Rising Star
It is what inspires all other experience,
without which,
there can be no real consciousness of experience,
because consciousness is awareness.
Awareness that is truly genuine comes only after transcendental experience,
out of which the flower of awareness sprouts.
Of course wisdom begins in wonder,
the child of awareness, the child of transcendental experience.
I am born again when I remember I am God.
Everyone in a reality is God. All realities are One.
The system compromising We is everyone of us.
We are One. I am One.
The real trip is your life. That's the ultimate psychedelic realization.
Everyone around me is reacting to myself, mostly unconsciously.
We don't realize we are as a system of mirrors all positioned as dewdrops in a web to reflect each other.
This omni-dimensional diamondal transcendental object is your Self,
and yourself, I am
and myself, you are
each other are We.
Your reality is as a mirror reflecting all other realities within it.
If you become simply aware as much as you can of your reality,
you can clearly see other's realities reflecting your reality.
When two realities cross each other, this is a synchronicity event.
It is no glitch in the space time continuum. It is nothing but the instantaneously-lived illumination of a shock anamnesis
that we are each other.
When the ego becomes dissolved,
synchronicity is everywhere.
The ego regulates the reality boundaries.
If the ego is dissolved by whatever means,
the boundaries existing only abstractly between realities disappear,
and it is possible that this happens to such a complete degree,
that your entire existence become identical with a synchronistic event,
your life is in your complete design.
If everyone around you is yourself,
you value others as equally as you value yourself, if not more,
because you realize everyone is a perfect teacher, even if they don't know it.
Self-importance falls away in the light of unity.
All lessons from any direction are significant and absorbed when the ego is gone.
Cooperation is preferred to competition.
Whoever makes a discovery is a discovery for the whole race,
for there is no discovery independent from a discovery of the Whole.
All information is yours. For none other than yourself that is We,
asks a question and finds the answer. You may be born to ask a certain question.
You may never find the answer. But someone else may have been born
as a consequence of your question to find the answer. And he finds the answer.
He that finds your answer, even if the discovery be long after you're dead,
is identical to yourself that asked the question.
All minds are One.
There is not he that progresses and he that does not.
There is only we and we move as One. It is only a question of degree of harmonious coordination.
My genius is yours. Your genius is mine. There is just Our genius.
Let go of your intellectual and spiritual pride. For pride is a defense mechanism. Are you triggered right now?
I encourage you to live without secrets, because I believe this will permit you to live for the beautiful.
It is no virtue for the sake of spirituality to tolerate negative and destructive people, circumstances and society that are dead and death to love.
In the path of following with dominality of intention of what brings us joy,
we weed out of our reality everything that causes us pain,
because we have learned to value ourselves and our beauty too much to any longer tolerate such insults to our existence.
You do not have to be insulted emotionally, intellectually, or existentially.
There is no existence outside of yourself.
There is no mind outside of yourself.
There is no emotion outside of yourself.
Who is that can be insulted except thy pride?
We are embarrassingly notorious for this. Pride is the filth of ego.
Our realities can only merge together harmoniously as One when the ego is placed aside.
Command it to step aside from the front of the gates of heaven. And enter.
If we can do this, we will breathe an unbreachable peace, and an intelligence so beyond our present phase of evolution will be of access to create the most incredible future the human race can potentially know.
Brothers and Sisters, Gods and Goddesses, Shamans and Shamanesses, We can change the world. And we can do it only through letting go of ourselves as islands,
and by identifying instead with the web of consciousness we exist but as dew droplets upon,
reflecting each other perfectly if only we have a vision complete enough to see.
Wake up man! Wake up woman! The world is falling apart around us; it will be on your doorstep soon.
What's your plan when the world burns down? When society crumbles beneath the weight of a symbol,
and we drown in our incredible wealth, will you be around awake enough to found a new order?
Will you abandon the new world in the spirit of self-preservation? of survival?
Have fear in you to die? If fear means death then what?
Until you meet with yourself reflecting like a moon in water in the lake of death,
you cannot become as the consciousness of the Ocean.
True power, power with which you can be trusted, comes only from the ocean.
All others perceived forms of power are frauds,
that exist so long as fear and intimidation can occupy your attention,
causing you to lose focus on your own authenticity as the Creator.
