeling", it's mentally "fuzzy", it's more obvious that I consumed a substance, where with DMT I can't distinguish the experience from actual death, I actually believe I've died, where with 5-meo-DMT it's more obvious that I ingested a compound. plus it isn't necessarily visual, there's ego death, and you "dissolve", but it's not "psychedelic" in some sense, its also lacking something crucial despite its intensity, I also feel it's lacking the clarity and most of the authenticity of the DMT flash. I acknowledge that it may be effective in generating after death states, though my personal standing is that DMT itself is far more effective in doing this.
Also, 5-methoxy-DMT carries potential risks which DMT does not, I'll post an excerpt from TIHKAL as an example, anecdotes similar to this are very common as well:
(As for the LSD, I'm sure you could safely consume quite a bit, though it's really not necessary, it's pushing the limits with out any real need to do so in my oppinion, I'm fairly hard-headed, yet I almost never venture over 500ugs, hell, 250ugs will level most people, even those with fairly resistant egos, and while physically you will probably be safe when taking massive doses, I still think there's a level of un-mindfulness involved with telling others that it's ok to eat LSD in doses of milligrams, but again this is just my thoughts on the matter, like Buddha said "1000 people 1000 paths"
Here was a description of an accidental LSD over-dose, though in this case it's assumed that only "a few score" micrograms were consumed: