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Tweaked Wim Hof "DMT breathing" technique

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Hi y'all,

I just stumbled across this and thought it may be of interest to some. This is an adaptation of Wim Hof's breathwork technique...i.e. Wim Hof is not stating this breathwork technique will release endogenous DMT, someone has tweaked his original core technique. And yes we all know we should take any claims of endogenous DMT release with a pinch of salt.

With that being said, this account of someone experimenting with this DMT breathing technique caught my interest (from someone with DMT and psychedelic experience):

Re: DMT breathing.

Last night I started with 5 deep breaths and went straight into a breath-hold (on the in-breath), squeezed, and had visions of the "gears" I see during DMT trips. Accompanied by immediate euphoria and a loss of any tension/discomfort regarding the fact that I wasn't breathing. Warm and beautiful feelings, true to my past substance induced psychedelic experiences.

Usually I try DMT breaths at the end of a few WHM rounds, or at least 15 breaths. Those experiences tend to end with me blacking out, having weird face twitches and eye movements, going into some sort of Dream that I can never quite remember. Then I experience a sort of skipping-record sensation and get pulled back into my body. The feelings that follow are very intense and powerful but I struggle to remember what exactly was happening in my trip, as opposed to last night's 5-breath experiment.

Is there such thing as overdoing it when trying to access DMT? I feel like maybe I was pushing too hard by taking any more than 5 breaths as that seemed to be my clearest trip, and most true to a smoked-DMT experience. Curious to hear your thoughts.

Also interesting, someone else's experience:

I have been practicing OBE for around 2 years now, having read several books on the topic and frequenting a forum dedicated to the art.

For me, I have been able to achieve the state faster (less than 10 mins) in the post breathwork rounds meditation than any other method.

More than anything I just want to have deeper and more profound effects from the DMT technique. I see the OBE as a bench mark of ultimate success with the technique, as that is what you get with artificial DMT doses.

This is the DMT breathing technique:

Pineal Gland Stimulation - DMT Production

Used to help see the stroboscopic lights and experience profound effects.
CAUTION: You may pass out when using this technique, lay down on a soft surface.

1. Perform the standard breathing and retention exercises
2. Take a full breath after retention and hold it
3. Force oxygenated blood into the brain.
a). See the brown fat technique
b). For this exercise it is more focused on the brain than the brown fat areas
4. Relax and allow blood to return to the body
5. Exhale and repeat steps 3 and 4 as suitable
6. Repeat steps 1 to 5 for as many rounds as desired
a). Getting the full profound effects may take up to an hour

Practicing this requires experiential knowledge of some of Wim Hof's core breathwork technique and other practices, which are described in the attached document. I thought some here may be interested in experimenting with this.


  • WimHofMethod.doc
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Thanks for this indication. Really interesting. Certainly one would think of the known Pranayama teks in comparison.

But a few things seems strange to me. e.g.
Fight/flight response is triggered by low O2 levels

What is the source for this?
For as I understood it, you do not notice in any way if you have a lack of oxygen. You just start to get sleepy and get unconscious.
AFAIR the body only recognizes CO2 levels and reacts on this (acidity of blood).
I'm actually quite interested in this, that's why I ask.

As I read, you cannot increase the blood oxygen levels by breathing more or anything, as your red blood cells anyways are almost fully saturated on normal breathing. What you can do is by increasing the oxygen partial pressure in the air, to increase the blood plasma oxygen levels. But for this you need air with more oxygen in it or with a higher pressure.
That's why for certain treatments you go into a pressure chamber and get there pure oxygen to breath.

Interesting. I just read that there is indeed a secondary system in the body which can measure the oxygen levels. But it seems finding info about this is not as simple...
Will look more around.
VICELAND did a special called "ice man", it outlines wim hof and his technique.

At one point it shows a whole room of people practicing his breathing technique and eventually breaking into what I could only describe as "psychedelic similar" situation, there was intense emotion, crying, laughing, wild gesticulating and thrashing on the ground, and so on...

For whatever reason I was highly reminded of DMT.

Ok, I think I know what was being said about the "fight or flight system"...

