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Time to share...

Migrated topic.


Rising Star
Hi everybody,

For years I have been going to the Nexus to read and learn. It is to me one of the most interesting, helpfull and important sites on the internet. Allthough I am busy with the plant medicines a lot I never really felt like joining in unless I had something usefull to add. Today, for some reason I felt I wanted to post some TEKs SWIM developed cause I think they can be helpfull. It seems only that you have to be promoted to full membership to do so, which I think is a good thing. I hope introducing myself and explain the TEKs in short I am allowed to explain them in more detail later on.

To inform a bit about my background: I've studied Biology for some years and later also Herbal Medicine. Today I manufacture a whole range of Herbal Medicine, from tinctures to isolates. From Taraxacum to Tabernanthe. I am shure some of you came across some of my products before. Some where discussed on the forum and it is fun to see how people react to them, most reactions where quite positive and I am happy to hear that. For example on the Iboga TPA drops.

As you see I do not have a background in Chemistry, but one of my colleagues has and thats very helpfull. It is a fruitfull cooperation. I like to approach things in a more alchemical way, almost like cooking without a cookbook. This can be a very innovating way, but without the help of my chemist friend I would also get stuck from time to time. My knowledge is more in the plants and their interaction with the human body and mind. I hope I can share what I know and learn what I don't and together come to even better medicine. Hopefully adding something usefull in this short lifetime to the consiousness of the people and health of the planet.

Some TEKs SWIM has developed and would really like to share:

One is a very usefull TEK for making spice using no heat and only 'natural' products.
Second is a TEK for making a Caapi TPA also with only 'natural' products.
Also SWIM succeeded in reducing Harmaline to THH

And there are more...

Hopefully I can post them soon.

:) welcome to d nexus,

sounds like u have some good knowledge to impart, i like the no heat/natural approach.
may i ask how u find such natural product to differ from more processed ones, especially in effects/vibration?

thanks 4 your input, see u about...
Holy crap! I just entered Iboga TPA drops (no quotes) into google, and the first link shown is to this thread. How the hell does google update stuff so fast all the time??
That IS fast from google. Hope SWIM's not in that other 1%...

About the vibration, there is a difference, but it's hard to say if the spirit actually has a preference for limonene over any petrochemical. SWIM certainly knows he does, that helps. SWIM does have the feeling limonene pulls out more oils and less alks which alters the effect, more in the body and to really purify SWIM still has to resort to petro's. So can't really say for shure what makes the difference. Also this TEK is quite new, it is a modification of an older TEK SWIM was using and SWIM does not have enough experience to really say a lot about it. Hopefully together we will find out...Probably ETOH is usable allthough not efficient to quickly wash away most oils and leave most of the alks just for the test. Haven't bothered yet, the product is fine as it is.

Limo pulls more alkaloids than petrochems such as naphtha, but yeah it also pulls more oils. But if you check out teks like BLAB for example you can still get pure white dmt crystals using limonene as solvent.

Welcome to the Nexus btw, im mostly curious about the harmaline to THH, if you care to expand on that. How sure are you that the conversion was really successful?
Nice, first day here and allready some usefull feedback. It feels good to be around. Thx.

The THH is done using a Manske and I believe Sidiqui TEK (Have to recheck notes when at work). Salting out till pure, base out Harmine, filter, base out Harmaline, wash with H2O and reduce refluxing in H2O using Zink and HCl, Base out, filter, wash with H2O, dry and re-x with MeOH. Also experimented with DCM to extract THH from liquid after reducing. Both yields where not very good. It is never properly checked with HTLC or other analysis. I checked Harmine and Harmaline under UV and they both turned green/yellowish-green. The THH from FV turned blue. Also I believe I read a paper from D.McKenna somewhere that THH turnes blue under UV, not sure about that sorry for my vagueness. Good Caapi also turnes pastel blue under UV. The Harmaline solution is green under UV at first and after some time refluxing with Zink and HCl turnes blue. So I think I have it, but not 100% sure. Now I also read that the THH from FV is questionable... So stating I have succeeded was actually a bit premature. Would gladly send sample to anyone who could help me confirm with proper analysis.

It is late now here, hope to be back soon and explain this and other TEK's in more detail

Hey guys

I am no chemist at all, just a radical thinker...lol
After reading your posts, I began think about the "naturalised" methods mentioned.

endlessness stated:
"Limo pulls more alkaloids than petrochems such as naphtha, but yeah it also pulls more oils."
I may be way off..... but would a method of freezing the alkaloids from the non- freezable oils help?

