[b:b268674e05]Ayahuasca: alkaloids, plants & analogs[/b:b268674e05] by the legendary [i:b268674e05]Keeper Trout[/i:b268674e05] is a great resource which sadly has been out of print and hard to find for a number of years. Thanks to a lot of work by Trout and Erowid, this resource is now available online here: Erowid Online Books : "Ayahuasca: alkaloids, plants, and analogs" by Keeper of the Trout Formerly entitled [i:b268674e05]Trout's Notes on Ayahuasca & Ayahuasca Alkaloids[/i:b268674e05], this is a revised and updated web edition of that work which contains material that would have been incorporated into an updated second edition of the book had it ever been printed. Thanks Keeper! -z