... it was speculated that wim's techniques induce an endogenous release of epinephrine and nor-epinephrine, and that these endogenous "fight or flight" phenethylamine/catecholamine neurotransmitters were responsible for the feats which wim's techniques allow one to achieve.

As far as "pineal gland stimulation" techniques involving endogenous DMT, I would be very skeptical here, there is no evidence that DMT is produced in the human pineal gland, however,
Rick Strassman, an author and Clinical Associate Professor of Psychiatry at the University of New Mexico School of Medicine, has theorised that the human pineal gland is capable of producing the hallucinogen N,N-dimethyltryptamine (DMT) under certain circumstances.[58] In 2013 he and other researchers first reported DMT in the pineal gland microdialysate of rodents -Wikipedia

there may be some more currant research regarding DMT and the human pineal gland that I have not seen yet, but as far as I know, there is still nothing concentrate suggesting that the pineal is the site of endogenous DMT production in humans.


On another note, these meditative and breathing techniques may actually relate to the psychedelic experience in terms of how the brain is functioning during these states...

Spiritual practices have been proposed to have many beneficial effects as far as mental health is concerned. The exact neural basis of these effects is slowly coming to light and different imaging techniques have elucidated the neural basis of meditative practices. The evidence though preliminary and based on studies replete with methodological constraints, points toward the involvement of the prefrontal and parietal cortices. The available data on meditation focus on activated frontal attentional network. Neuroimaging studies have shown that meditation results in an activation of the prefrontal cortex, activation of the thalamus and the inhibitory thalamic reticular nucleus and a resultant functional deafferentation of the parietal lobe.[/b] The neurochemical change as a result of meditative practices involves all the major neurotransmitter systems. The neurotransmitter changes contribute to the amelioration of anxiety and depressive symptomatology and in part explain the psychotogenic property of meditation. This overview highlights the involvement of multiple neural structures, the neurophysiological and neurochemical alterations observed in meditative practices.

the thalamus and anterior and posterior cingulate cortex (ACC and PCC) and the ACC/medial prefrontal cortex (mPFC) are all areas of the brain which are also affected by ingestion of entheogens, such as psilocybin...

Though I'm running off topic...

I have had a cold for the last few days, and am pretty groggy as a result, I apologize if this has affect on my writing.

Aum_Shanti, no worries, I thought it was interesting, and yeah I too thought that high CO2 levels was more of a trigger for the flight or fight response.

entheogenic-gnosis, a BBC documentary "Incredible Medicine: Dr Weston's Casebook" aired very recently that look at Wim Hof's breathing technique in some detail. It was found he could withstand extreme cold for unusually prolonged periods, and could also mute his immune response while using the breathing technique in a controlled setting. Samples were taken of blood or saliva (I can't recall which) and there was a substantial and significant increase in his circulating epinephrine/adrenaline levels when engaging with the breathing practice, and it was postulated this control over his adrenaline producing system is what allows him to do the things he does, along with the others who use his techniques (further replication is required, but there is definitely something to this by the look of it).

Regarding the pineal gland claims, I hear you, it wasn't Wim making such claims, just someone we has been experimenting with his core breathing method and tweaked it...we all know how dug in that whole DMT-pineal gland myth is. I say we look past that, and listen to what Dr Ede Frecska has to say regarding the lungs...he'd be considered a world expert on the physiology and cellular biology of DMT in humans.

Where is DMT found?

Dimethyltryptamine (DMT) is abundant in the plant kingdom, countless plant species’ specimens have DMT in significant amount and ethnobotanists suppose that DMT is a very ancient compound in nature. A metabolite of DMT, indole-3-acetic acid (IAA) is the most common, naturally-occurring, plant hormone of the auxin class. Animals can synthetise DMT under special circumstances (and pee out as IAA). Indolethylamine-N-methyltransferase (INMT) the synthesizing enzyme of DMT can be found with the highest levels in the lungs, thyroid, and adrenal gland. Intermediate levels are found in placenta, skeletal muscle, heart, small intestine, stomach, pancreas, and lymph nodes. Contrary to the commonly held view, it is not the pineal gland which can synthetise DMT in large amount. Nevertheless, the presence of DMT in the pineal gland was proved in 2013.


