endlessness said:
Attitude Page said:
Watch your language - Communication is comprised of not only the explicit but also the implicit messages, which are transmited through choice of words and general tone of speech. We do not want curse words and immature slangs in the nexus! Please use language in a dignified manner.
I would say "tripping ballz" falls under the 'immature slangs' criteria.
If you want to ask how the aztek tripped, why not ask "Tripping - The aztek way", or whatever else. I dont see how the title gains anything from saying "ballz".
Sorry to divert the topic, I can delete our posts apart from your first one, once you changed. Thanks.
No apologies! I understand your concerns. Please don't delete our posts, i like the interaction.
I changed the topic title. I'm just a rebel by nature tho, i used the slang Tripping ballz to convey the attitude i see around me concerning use and abuse of psilocybe mushrooms and other substances. And how it contrasts to how it was used in a society that intergrated it into their culture as a way of life.
۩ said:
I am particularly interested in the fact that when I clicked this link, I presumed it would be specifically about the Azteks, whereas I found within the thread was actually about the Mayans. The reason I find this interesting is because all I know about history I was either taught in school, or I read online- these are in no way direct experiences. I just have this second hand glimpse at what apparently was. My mind lumps the Azteks and the Mayans into the same category, and this is simply due to pure ignorance. I know jack about them, their locations, what differentiates between them, and so on.
Vague notions of throwing balls through stone circles, the losing team dies. As well as hearts removed still beating as an offering to the sun.
Aztek or Mayan?
What was the guy at the top of the pyramid burning copal with the red eyes on?? I want what that guy was on!
That's from the movie Apocalypto isn't it? I also saw the throwing balls in the film The road to El Dorado (Which was awesome! )
I looked up Mayans and Azteks before i made this post but i could not interest myself enough to look at the historical facts just yet. I think they where both present during the same time period? Around 1200 AD. Actually i think the Mayans have older roots and the Aztecs came later. Probably heavily influenced by the Mayans. I don't know so much about them either apart from what i have read on the internet. They don't teach this to us in my history class either. :roll:
It doesn't matter much to me which civilization is which, i'm specifically interested in how they intergrated drugs into their culture. And what exactly did they gain from it.
I know they did ritual human sacrifice, or atleast that is what is thought to have happened. Which is pretty extreme if you think about it. There's plenty of evidence that this actually occured. There are no clues that i know of that indicate why they did this tho. General consensus is superstition and ignorance but i think that downplays the intelligence of these humans that came before us. Fact is , we just don't know. We can merely speculate. I'm thinking they (un)consciously did this for population control. Perhaps the barrier between life and dead was much thinner during that timeperiod. If such is so, human sacrifice doesn't seem so brutal anymore.
clouds said:
P.S. It's called "Aztec".
tele said:
How can we know? I guess most just sat in the jungle:wink:
Well, i haven't really tried to visualize it that much until yesterday while shrooming. I got into this telepathic conversation (i know, weird). I was asked how Mayans trip on mushrooms. I do not know ofcourse, but i tried to send a visual image that was superimposed in my mind and kind of intuitively i visualized a large group of people dosed on mushrooms and a group of shamans guiding the common people into a collective mindstate. They would then become immersed in planetary consciousness and become the solar system itself. (partly influenced by a vision i had beforehand where the planets venus and mars become part of our own consciousness) The mayans then transcended their own and furthermore pointed their apparatus towards the stars and into mystery. This would explain the ancient's great knowledge about astronomy even tho they did not have the instruments we have available today.
Pretty trippy right? I know i'm thinking with an uncertain foundation, that's the main reason i made this thread to see if some of you have similar ideas about this. Or maybe someone can point me in the right direction so i don't get lost?
Either way, food for thought! Maybe we should try doing this ourselves sometime to see how this all adds up to reality. It would certainly be loads of fun to try. hehe