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Tryptamine Combinations

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The plants that I am studying come with various combinations of tryptamines - DMT, 5-MeO-DMT, Bufotenine, NMT being the apparent most common ones.

The unique synergistic effects of every combination is a fascinating area of study for me, and I am very curious if there are any people out there who have experimented with various tryptamine combinations. I would love to read your descriptions of the effects.

For example in another thread, James Oroc's experimentation with the 5 MeO and DMT combination is mentioned.

I guess one good reference point would be DMT, as in: how did the addition of x tryptamine in x ratio to DMT alter the DMT experience for you?

Thank you!
At some point i wanna get into DMT and Psilocin combinations, like using Acacia with mushrooms or Acacia with 4-ACO-DMT. One time i had a small dose of about i think like .7 to .8 mgs of mushroom powder leftover from a small grow and mixed it in with my dose of Rue, Lemon Balm and Acacia, it definitely synergized nicely even at such a small dosage though potentiated i'm sure by the MAO-A inhibition. I feel like the combo would be awesome in the right ratios/proportions.
Yopo is realy nice with shrooms or LSD. It is not very long lasting, only five to ten minutes though.

I like it most with LSD because it synergizes very well with the stimulant effects of acid.

It acts very fast taken sublingually. Almost the moment you put it under your tongue, you start to feel something is coming, and only seconds later, warm waves of tingling energy wash over you, along with very strong DMT-like visuals.

Small quantities, by far not enough to cause any nausea, will do.
Thanks guys. The DMT psilocin combination is indeed attractive.

Isn't Yopo's active Bufotenine which is not supposed to cross the blood brain barrier in normal conditions? Do you have any insight into how these combinations work with sublingual yopo, dragonrider?
I've had yopo blown into my nose through a rapé pipe at the tail end of ayahuasca and it was a very intense experience lasting 6 hours, very visual (and purgative) at first, progressing into an ecstatic experience.
Bufotenine is an active hallucinogen dithy, it just has some really unpleasant side effects due afaik to the pKa of the compound...

Anyway, its not very psychedelic but it is quite visionary/hallucinogenic.

I dont beleive the Mayans were using 5-MeO-DMT toad secretions. It makes perfect sense they were using Bufo Marinus toad secretions instead. The toads were actually available in the region-unlike Alvarious.

After many experiences with bufotenine maybe 10 years back I concluded that the mayan imagery around the toad to me is most clearly represented in the bufotenine visions, or vice versa. The only reason we have the Alvarious theory is because ppl like Wade Davis ran with unfounded speculations, while claiming bufotenine was a non active toxin-which was total bs and these researchers had zero experience with the compound...and only some really shotty prison experiments Leary did injecting bufotenine salts into inmates as an alkaloid salt.

Make sure you convert it to a base.

We already know, in the jungle, there is a tradition of visionary shamanic use of bufotenine alive and well. This 5meoDMT toad myth and idea that bufotenine is just a toxin is one I would have hoped would die by now, but too many self proclaimed toad shamans want you all to believe make believe.

So, yes it it is active.

It def combines with other typtamines, but I want to add that my opinion is that bufotenine can actually reduce quality of a good DMT, psilocybin or LSD trip. It will increase visions, but for myself bufotenine can really make the mental space feel fuzzy, almost washed out a bit. Mentally it felt like sleep deprivation a bit. Some will say nausea is avoided, but not at any useful dose for myself. If I was able to get around the nausea it would be inconsistent-in that next time I would still get sick.

I would only use bufotenine when the objective is to fully hallucinate or visualize. If you want psychologicl insights/healing, this was never the compound. Again, this is of course just my experience. I can acheive full blown cosmic travel type OBE's with bufotenine and these are among the most visionary experiences I had had.

Vine and rue deepen it, and add a welcome opening into a more psychologically rich experience. They can both reduce some of the side effects and enhance others so go slow and expect sickness unlike DMT brews.

Dont drink the stuff...or if you do you have been warned lol.

Smoking Bufotenine is the oldest known method, followed by snuffing and I suggest you experiment in that order.

Combines with psilocybin etc as well, but all the same rules apply...expect strong open and closed eye visions, nausea and vasoconstriction.

I would avoid sublingual, you probly dont want to swallow any bufotenine until more familiar with it's effects.
I would like to talk more about 5-MeO-DMT as well, but I am reluctant. I have used it in the past as synthetic hcl, and combined it a number of times with DMT and rue extracted harmalas. I think the combo is potentially dangerous, although I personally did not experience any side effects of great alarm, and I kept the dose of 5meo and harmalas very low. I dont remember ever drinking it in a brew, aside from adding phalaris extracts to mimosa and rue brews-which I still add and often mushrooms as well. Those brews I cannot speak to as what is present is speculation. Persoanlly, I would not continue that route if I did not find it valuable.