We can build the unimaginable, only when we become unimaginable to ourselves,
having forgotten ourselves as islands.
without which,
there can be no real consciousness of experience,
because consciousness is awareness.
Awareness that is truly genuine comes only after transcendental experience,
out of which the flower of awareness sprouts.
Of course wisdom begins in wonder,
the child of awareness, the child of transcendental experience.
I am born again when I remember I am God.
Everyone in a reality is God. All realities are One.
The system compromising We is everyone of us.
We are One. I am One.
The real trip is your life. That's the ultimate psychedelic realization.
Everyone around me is reacting to myself, mostly unconsciously.
We don't realize we are as a system of mirrors all positioned as dewdrops in a web to reflect each other.
This omni-dimensional diamondal transcendental object is your Self,
and yourself, I am
and myself, you are
each other are We.
Your reality is as a mirror reflecting all other realities within it.
If you become simply aware as much as you can of your reality,
you can clearly see other's realities reflecting your reality.
When two realities cross each other, this is a synchronicity event.
It is no glitch in the space time continuum. It is nothing but the instantaneously-lived illumination of a shock anamnesis
that we are each other.
When the ego becomes dissolved,
synchronicity is everywhere.
The ego regulates the reality boundaries.
If the ego is dissolved by whatever means,
the boundaries existing only abstractly between realities disappear,
and it is possible that this happens to such a complete degree,
that your entire existence become identical with a synchronistic event,
your life is in your complete design.
If everyone around you is yourself,
you value others as equally as you value yourself, if not more,
because you realize everyone is a perfect teacher, even if they don't know it.
Self-importance falls away in the light of unity.
All lessons from any direction are significant and absorbed when the ego is gone.
Cooperation is preferred to competition.
Whoever makes a discovery is a discovery for the whole race,
for there is no discovery independent from a discovery of the Whole.
All information is yours. For none other than yourself that is We,
asks a question and finds the answer. You may be born to ask a certain question.
You may never find the answer. But someone else may have been born
as a consequence of your question to find the answer. And he finds the answer.
He that finds your answer, even if the discovery be long after you're dead,
is identical to yourself that asked the question.
All minds are One.
There is not he that progresses and he that does not.
There is only we and we move as One. It is only a question of degree of harmonious coordination.
My genius is yours. Your genius is mine. There is just Our genius.
Let go of your intellectual and spiritual pride. For pride is a defense mechanism. Are you triggered right now?
I encourage you to live without secrets, because I believe this will permit you to live for the beautiful.
It is no virtue for the sake of spirituality to tolerate negative and destructive people, circumstances and society that are dead and death to love.
In the path of following with dominality of intention of what brings us joy,
we weed out of our reality everything that causes us pain,
because we have learned to value ourselves and our beauty too much to any longer tolerate such insults to our existence.
You do not have to be insulted emotionally, intellectually, or existentially.
There is no existence outside of yourself.
There is no mind outside of yourself.
There is no emotion outside of yourself.
Who is that can be insulted except thy pride?
We are embarrassingly notorious for this. Pride is the filth of ego.
Our realities can only merge together harmoniously as One when the ego is placed aside.
Command it to step aside from the front of the gates of heaven. And enter.
If we can do this, we will breathe an unbreachable peace, and an intelligence so beyond our present phase of evolution will be of access to create the most incredible future the human race can potentially know.
Brothers and Sisters, Gods and Goddesses, Shamans and Shamanesses, We can change the world. And we can do it only through letting go of ourselves as islands,
and by identifying instead with the web of consciousness we exist but as dew droplets upon,
reflecting each other perfectly if only we have a vision complete enough to see.
Wake up man! Wake up woman! The world is falling apart around us; it will be on your doorstep soon.
What's your plan when the world burns down? When society crumbles beneath the weight of a symbol,
and we drown in our incredible wealth, will you be around awake enough to found a new order?
Will you abandon the new world in the spirit of self-preservation? of survival?
Have fear in you to die? If fear means death then what?
Until you meet with yourself reflecting like a moon in water in the lake of death,
you cannot become as the consciousness of the Ocean.
True power, power with which you can be trusted, comes only from the ocean.
All others perceived forms of power are frauds,
that exist so long as fear and intimidation can occupy your attention,
causing you to lose focus on your own authenticity as the Creator.
We can build the unimaginable, only when we become unimaginable to ourselves,
having forgotten ourselves as islands.