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TROM : 12 Hour Documentary

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TROM Documentary - Website
YouTube Playlist

The TROM documentary is trying to present, in a simplistic way, the world in which we, human beings, live. The world discovered so far, not some idea or personal choice. Moreover we tried to present alternative solutions to current problems and took into account the future, which promises to be more than interesting.

An informative documentary, perhaps shocking and disturbing to many, depending on how you digest the information.

The documentary is divided into chapters and sub-chapters due to documentary's excessive length (12 hours). Also all the parts are connected.

Both documentary and website are well concentrated, so it is essential to read additional information, both in descriptions and the video player.

I believe that this documentary is imperative to our evolution. Granted it's extended length might be a little hard for some to swallow, the information is presented in an easy to digest manner that can be broken into chunks.

The way the information is presented, it leaves little room for argument or debate. Just the clear and simple facts stated in a clear and simple manner.

I encourage you to share this documentary on your facebook or twitter accounts because people need to be exposed to the short comings of our system and the possible solutions that are available today if we stand together and demand them.

Enjoy! <3
Thank you for food for thought and something to do while waiting out this tremendous fast.

It is maddening how the education system does not fill us in on the actual situation so far.
I have watched the two first episodes now and already have some doubt about this documentary. In the second episode, "The Evolution of Everything", it states theories as the truth. It says that the moon was created by Earth bumping into another planet. This is only a theory, maybe the most accepted but still a theory. And it also claims that particles are made of vibrating strings. Theory aswell.

I don't like that it presents these theories to us as the truth. It gives me the feeling that the maker of this documentry has jumped around on Wikipedia and picked what he likes the most.
With all due respect Tordyveln, I can appreciate where you are coming from... However, this documentary isn't about the Moon, this is about our current state of society and solutions to bring about a better tomorrow.

Let's try not throw the baby out with the bathwater here.
I'm an expert at throwing babies, my favourite is out through the window.

What I mean is that by stating theories as truths, this documentary gains no trust from me. It could say these half-truths about our society etc. aswell. I don't like that sort of attitude, especially in documentaries. It gives me the same feeling as I got from "What the bleep do we know".

However. I have only watched the first two episodes, maybe it gets better. Will watch more when I get the time, and by double-checking everything they say I will learn a huge amount of information.
Wich is fun.
After watching the whole thing, I definitely have some complaints about the presentation.

The computerized voice isn't doing anyone any favors. Sometimes the music is too loud to hear what's being said and it is pretty drawn out.

There are a lot of valid points made and I still recommend that you guys check it out. I just wanted to warn you that it can be a bit painful at times.

They are working on TROM 2.0 that will hopefully resolve a lot of these issues. I'll update this thread when that becomes available.
Thank you very much for sharing this MelCat, very intriguing. I have watched a couple of chapters already, I like it on facebook. I agree with most all of what is presented.

Thanks again,

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