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Transitions and transcendence

Migrated topic.


Rising Star
Senior Member
OG Pioneer
Hello to all,

This is all fiction, of course...
I usually don't do forums. I barely have the time to read a decent book these days, and posting in forums mostly seems like a waste of time. Or reading them. I've found this one to be considerably different. I've been reading up on the topic of DMT etc. for a few days, for some reason compelled to do so. And this place has been one of my primary resources. Despite the fact that I can get all the information I would need from just reeding, without becoming a member here, I considered joining anyway. Why? The level of communication here impressed me. It felt... like actual communication, instead of what passes for it some times. I therefore applaud this rule about the Nursery and your resilience against the nauseating sickness called SPAM!

In any case... about me: I've been interested in psychedelics for a long time. The first time I did LSD I did it out of interest and knew right away that it was something special. This was maybe ten years ago. I've tried other drugs, mind you. But I never saw the merit in anything but psychedelics. I've never taken them for parties, but always for some sort of purpose. Transitions in my life, marked not by physical change, but rather by ones of the heart - they usually incline me towards psychedelics. This happens maybe once every year or so. Though given the time consuming nature of my work, I end up doing them even less than that.

Clarity of thought and quick and logical thinking are essential to my work, and I've heard people criticise my occasional desires saying that they needed to be clear minded. Well, so do I, but I don't subscribe to their fears. I've never really had any fear of losing this clarity for longer than a two-day period, so that's not really an issue. In taking psychedelics I find the real issue is mind-set and setting, which are hard to come by in my neck of the woods. Mind-set, because I'm constantly working and have little time to go into spiritual repose to prepare; and setting, well, let's just say I don't trust anyone to sit me, without ruining my experience. I like to do it alone, and solitude isn't something you find so easily in a big city, especially not if you're living with someone.

In any case - that's why I end up maybe taking something once every two or three years.

Also, I don't believe in under-dosing. I trust myself to handle quite a lot. I've been through dark times as well, but I always navigated through without doing something completely stupid. The really bad experiences I've had were from under-dosing, when my ego/narcissism still has enough pull to direct my trip and takes me down the guilt road or the paranoid road or wherever it decides to take me. It could be just the stupid road as well. Taken a dose above that threshold usually renders me incapable of doing much anyway, except watching in awe and learning - so I'm not really in danger of anything physical. And these substances are non lethal in general... so... I go for the full glory.

I've never done DMT and don't know if I will ever have the chance to. I'm considering it, strongly. I've read 'the spirit molecule' but didn't really like the conclusion. It felt a bit forced, and I guess that's because the author never took any DMT himself. I find myself believing very strongly that there is some great significance in the things we experience on psychedelics, revealing what is hidden, but more - revealing the connection we as living beings have to the cosmos and our paths towards transcendence and beyond. The author didn't really convey this to me at the end.
Through the use of psychedelics I believe we become deeper, more prone to feel... anything, everything. It makes us more subtle, more compassionate, more humble.
From what I've read DMT and 5-Meo both seem to go along those lines, though in my opinion the trip itself is only maybe 10% of the deal. All psychedelic experiences need context, interpretation etc. There is always work to be done before and afterwards, to understand yourself using the revelations. I'm curious to find out.

One of my most profoundest experiences has led me to becoming a Vegan (don't worry I don't try to convert others). I was a full blown meat eater before, but after this one psylocibine night I simply could not support the torturing of these creatures any longer, for the simple fact that their suffering was our suffering, since I truly believe that we are connected on the most deepest of levels. What I do unto to you, I do unto myself. (and what do you know, aligning my outer life with my inner world cured my depressions as well)

In order, however, to connect to others on not quite such a deep level, I came here.

I know this is not a real essay. It's more like a conglomeration of thoughts in no particular order. Sorry, it's the best I can come up with now. In hopes of receiving some form of communication from this *essay* though, I will end here with best wishes to all.

Strength and courage!
Welcome to the forum. Some random comments about your intro:

This is definitely the place to be if you are interested in DMT. “Clarity of thought and quick and logical thinking” – hmm… air traffic controller? :)

As you have already read, a DMT experience lasts only a few minutes and generally leaves one feeling mentally clear and alert. No fogginess.

You say you trust yourself to handle quite a lot – DMT will definitely test the limits of that trust.

I strongly suspect that Strassman has used DMT. He didn’t take any as part of his research trials, but I can’t imagine that he’s never tried it himself.
gibran2 said:
Welcome to the forum. Some random comments about your intro:
This is definitely the place to be if you are interested in DMT. “Clarity of thought and quick and logical thinking” – hmm… air traffic controller? :)
As you have already read, a DMT experience lasts only a few minutes and generally leaves one feeling mentally clear and alert. No fogginess.
You say you trust yourself to handle quite a lot – DMT will definitely test the limits of that trust.
I strongly suspect that Strassman has used DMT. He didn’t take any as part of his research trials, but I can’t imagine that he’s never tried it himself.

Thanks and well, not quite air traffic controller :p but it's still important...

I'm actually more interested in the Pharmahuasca experience since I'm a terrible smoker. For example I've never managed to get any effect whatsoever with Salvia, because I just couldn't hold the smoke in. I hear DMT smoke is quite harsh so I doubt that will work for me. Anything ingested or sublingual w/ MAOI is what I'm thinking of...

Concerning my limits, well I'm counting on being pushed or tested. Otherwise what would be the point? I'm not really interested in being comforted or having funny visuals. The pushing is what I'm after. Hence the aversion against low doses...

Concerning Strassman, yeah this was pointed out in another thread as well and made me feel stupid. Honestly, I never considered that he would have lied about that. Goes to show you how gullible I am. lol.

Very nice intro. You'll fit in here completely.

DMT will leave you with no fogginess or lack of clarity in the aftermath. It may leave you feeling a bit unhinged, questioning all that you see and feel, but there is none of the head full of cobwebs next day that LSD can sometimes produce. In fact, I notice in the hours after returning to baseline that my cognitive abilities actually seem, if anything, greatly enhanced. Example: I'm a bit of a crossword nerd, and I've whipped through a bunch of puzzles this way in (what for me is) record time. You will feel, both during and after the experience, that your brain has been set on fire.

Regarding Strassman, I can't imagine the possibility that he hasn't had the experience. I mean, it's his life's work. If it were yours, wouldn't you want to see for yourself exactly what it was?

Edit: Don't worry too much about smoking ability. With a clean extraction and proper technique, the vapor isn't harsh at all.
Welcome Enoon, it's been a pleasure to have you at the Nexus so far!

Agree with everything said above, and SWIM reiterates that properly vaped, DMT feels smooth as silk.
In order not to start a new thread, I'll just post this here:

I don't think it's said enough in general, and I've felt the overwhelming need to say it to this forum... you guys are amazing and I'm incredibly grateful to have been allowed a peek into this community.

So for what it's worth - I love you guys.

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