Sorry if I am wasting your time.
Just a thought.
good work guys
Thanks a lot for thinking along Synchroneyes, don't think about wasting time. I am also not a real chemist, still it can be possible to have good idea's. I think it is actually a very interesting thought. Maybe you could freeze separate the oils from the watery bit in the step where you pull alks from the Limonene in acidified water. SWIM will probably experiment with it when he has time. Does anyone tried something like this?

Cool Phytonaut

thanks for replying

I will be very pleased if it works, please let me know.
I like thought experiments. So I looked into the future, as if I was doing your processes.
And that's when I saw it working (in my minds eye). Pulling it out of some freezer!
I hope it does work
and it's a simple, safe and natural method....

best of luck
.. temporal Remote Viewing on the net!
you R a freaky 1...😉

freezing is definately a major advantage in some crystalization processes...check out the Tek talks here.
then let's get u 2 put your hi-res mind on those kinds of practices & share with us nexians...

we are all made of so-called molecules, so we should know them also thru intuition...
welcome Phytonaut, you sure have much to offer the nexus and im appreciative that your open to sharing you experience with our community you are now a part of. :d

recently i was talking to a client of mine who was telling me about her freind whom uses an ayahuasca tincture. this of coarse grabbed my interest right away but since it was a friend of a friend thing not many of my inquires were able to be answered in regards to the nature of this aya tincture. since you mentioned an iboga tincture i was wondering if you have any thoughts on this topic or better yet experience with ayahuasca in this form?
hey phytonaut , welcome to the nexus :d
thank you for adding those teks , also looking forward to harmaline conversion to thh
this is great , swim would love to convert harmaline to thh :d
Thanks for all the warm replies! It feels very good to be a part of the community.

About the Ayahuasca tincture. I produce and work with 3 kinds. One is a traditional Mother tincture off the whole Vine. The other one a tincture of the TPA. And last a homeopathic potentiation of the TPA (the last, not developed by myself).
The first 2 have about the same direction. The energy they have feel to me as one of acceptance. The first time I tried it was when I finished the TPA as nice clear crystals for the first time. I was in my car going somewhere and brought them with me to show and maybe test. I came in a huge traffic jam as far as the eye could see, and that after my long day's work. I felt an energy of irritation coming up so thought about how to deal with that. Lets try some crystals sublingually I thought. Almost instantly a wave of relaxation came over me and I noticed how beautifull the sunset was and how nice that I now had enough time and possibility to enjoy it. And this is the effect the TPA tincture has, an immediate sense of acceptance in a situation you can't do anything about. The mother tincture has about the same effect, but less direct and clearly noticible. Also have the feeling it reaches a bit deaper. So the first one would be usefull in direct situations like a shock, sense of fear, agitation etc. The second would be good for longer lasing problems, like feeling anger towards a situation that is or was where you have a negative feeling towards, without that feeling helping you get somewhere, in other words useless and senseless feelings that won't change the situation. It does not subdue the feelings, it helps you 'see' it more clear. They both also seems to help with depression when doing a treatment with them over a longer period of time. It is not always the good thing to give, sometimes our emotions are very important to really feel deep, maybe even long. It is up to the therapist/healer/self-helper to feel and know when is the good time and reason. The homeopathic variety is abit different, it makes you just in a bit more happier mood I have the feeling. When on a treatment it might also increase your sensitivity. I read somewhere that that was also one of the firts uses of Caapi, to feel the energy of other plants.

To get back on the question about the vibration of the natural spice. SWIM got quite some responses back lately from people he shared with. They all really like it. Things like more rounded, warmer, gentler, less sharp edges, easier where said. Also less intense and less of an impact and less 'deep' in visionary terms (which can be a good thing or not, depending what your looking for). I kinda feel the same. But even when SWIM made some clear crystals using Petroleum-Ether (To check exactly the difference the reddish, oily part makes) which makes it offcourse not 100% natural and no heat anymore, SWIM and others still had the same feeling... Also the shape of the crystals allthough clear where different than usual. Like rocky chunks with lines instead of sea urgin like shapes he normally gets. So there is also something else, maybe the way SWIM felt smelling nice oranges all the time instead of, to qoute another nexian, dinosaur farts...When SWIM tried them out, he had the Nexus on his mind a lot, that was very interesting.

BTW I think it's very cool people having a different way like the 'temporal remote viewing on the net' help and see.

That many different minds with the same intent may support eachother in our shared goals.

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