My experiences involved mostly snuffing very small doses of the harmine and MeO, followed by vaped DMT. I likely snuffed the 2 tryptamine together as well as I was into snuffing DMT at the time. The combinations were always pleasant for me, if not at times a bit overwhelming. I never even attempted a strong MeO dose with any other method othern than vaporized, for reasons of personal sanity.

Again, be VERY carfeul combining with harmalas, if at all. Ott I think was snuffing in the range 0f 7mg harmine. I think I started with 2mg harmine in each nostril with maybe 5mg MeO at the most. I really enjoyed my experiences with the synthetic compound, limited as they were.

If we are counting LSD, yes please. It goes well with everything.
I find tryptamine combination a nice topic.
I like yopo best combined IME with psilocybin msuhrooms.
The 5 MeO DMT goes very well with n,n DMT and a little 5 is a very powerful cvatalyst to the DMT. it's a great eLeaf recipe like 5 mg 5 meo dmt fb to 20 mg n,n DMT fb onto 25mg leaf.
I tendto have abstract visuals, while pure n,n DMT at 30 mg fbonly get me always figurative and more colourful visions.
The LSD ( istechnically more a lysergamide than a real tryptamine)is a good base for most mixes.
About some urban myths, I join Jamie's, as I read also quite bit and conversed with some "toads practitioners" that lack the most basic scientific grounds. Claims like bufontenin is in bufo glands and when you heat it, it will convert to 5 meo dmt". This isutter wrong and still, its printed in books and some people reading it pass this as "solid information". I can tell you by trying bufotenin and 5 MeO DMT with different ROA that you'll probably see easily the difference, a bit like cannabis VS alcoholic intoxication. andI can snuff or smoke bufotenin and it won't have the same effect at all as 5 meo dmt. I tried both synthetic and toad ( bufo alvarius) secretions and I see it is a 5 meo dmt experience with,for me, no body load bufotenin delivers. and much more psychedelic potential.
True that in 2020 I would think we did clarify most myths... but apparently not.. many people think yopo is 5 meo dmt and other myths...
Thanks for writing, Jamie.

I never doubted the activity of bufotenine, I just took the writings that it does not cross the blood brain barrier as true, and thought that there is something else going on with yopo which enables it to enter the brain. Perhaps you would know the truth around this? Alkaloids are not found in freebase form in plants, afaik. I read a paper stating that raised blood pressure allows it to cross the BBB, and perhaps high doses of bufotenine raises the blood pressure and is self activating.

I actually believe I have experienced bufotenine orally with maoi through phalaris and Phragmites. Especially with Phragmites I had this one experience which had a very unique auditory hallucinations" whith extremely clear and detailed music, and Bufotenine is reported to be like that. However all my experiences with Phragmites, including that one have been highly clear headed and not fuzzy as in your description.

I have had two life threatening experiences with phalaris and I think it is because of the tyramines, however those experiences were also highly muddy headed, and I don't know if it is because of bufotenine.

Why is it dangerous orally, and if so, wouldn't that make the grass dangerous as an ayahuasca analogue?

Also, Jagube's description of Yopo is highly entheogenic, and that is confusing with so many people here reporting that it is a pure hallucinogen with little entheogenic value. Perhaps it's because of combining with ayahuasca?

Thanks for sharing your data, rom!
jamie said:
Bufotenine is an active hallucinogen dithy, it just has some really unpleasant side effects due afaik to the pKa of the compound...

Anyway, its not very psychedelic but it is quite visionary/hallucinogenic.

I dont beleive the Mayans were using 5-MeO-DMT toad secretions. It makes perfect sense they were using Bufo Marinus toad secretions instead. The toads were actually available in the region-unlike Alvarious.

After many experiences with bufotenine maybe 10 years back I concluded that the mayan imagery around the toad to me is most clearly represented in the bufotenine visions, or vice versa. The only reason we have the Alvarious theory is because ppl like Wade Davis ran with unfounded speculations, while claiming bufotenine was a non active toxin-which was total bs and these researchers had zero experience with the compound...and only some really shotty prison experiments Leary did injecting bufotenine salts into inmates as an alkaloid salt.

Make sure you convert it to a base.

We already know, in the jungle, there is a tradition of visionary shamanic use of bufotenine alive and well. This 5meoDMT toad myth and idea that bufotenine is just a toxin is one I would have hoped would die by now, but too many self proclaimed toad shamans want you all to believe make believe.

So, yes it it is active.

