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Yeah I had another paragraph in there explaining some more, but I already felt my reply was too long so I deleted it. And to be honest I don't want to go into some of the details publically.

But as I said, poor choice of words. Authority would have been much better. There is not one single root cause for all societal issues, but rather a chimera made up of The Government, Science, Religion & private Organizations/Interests of course. I don`t have a problem with science, I just think it's dangerous how it is kept unchecked [and the way scientists are financed] and often taken advantage of by the other parts of the chimera.

And the blind belief in science/authority by the general population, which is steadily shifting from the old religions, to science/atheism [as a religion, but ultimately authority] (not that I think the old paradigm is any better), is allowing that abuse to happen.


About the technologies and other ways this abuse manifests..Pick your poison..literally

How about Bisphenol-A in almost all plastic food packaging and tin cans? A substance first discovered to be a estrogen substitute, what is that doing there?

Or how about the several incidents of genetically modified mosquitoes and fruit flies released into the wild? GMOs in agriculture are redundant. We'd be much better served reversing the system away from monoculture and reintroduce real sustainable agriculture. All about patentability, selling pesticides (minimum negligent, maybe intentional, who knows), committing biopiracy while preventing others to etc etc. How about the long list of additives of tobacco, freebasing it to make it more addictive, using radioactive fertiliser. Or how about the pandemic of the year scam going on forever now. The list goes on.

I hope thats clearer. Sorry English isn't my native language and my brains fucks up a lot when I switch too often between languages.

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