...so quite interesting to note that this breathing practice is working on both the lungs and the adrenal glands at the same time. If endogenous DMT was going to be manufactured anywhere, the lungs make quite a logical choice (going on Frecska's hypothesis that it acts as a powerful anti-oxidant that may act to preserve cellular or neuronal life during periods of extreme stress or trauma). Being manufactured in the lungs would allow it access to the rest of the body and brain within seconds. And yeah there is definitely some overlap in how meditation and psychedelics affect the brain.

And yes pitubo, I think there is very likely a link between this practice and/or Wim Hof's core practice and holotrophic breathwork, as well as yogic pranayama techniques.
Great topic! :thumb_up:

I do (some kind of) holotropic breathwork within my work and at times for myself before sleeping. I did a holotropic breathing session yesterday night and find it pretty similar to some dmt trips I previously experienced (f.e. vibration, feeling of pressure, CEV, confrontaion with dying/living...). I also did it on some high dose mushroom trips to enhance the experience (unintended "rebirthing" ) and lately I just realized, that I automatically did it during my first DMT breakthrough experiences and maybe still do it.

pitubo said:
Perhaps there is a connection to the Holotropic Breathwork system of Stanislav Grof?
The breathing technique of Wim Hof and the kind of awareness which is obtained, also reminds me on holotropic breathwork from Stan. Grof.

The kind of awareness is, at least in my opinion, also the same which is obtained through psychedelic practices. "Super-awareness" --> I am the one who decides if and how I want to react to any sensory input I percieve, even taking the next breath is/can be a voluntary decision. My conditioning is useful for my organism to survive but "sometimes" my limits are far beyond my imagined comfortzone.
I experience this especially while rockclimbing, f.e. when I get tired during a hard climb and thoughts like: "You can not hold it any longer" or "The next move is too far." arise, which provok fear, uncertainty and rags. But then, I experience these sensory (f.e. feeling that my fingers are going to open slowly and I am losing grip), mental(thoughts - processing the sensory input) and emotional (response to my sensory and psychological evaluation; danger --> fear / safety --> relaxation) information, keep focus, keep breathing deeply and can just go on, beyond my expectations, till I really fall.

I think these practices are functional to experience this self-awareness and should be taught/learned at school! In addition, it helps me to bring "better" performances, not only because of the mental control (relaxed) of my organism but also because my body is physically aroused because of the oxygen and neurochems.

Wim seems to be a professional breather. :lol:

Keep on breathing, breath is master!

I think it's weird that this hasn't been more talked about, breathing exersices are seriously deep practices and anyone with any interest in psychedelics is likely to enjoy the exersices. I'm actually doing the 10 week course now of Wim's, great stuff. I've tried dmt breathing once a few weeks ago and it was an interesting experience though nothing like a breakthrough. I will try it out again tonight and I'll post what I experience. So far I can say that I get very very mild visual disturbances, the headspace is reminiscent of dmt in small doses. Thanks for starting this topic Bancopuma!
TheAwakening said:
I think it's weird that this hasn't been more talked about, breathing exersices are seriously deep practices and anyone with any interest in psychedelics is likely to enjoy the exersices. I'm actually doing the 10 week course now of Wim's, great stuff. I've tried dmt breathing once a few weeks ago and it was an interesting experience though nothing like a breakthrough. I will try it out again tonight and I'll post what I experience. So far I can say that I get very very mild visual disturbances, the headspace is reminiscent of dmt in small doses. Thanks for starting this topic Bancopuma!

I think the reason why these breathing techniques are not discussed more may be because unless you have seen the results of these practices it's hard to take them seriously...

I read about holotropic breathwork, but it was not until I saw a wim hof and some of his students that I began to realize that "maybe there is something to all this"

I did it last night, 3 rounds of normal deep circular inhale/exhale followed by another round and finished with the "dmt" breath tech, 'pre-charging' definitely gave me a deeper experience than last time. I saw beautiful patterns and the headspace reminded me even more of dmt. I got vibrating sensations in my head, face and chest which I used to get with wim hof breathing alone but haven't for a while now. I'm going to play with this more :d

entheogenic-gnosis said:
I think the reason why these breathing techniques are not discussed more may be because unless you have seen the results of these practices it's hard to take them seriously...

