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timothy leary

Migrated topic.


we're protected by a celestial shield of zen from
because we've tripped and meditated so much we feel a lot like timothy
leary, (and it seems like a lot of people are kind of at this point,
though its bit awkward and perhaps pointless acknowledging this in the
ego world), like we wrote the world on both(all?) sides of everything,
and now, we're just kinda here doing stuff, im speaking literally to
the languages of creation and the metaphysical planes as beings and
friends, everything has become intense animistic poetry
i'm just an atom in some mystery frittering about
the sunshine, oh wanti, oh that which is never known

its written but the words themselves are alive, i cannot control them,
they must change as they will

but the art of it is taking this raw material and fine tuning it
editing it to be as kind of possible in the spirit of its true
teaching which we intuit, because there are some mistakes in there,
maybe they are purposefully there to make it so we have to think for
ourselves, make it our own, similar in many ways to the torah andmany
spiritual texts, what Leary did was kind of extract the essence of
those into one thing, and take it from the confines of ego to some
degree by using the neutral language of modern times

other books this can be done with to good effect are lucid dreaming
books, the kama sutra, books about fractals, kabala, and magic, the teachings of rastafari

metta programming

metta writing

metta compassion

metta nature

programming languages dont have to do exclusively with computers, they
have to do with underlying patterns in the universe an integral part
of which is chaos, a version of which we ourselves operate on, and so
when we realize this we can see computers not as so seperate, as alive

this isn't frightening but exhilirating, its no longer robotic but
just another way of expression, we are not limited in perception by
our own expectations

this is an awakening

the rainbow and the computer is deep, in a way all of us are
computers, plants are computers, everything is this ancient and divine
technology of spirit, there is no rift
and so tao is attained, understanding healing at every level
throughout existence/nonexistence, through integration with the whole

ironically non conformists can be some of the most integrated people
and offer a healing to the rest of the group in some way, in this way,
things that go outside of lables are valuable, and represent a
compassion non duality and ultimate equality which is manifest of
love, and the ness which imbues all things with their beingness.
Welcome Porcupine,
I can see the spice has given you a lot to think about ;)

I'm glad to have a new member in our community, especially one who has so much to write and think about when it comes to consciousness and ways of exploring that. I'm sure you'll fit in fine with our little community here.

You are into 8CB? Neat! I am trying to get into it via Antero Allis take on the subject via his books Angel Tech and THE EIGHT-CIRCUIT BRAIN Navigational Strategies for the Energetic Body.

What you say about editing is nice. I run into a lot of mechanical body problems along with all the usual first 4 circuit stuff when trying to grow up and be independent enough to say that I am surviving on my own, when started read these books.

Integrating is the hard part when the body gets overloaded with data from the higher up. Best advice I can say to anyone wanting doing this stuff is to exercise the body and eat healthy diet, look for example some raw food things like high carbohydrate and low fat maybe?, like 80/10/10 numbers being percentages of calories from total intake 80% from carb, 10% from fat and 10% from potein.. Meaning a lot of fruit :) Look it up as pro athletes eat a lot of bananas :D

"To fly higher plant both feet firmly on the ground" -don't remember who :D

Have a good one :) <3
porcupine said:
programming languages dont have to do exclusively with computers, they
have to do with underlying patterns in the universe an integral part
of which is chaos, a version of which we ourselves operate on, and so
when we realize this we can see computers not as so seperate, as alive

the rainbow and the computer is deep, in a way all of us are
computers, plants are computers, everything is this ancient and divine
technology of spirit, there is no rift
and so tao is attained, understanding healing at every level
throughout existence/nonexistence, through integration with the whole

^well put. Are you perchance familiar with the writings of Robert Anton Wilson (whose Prometheus Rising is a sort of workbook version of the 8 circuit model) or Principia Discordia, holy sacred text of Discordianism? The latter in particular explores and describes the nature of Chaos (Greek word meaning "Void"), the interplay between order/disorder. It suggests we break the universe down into 2 fundamental elements, serious/playful, but also gives a 5 element breakdown which escapes me at the moment. You may find the former good for the brilliant exercizes, and the latter for good entertainment and hopefully more...
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