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Try anything to kick morphine

Migrated topic.


Rising Star
My friend just told me a little about iboga and I found you guys. I've been addicted to IV morphine for 12 now. I use to be a very successful trauma nurse but have retired my license because I cant function with this addiction. The longest I was clean was last year in rehab for a month and the physical and mental exhaustion I felt along with severe depression let me know I was not out of the woods. I'm not the same person. I don't know how to get that person back. The only way I feel normal is on a narcotic. I started out using it for fibro/lupus with a prescripition. One day I was out of my pills and tried it IV.....downhill since then.

Don't want to ramble ..just let you guys know why I might be asking certain questions and hope they will be accepted without prejudice here. I just want my life back. Thank you.
I would probably give it a chance under controlled cicumstances. But ultimatly, alot of the changes will be up to you. Im not sure what to recommend. You are very much welcome here :) And I hope you can kick this addiction
Hello MSO4,

I'm terribly sorry to hear your story. I'm glad you made the choice to retire your license due to your addiction, a step which is incredibly courageous.

Iboga might be of help to you, but I strongly advice you not to understand any experiments with Iboga yourself unsupervised. It's a very intense substance that will have negative interactions if you take it while still having morphine in your system.

My advice for you is to find a rehab clinic or an experienced healer who can guide you through the process. Iboga is not a miracle cure, it will reveal very painful things about yourself and after it's done you still have to fight to kick your habit. I'm interested in trying Iboga myself but haven't done enough research, so I cannot give you any advice on how to proceed here.

I wish all the luck in the world and hope you'll find the strength to give up your addiction.
Welcome to the DMT-Nexus.

Iboga can indeed help with the reduction or elimination of addiction to a substance, including morphine.

You have to remember though that getting rid of your bodies addiction to a substance is part of the total picture. Without taking care of the other parts you might be back to your addiction before you know it.

The other bigger part is your social life and the people you hang around with. If you do not change those as well then your success rate to kick the addiction for good is rather low, being around the wrong friends for example makes it really hard to withstand the temptation. Also your new life should have people around you that support you with getting rid of your addiction since it might be really hard at times to not fall back.

So make sure that you work on those parts really hard too, it's not only the Iboga!

As for taking the Iboga, make sure you have a sitter with you who is experienced with this, a good Iboga flood dose will last for several days, also the after effects might last a lot longer. It might even be worth to go to a special Iboga rehab for this.

Rests me to say that after an Iboga addiction reset, your tolerance to drugs is gone too. So overdosing on morphine after the Iboga therapy is very real, taking the same dose as that you are taking now will likely kill you! Please keep that fact with you all the time!

I hope that you find a way to get rid of your addiction and that you will find your old you again.

Kind regards,

The Traveler
Hello MS04, thanks for writing an intro and telling us your story. I used drugs for over half my life, probably 15 years. I I.V ed Oxycontin Morphine and Cocaine for a long time. Even when I shook the needle I still used prescriptions pills orally and drank alcohol every day just to feel normal. Very unexpectedly I was on some LSD and I realized that I was not who I wanted to be and that I could change it. A week later I went to a treatment center and stayed for 6 months. It's been almost two years now since I have touched pills or booze.
Psychedelics can certainly help wake ourselves up, help us to let go of whatever it is we are holding on to that won't let us stop using. But then it is up to us after we see that light to do something different with our lives. The secret that I learned in all this was not to fight with myself, in stead of pleading internally with myself not to use when the thought crossed my mind I just let it do its thing, before I knew it the thoughts would leave me and I would end up much happier, not in that state of misery I was in. The LSD was not a cure all in my situation, but it did allow me to see what I had been hiding from myself for so long, I however had to remember when it was all over what I had to do, it becomes up to us at that point. Also nothing can take away from what those 6 moths away from the world to learn how to live life again did for me as well. It was the combination of theses experiences that brought me this far.
VoidTraveler said:
Iboga might be of help to you, but I strongly advice you not to understand any experiments with Iboga yourself unsupervised. It's a very intense substance that will have negative interactions if you take it while still having morphine in your system.

I strongly concurr with both Travelers. While iboga does a good job of desensitizing your overly sensitive response to opiates (and Salvinorin A does a similar job through a similar mechanism), please remember in case you are pondering on using it regardless, that it manifests complicated side-effects (e.g. it increases the time intervals between each heartbeat on numerous occasions).

It should be used as an absolute last resort, contact with a specialist is highly recommended.
My only advice would be and im not an ex morphine user, my addiction was diamorphine.

As Trav said i had to move away from my so called friends and moved to another city to rid myself of my friends.
Of course the pain is unbearable so you will need pain medication for the first week if morphine withdrawal is like h withdrawal. I use dihydrocodeine for my pain and i hate to admit it but i used benzodiazepines for the anxiety and insomnia. The whole process took around a month before i was totally clean and functioning again. Willpower and help from family and real friends made a huge difference also.

I wiash you the best of luck and hope you can overcome your opiate addiction. It is a nightmare but well worth it in the end.
ntwhtyouknw said:
Hello MS04, thanks for writing an intro and telling us your story. I used drugs for over half my life, probably 15 years. I I.V ed Oxycontin Morphine and Cocaine for a long time. Even when I shook the needle I still used prescriptions pills orally and drank alcohol every day just to feel normal. Very unexpectedly I was on some LSD and I realized that I was not who I wanted to be and that I could change it. A week later I went to a treatment center and stayed for 6 months. It's been almost two years now since I have touched pills or booze.
Psychedelics can certainly help wake ourselves up, help us to let go of whatever it is we are holding on to that won't let us stop using. But then it is up to us after we see that light to do something different with our lives. The secret that I learned in all this was not to fight with myself, in stead of pleading internally with myself not to use when the thought crossed my mind I just let it do its thing, before I knew it the thoughts would leave me and I would end up much happier, not in that state of misery I was in. The LSD was not a cure all in my situation, but it did allow me to see what I had been hiding from myself for so long, I however had to remember when it was all over what I had to do, it becomes up to us at that point. Also nothing can take away from what those 6 moths away from the world to learn how to live life again did for me as well. It was the combination of theses experiences that brought me this far.