It def combines with other typtamines, but I want to add that my opinion is that bufotenine can actually reduce quality of a good DMT, psilocybin or LSD trip. It will increase visions, but for myself bufotenine can really make the mental space feel fuzzy, almost washed out a bit. Mentally it felt like sleep deprivation a bit. Some will say nausea is avoided, but not at any useful dose for myself. If I was able to get around the nausea it would be inconsistent-in that next time I would still get sick.

I would only use bufotenine when the objective is to fully hallucinate or visualize. If you want psychologicl insights/healing, this was never the compound. Again, this is of course just my experience. I can acheive full blown cosmic travel type OBE's with bufotenine and these are among the most visionary experiences I had had.

Vine and rue deepen it, and add a welcome opening into a more psychologically rich experience. They can both reduce some of the side effects and enhance others so go slow and expect sickness unlike DMT brews.

Dont drink the stuff...or if you do you have been warned lol.

Smoking Bufotenine is the oldest known method, followed by snuffing and I suggest you experiment in that order.

Combines with psilocybin etc as well, but all the same rules apply...expect strong open and closed eye visions, nausea and vasoconstriction.

I would avoid sublingual, you probly dont want to swallow any bufotenine until more familiar with it's effects.
Do you think yopo could contain trace amounts of 5-MeO-DMT?
Hi Dragonrider. Yes I do believe it's possible most or all yopo will contain trace levels of other tryptamines and possibly beta-carbolines. Anadenanthera peregrina var. falcata if I remember is a strain known for it's 5-Meo-DMT content. I think it is also present in Anadenanthera seed pods.

The Piaroa snuffs are more complex as well due to vine being added. To know more, one would have to go start analyzing different snuff mixtures made by the shamans themselves.

Cebil is the species(Anadenanthera colubrina) I am most familiar with personally. Strains of peregrina I would like to have tried I was never able to obtain. I cant even say that what I had as "yopo" was really peregrina and not just colubrina mislabled.

What we can ascertain is that there is a long rooted tradtion of bufotenine stuff use, made from the seeds of anadenanthera trees. Some of those stuffs may very well be dominant in 5-MeO-DMT.

What we cannot conclude at this point is that bufotenine is inactive or not useful in a shamanic culture/context/w/e. We can clearly only conclude that it is, and bioassays have confirmed it again and again, which is why I dont see any reason for anthropologists to look outside of the native biome for an entheogenically active bufo toad secretion that people likely would have found very, very interesting.

Dithy, if I used the word entheogenic I was not being articulate enough. I would call bufotenine entheogenic for sure. My stance on it is that it lacks for myself most of the mental effects of classical psychedelics. Mentally I just feel sort of fuzzy, it has a buzz to it but it is unique. I find it sedating. It is like tryptamine hypnogogia at first, and then becomes more real and deep like a sort of dream, or OBE or...again it is unique but certainly a tryptamine in the visual display etc. It is a subset of the tryptamine hyperspace, whatever that really is. It fits for me within a context of entheogenic use, I guess. Thomas Hatsis has shifted the way I view that term relative to these different substances. Maybe my experiences with bufotenine could be better described as extheogenic?
another side note with the snuffs in question, is the roasting that takes place. Do others here feel 5-MeO-DMT will survive the process? It is part of the traditonal process to roast the seeds afaik, but then again maybe not always?

Another issue to address is the fermentation. I think it was either Phlux or 69ron years back who first brought up the fermentation that takes place in some preperations. Anyone have more info on that? Entropymancer?
I’ve never tried bufo or 5meo, so my favorite (and only) tryptamine combo is mushrooms and Dmt. About 2-3 hours into tHe mushrooms I like to pull out the gvg and periodically hit that. I don’t feel any of the rougher sensations (anxiety, g force explosion, nausea) and just slip ever so gently into dmt land. And though the dmt takes main stage, as it wears down, the mushrooms come back in and make a seamless transition. It kind of makes for a “rolling” kind of trip of peaks and valleys as I hit the gvg. Adding a little rue or caapi in the beginning of it all only makes it better. Once I’ve honed it on oral dmt I look forward to experimenting with incorporating some mushrooms into it.
DMT is nice with both Mescaline and 2C-b.

Taking a large amount of acid and mescaline is very fun, warm, groovy, and happy.

2c-b + 5-MeO-MiPT + edibles was very vivid and euphoric, although eventually I developed kind of a headache. Everything looked so impressive, lively, and cartoonish.

5-Meo-DMT in the afterglow of a same=day n-n DMT trip is a nice touch on the typical experience.

Dipropyltryptamine is very cool and refreshing when taken after a 5-MeO-DMT trip.
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