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so, a friend of a friend dreamed that she recently had some frequent experiences with dmt... two major experiences yesterday, and another a couple of days earlier, with a few lesser experiences in between. this person seems to be having a bit of a hard time integrating now... everything (including inanimate objects... certain ones in particular) seems to be taking on a sort of personality that this friend thinks is not entirely on her side. not that these things are evil or anything, but is seems as if they are sort of having a laugh at her expense. so.... she is sort of feeling the need to return to that space to figure it all out, but has decided to give the old lungs and throat a rest for now. but there is still this constant nagging feeling of needing to find out what these beings (for lack of a better word) are up to. i don't really know what i'm trying to say or ask here... just needed to express that and didn't really know who else to tell....
A freind of mine, on lower doses,like from 40 to 50mg, has seen that arrangments of material things, like where some one sets a tv on a table and a box of books or anything with some human design and cognative arrangment have an awareness of there own which is dependent on the arranger and is a reflection of the arranger, as in they exist because of the one who arranged them and are some how a part of that person, there sense of self is dependent on the arranger. I can go on and on with my philosophy on this, but I tend to be a blow hard so I'LL spare you all for the moment, and maybe put it up elsewhere some other time. This freind of mine has also noted that the patterns with awareness that float around will some times pass through eachother and where they do, an altogether different awareness forms, but is gone by the time theyve passed thru eachother. Like where they overlap for the moment. Than for a few days afterward, while not tripping, he'll sense a person glancing at him in his periphreal vision, hell kinda see this than look and its gone. This will happen 1 to 3 times over a 3 day period after a DMT experience. He's thinking that some subtle recognizable feature comparable to the type in DMT land, (maybe just 2 gust of wind nailing eachother) fall within his feild of vision, triggering a synapse that projects a human where this momentary entity is. It might be the same thing that is there when he's "on"DMT, but of course it wont appear so. They always seem interested him, as tho concerned of his well being or somthing like this, like they are worried. So the mini theory is that since he has become aware of this phenomenon and these entities, that he is now capable of seeing them, the idea being that when you look at somthing, youre actually projecting onto recognizable features, and it takes memory and data to actually see things.That is the core of perception. I dunno I dropped out of high school....
Incedently, these entities that are a product of a persons arrangment, have seemed to me to some what protective of their "creator". For instance there was a time when these arrangments flat out "told" or radiated, emitted or something to my freind, that he was, at best, tolerated by the women in whos house he was in and whos arrangments he was surrounded by, if you knew my freind you'd probably laugh to yourself in belief of this, altho he was oblivious to the prospect until than, so oblivious that he would disturb her arrangments with no appearent respect for her "ways" and decor, they were probably mad at him for constantlly messing them up. Got him thinking about the reality of house gods, or teraphym(sp?).
Thought this snippet from a Buddha Master kinda fits in to what you are both saying: "Not only human beings, but animals and plants are all alive. Any substance may manifest its form of life in other spaces. When your Celestial Eye reaches the plane of the Law Eye Sight, you will find that everything, including rocks, walls or whatever you see, will greet and talk to you."
hmmm.... interesting. thing is, these objects are all (or mostly) this friend's own belongings which she has arranged herself. yet they are laughing over her shoulder.... she feels a bit like the butt of the great cosmic joke. she has indeed been feeling a bit disturbed for the past couple of days....
...oh, i should mention also that the song she was listening to at the time of the initial experience seems to be in on the conspiracy as well....
[quote:dd357866a9="twinkletoes"]...oh, i should mention also that the song she was listening to at the time of the initial experience seems to be in on the conspiracy as well....[/quote:dd357866a9] I got that on my first (and last) jungle spice trip. Tool's "10000 Days" was on (stupid yes, but I didn't think anything was going to happen) and to complement the other horrors perpetrated on my mind, the album - lyrics and music - was describing the experience I was having. I mean that specific experience, not just jungle spice. They were even talking about my freaking out to them talking about my freak out.
It's bad you have this kind of experience, it seems to differ from person to person. After the aya journeys I took, the things in the 'real' world en me seems to have more respect for eachother. I can enjoy everything more as before my journeys. Also I've got the feeling everything around me en myself are more as one as before. I hope you can go back and sort things out, it sounds like the wisest thing to do in your case.
I would really suggest trying a higher dose. It's the same with Salvia D'(altho' totally differnt), some times the contents in the proximal psyche dont allow us to get passed ourselves. I've noticed myself that some times my "thinking" is a barrier, and I dont mean my ability to unconsciously compute or my cognition, but that internal mercury ruled chatter-box, and also my own hang ups. When I first started w/DMT I ingested lower doses, and new pretty swiftly that in order to get past my own mind I'd need more, my chatter box keeps me too grounded, and I dont mean rational, but too much associated with the self, likes and dislikes, critiquing the experience etc. There is a fact that everything in the universe is one, but there is also the fact that in the universe that is bound globally by human neurons, there are items. People in our cultures, in our times are off balance here living too much in the world of items/differences/selfs and others. We allow are selves to compare this event to that event myself to that person, people like me to people not like me. If some one goes around saying"I'm real, I'm a hippy, those people are doing this or that, and are superficial" than that person is locked in an image, and in there mind the concept of self and others is strong and they'd do well to shave there dreadlocks and commune with one of Blackclo's rocks. My point is in all of us , to some degree, there is this over exploited aspect of the mind "things" and "others", when these entities start teasing or become all to independent, I think its time to meditate on your unity with all things. And blackclo, I think that buddah of yours is crazy absolutly crazy
:) Lol. Blacksheep I'm just passing the info of what I read, who knows maybe theres some truth in it, maybe not but I think it's too early to say. Theres still alot of mysterious stuff out there and maybe certain people really do have knowledge and higher perception abilities to allow them to uncover certain things about reality that current science still can't. After all, the mind is the most mysterious and complicated thing that we know of, maybe they have found ways to utilize more of it.
thanks for your input everyone. yesterday sure did seem strange (to this friend), but things seem to have calmed down a bit today.
Good to hear your feeling better twinkletoes- Blackclo- I was just joking, altho I think that whoever said that quote was being a little patronizing, science may never be able to detect what the human mind is actually connected to, our neurons create this universe, physics says a bumble bee cant fly or a humming bird. There are what people have been seeing for years and documenting, a philosophy of the orgins of the universe and humanity. The Secret doctrine, the oldest known spiritual manuscript, the yin & yang, Tao Te Ching, Zohar, even the book of genisis, and the first paragraph of the Gospel according to John, all of these were seen from a head, not a telescope or electron microscope, and all have the same spirit describing creation, and what science has been reporting since the early last century has the same feel. You can trust science, I'll trust my head. Ancient Greeks knew the earth is round by noticing the mast of a ship was the first thing to come up on the horizon before the hull of the ship, I could tell the earth is round by watching the differences of the reflection on the ocean of the sun set, than shortly after the moon settings reflection, and the stars reflection, catch a glimpse on the right night & you'll see what I mean. Greeks also knew about elementry particles and called them atoms, we say they were wrong because we call the same thing quarks and somthing else atoms. Einstein believed in what he called the cosmic religious experience, he also believed what Lao Tzu teaches that anything can be discovered from the mind, Einstein knew so much that was disregaurded til he put it in mathmatics and used natural phenomenon to prove it, but to me he also proved that he the greeks, Jesus & buddah are right about anything being reachable from the mind. When one sees what 1000micrograms looks like than eats it, or 50mg of DMT, when these small amounts do what they do, it's easy to see that all is mind
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