Woah, very strong of you! I am impressed
Hi MSO4,

Sorry to hear about your addiction to morphine. I myself kicked a really nasty heroin addiction 6 months ago. I was only able to break the chains of addiction by moving to another part of the country where I didn't know anyone. I also had the love and support of my family. I chose not go the methadone/suboxone route this time because that's just another form of bondage that I can't stomach anymore. As hard as it was, and it was hell on Earth, I'm so glad that I paid the piper and quit cold turkey.

Have you ever thought about getting on suboxone? It can be a huge help getting off opiates. Be careful though because getting off of suboxone can be really hard too. I've taken suboxone for a week and jumped off without too bad of a time.
Either way its way better than being strung out on a dangerouse drug that can grt you locked up...mugged/killed:shock: AA has been a great tool as well.

You sound like someone that can lick this hideous demon. You already have the desire to quit. Whether its ibogain or suboxone
there are other options to the hell your in.. I hope and pray you get your life back. Life isn't perfect, but I'm so much happier not being strung out everyday. ugh. I Wish you the best of luck. Your in a fight for your life no doubt about that, but the good news is that u have a choice.

The majority, if not all, of the people i have known who have successfully kicked opiate habits have moved away from their old haunts and various triggers. If you know of a place you can go, preferably where you can get a little support from friends/family, escape.

A maintenance prescription can also help. Some prescriptions are very hard to get off aswell but can allow you a bit of breathing space and time to try and re-integrate into a more normal life. If you are then on a maintenance script, reduce as you see fit to as little as possible it may take time but that is valuable time where you can gain a little strength.
That feeling of becoming clean, like a warm blanket has been ripped off of you can be just too much and if you are in the same environment as before it is just too easy to go back to old ways and dim the light again.
As for iboga, i am not experienced. I had a friend who tried this route under supervision and as far as she said it didn"t work, however 6 months later she was clean (and living elsewhere) and she has been for 7 years now with a little daughter.

A little time, sometimes a little luck, some help and a bit of determination can see you through this. And music is always lovely as you re-discover your feelings, sad films will possibly make you weep more than you used to, your sex drive may return with a vengeance (if you lost it!) but this is all good. Cry , laugh, love, have safe sex (even if its just with yourself), get scared, just come back to the land of the living. It may at first feel like a raw scab that has been picked but it will heal up.
You may also look into cold-pressed black seed oil; Nigella sativa.

Good luck OP. Rent lots of funny movies to laugh alot during detox to help rewire your natural dopamine system back to independence..
Hello MS04,

Welcome to the Nexus.

I am very sorry you find yourself having to deal with this situation currently in your life, but very impressed by your honesty and bravery.

Quitting opiates was very difficult for me. And at the time I was a pill popper, only having people I know inject me with morphine occasionally. Never did H. Wanted to at the time tho. :(. I just want you to know if people as weak and pathetic as myself can kick physical and (sometimes even worse!) psychological components of addiction then I know you can too.

Each addict must find their own path to real recovery I feel, though there are many programs and techniques available to offer assistance these days. And one of these is ibogane therapy.

I would recommend doing A LOT of deep research on this. You need to be committed to quitting like never before. You need to quit a day or two before taking ibogaine. ibogaine is NOT an easy trip or experience but it was life transformative and very very deep for me. When the trip/experience is over the brain is literally reset and if you were to take your usual dose of morphine you'd be OD'd and dead.

The gold-standard go-to website for ibogaine and iboga is eboka.info. You might want to check it out.

In the interim, if you have any time or interest, please check out this community - it is a great one and I think someone like you said you are would resonate with that.

This community came up with this wonderful thread on kicking and dealing with addictions and I would highly recommend it to you:

Again, welcome to the Nexus. :)
I started to get clean & sober with the help of a 12 step program, you may not find all your answers there, however you will find alot of caring individuals to give you support.
The best friends I have in this world I met in AA. One of my very good friends is a recovered heroin addict, and I was a crack cocaine addict along with the booze. We share our experience,strength & hope with each other. Making a decision to quit is half the battle.

Welcome to the Forum MS04

BTW, I don't consider DMT a drug. It's already being produced within our body naturally.
kind of like taking a calcium supplement... for the brain:roll:
It also doesn't appear to be addictive
I have to tell you....One time I was lying in bed, with a combination of Rhodiola sacra (Tibetan Rhodiola) and Nymphaea caerulea (Blue Waterlily) in my body, and I had the profound notion that this would help an opiate addict.

Rhodiola increases endorphin levels in the body, and is HEALTHY for the body.

Nymphaea caerulea is purported to contain apomorphine and nuciferine. Not sure what these do in the body.

I'd also had a good dose of cannabis that night.

With this combination, I could see getting off opiates. I could easily get sick from too much Rhodiola, due to the endorphin levels.

Look into it. Check it out.
What about salvia? Salvia acts on the k-opiod receptor, shouldn't that effect opiate dependance? I don't know about smoking it, but it seems like a regimen of quidded leaf might be worth a try and depending on where you are it could be much easier to come by.

Sorry it's a bit off topic, I'm sure iboga would be the best bet but I thought I'd throw it out there.

Best wishes to you on your path.
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