so, a friend of a friend dreamed that she recently had some frequent experiences with dmt... two major experiences yesterday, and another a couple of days earlier, with a few lesser experiences in between. this person seems to be having a bit of a hard time integrating now... everything (including inanimate objects... certain ones in particular) seems to be taking on a sort of personality that this friend thinks is not entirely on her side. not that these things are evil or anything, but is seems as if they are sort of having a laugh at her expense. so.... she is sort of feeling the need to return to that space to figure it all out, but has decided to give the old lungs and throat a rest for now. but there is still this constant nagging feeling of needing to find out what these beings (for lack of a better word) are up to. i don't really know what i'm trying to say or ask here... just needed to express that and didn't really know who else to tell....