I read about holotropic breathwork, but it was not until I saw a wim hof and some of his students that I began to realize that "maybe there is something to all this"


Thank you eg, you're right and it's good that I remember that. Have you since tried holotropic breathwork? I guess in a sense I was lucky in that the plants gave me a direct experience of the importance of breathing, correct breathing and how modulating breathing rhythms can vastly affect my experience of the present moment, psychedelic or otherwise. If it's helpful for anyone I will share something of it. It certainly didn't start out as blissful as it might sound, it started with my breath and my pulse being on the edge of non-existence, every moment that passed the pulse got weaker and weaker and then both my breathing and my pulse stopped and I melted away into a void.

After what seemed like an eternity of sitting in this space of nothingness/death I used all my effort to take a deep breath in, sparks flew let me tell you and I gained insight into why I couldn't breath (self hatred/loathing, depression etc.) and how it is possible to glean insight into what sort of space one is in within themselves by observing the qualities of their breathing ie; nose vs mouth, chest vs abdominal, deep vs shallow, fast vs slow, smooth vs jagged. By observing breathing of others and copying it we can put ourselves into spaces of similarity, we can also bring ourselves back to the stillness in the middle of the cyclone. I could use my breath to saw to amazing depths of ecstacy and beyond, I could use my breathing to go into my darkness and become one with the demons within.

On a side note I also learned a valuable lesson in how breathing affects your heart beat which came in handy later when my dad had an episode of artrial fibrilation. I got to prove this to him and his doctors who wanted to use a defibrilator on him to change his heart rhythm but on the monitor screen you could see his breathing was all over the shop, as he changed his breathing his heart rate came good. Not a permanent fix but saved him from a risky defib.

To sum it up you could say that in the present moment there is a choice of life vs death and that choice is rooted in our breath, after all some say water is life but we can go for a few days without water but after a few mere minutes of no breathing and there is no more life. Except for the beautiful little anaerobes slowly digesting us back into the black earth from which creation will arise again.

After this experience I went seeking breathwork and let me say for anyone who doesn't believe, holotropic/rebirthing/etc. breathwork, pranayama and wim hof breathing can send you really deep.

I wholeheartedly agree with tseuq this should be taught in schools and if I had these tools then I likely would've managed many situations in my life differently.
Wim Hof oceanic breathing combined with DMT

I have been practicing some Wim Hof breath holding techniques and once I got the hang of it, I resolved to give it a go on my next journey with the molecule. I can comfortably hold my breath for well over 2 minutes with this technique, but I did not time myself for use with DMT. My advice is to not push it by trying to hold the last hit past the point of comfort.

Here is a recent report: the basics are that I'm male, 200lbs, with 20 years of psychedelic experience. I am very experienced with DMT, with something like 150 breakthrough DMT journeys under my belt. My last meal was at 3pm and I smoked around 10pm. I use a smoking herb mixture (red raspberry, mint, ~25% 10x caapi leaf) to roll a joint and then add an eyeballed dose all the way down the joint as I roll it. Probably around 100-150 mg DMT for the whole joint, but I can often get 2-4 sessions out of a single joint. The setting is a darkened, comfortable room with candles, incense, and ritual objects arranged for aesthetics and symbolic invocation. I sit on a meditation cushion to smoke.

To prepare for the journey, I began with 30 deep, "oceanic" inhalations followed by forcefully exhaling completely in a steady hyperventilation to raise my blood oxygen level. All this is laying down. At the end of 30, I sat up on my cushion and continued deep breathing while I lit my joint. I took about 4-5 deep tokes in rapid succession, holding each for around 7 seconds, with the last being the largest toke I could manage as the visions began in full force. Fully oxygenated, holding this last hit was possible well into my visionary state and was achieved quite comfortably.

After exhaling this last hit, my breathing was extremely shallow throughout my visions, with oxygen tasting sweet. In a way it seemed as though not breathing allowed me to focus on a deeper, smoother transition into hyperspace.

