welcome friend:thumb_up: i also think the earth is an alien experiment , but what for? What outcome? I personally think that the earth is a giant organic computer that the aliens have built to work out some wild question that is just impossible to answer , THE QUESTION , the one that always circulates on the event horizon of our consciousnesses. The question we all know but cannot put into words because our gutteral vocal chords are too primitive to utter even one syllable of the first word .A question that if we gazed upon it written on a sheet of A4 it would turn our cerebral cortexes to a universe inside a rice krispie. The question that empires have fallen for. The question that extinguished the dinosaurs. The question that when spoken by the immortals, from ages past, ignited the stars .The question that , like all lifeforms in all dimensions we crave the answer to. Seeking but never even getting the first clue.
It is said of old that the different letters of this question were forged in each of the separate dimensions and when the end is nigh, and believe me , it will be sooner than you think. These letters will be bought together once again and eternity will come to an end. You think you want the answer to a question you cannot speak, i know i do. But the simple thing is we are not supposed to know the answer my friend, if the question is an infinite brain mushfest then the answer makes a super nova look like a very small candle on.. a cupcake. There is a suggestion of a side of the answer (which in itself is a pan dimensional supposition and therefore has too many sides to imagine) in our peripheral psychic vision, like the waft of an old familiar smell from our childhood perhaps resonating comfort, or fear, perhaps he smell of your mothers breast as she fed you as a babe in arms or the stale smell of vinegar from last nites chips (french fries) . Who knows young traveler, but i think i"ve worked the first letter out as a b or maybe an f?
try not to turn your brain too inside out, ignorance is bliss knowledge is pain