As for the visions, deep, vibrant colored patterns heralded my entry into a sacred hyperspace, populated by beings of solid, eidetic form as well as giants emerging from the patterned background. I was greeted by a green and mustard pattern giant, who sat in front of me in a friendly manner, gesturing in the space between us, perhaps stirring the substrate we occupied. Clearly defined humanoid beings scurried and capered about, showing me rainbow technology emanating, bleeding glyphs and symbols in defined directions pulsing from within with ROYGBIV light. Reality was dissolved to source code and a red/black cartoon malevolent woman crashed onto the scene, disrupting the beautiful patterns and destroying the rainbow technology, as if a large, weighty ceramic sculpture had been hit with a sledge hammer wielded with enough force to knock off a corner of it, but not shatter the whole. Her invasion was not just her shape, but the entire dark night backdrop upon which she glided. There was kabuki push-back from the rainbow and deity beings, but the damage was real and unrepaired. The scene shifted.

Memories are fading, but there were organic twining patterns of solid, transcendental plants taking nourishment from the hyperspace. I am not equal to attempting to describe the rest. Suffice to say that I tap into vision to feed my soul and balm the existential pain of life at regular intervals. DMT is a sacrament for which I have the most sincere reverence. I leave my DMT trips reassured, relaxed, and revivified.

Thanks for reading, I do recommend adding a bit of "oxygen pre-dosing" to your protocol!

I'm also intrigued by mr hof's techniques. But i wonder, could it be that what he's actually doing is simply boosting the human metabolism? And if that's so, could that mean that the price you would have to pay for greater tolerance to extreme temperatures and a stronger immune system, is that you age faster?
An article here that is relevant to this topic, it lays out a hypothetical framework for increasing endogenous DMT levels (the usual caveats apply...take with a pinch of salt, but do feel free to experiment), focussed on lowering CO2 levels while increasing melatonin levels.

DMT Making 101

Let’s keep this short and as sweet as possible.

Dimethyltryptamine also known as “DMT” has received much interest in recent times due to the documentary “DMT: The Spirit Molecule” as well as Dr. Rick Strassman’s book. In Strassman’s clinical trial, he would inject DMT into volunteers who would then have experiences they would later describe as “realer than real”.

The Shamanic brew known as “Ayahuasca” has also received much attention recently as dozens of YouTube documentaries and videos describe the process of drinking the potion and it’s subsequent psychedelic effects. Some media outlets have even reported healing properties both mental and physical of this beverage. The catalyst for the spiritual journey when drinking Ayahusca is DMT.

It should also be noted that the U.S. Drug Enforcement Administration (DEA) lists DMT as a schedule 1 drug alongside Heroin, Ecstasy, and LSD. In its “street form”, DMT is predominantly smoked or vaporized which leads to intense experiences lasting 20 to 30 minutes. The short duration of this altered state has led to the slang term of the “businessman’s trip” or the “businessman’s lunch”.

In 2013 in the scientific journal Biomedical Chromatography, Dr. Strassman published a paper outlining unequivocal evidence that DMT was found to naturally occur in the pineal gland of live rats. This supports his hypothesis that humans produce DMT naturally as well and likely in greater amounts during spiritual practices such as chanting, prayer, meditation, and even during the birth and death processes. This means that while the U.S. government might deem externally administered DMT as illegal, there is absolutely nothing illegal about consciously inducing the production of a naturally produced hormone found in potentially all animals.

When analyzing the differences between our active, waking conscious states compared to deep meditative states that can potentially lead to natural DMT induced experiences, there are 2 key biological factors that appear to be in play.

Higher than normal Melatonin levels.

Lower than normal Carbon Dioxide levels.

The generic consensus on how Melatonin is produced in the body is as follows: “In vertebrates, melatonin is produced in darkness, thus usually at night, by the pineal gland, a small endocrine gland located in the center of the brain but outside the blood–brain barrier.”

However, there also appears to be an association of increased Melatonin production during altered brain waves measured by EEG equipment from breathing exercises, meditation, quietness, and potentially hypnosis. Perhaps coupling these types of exercises in addition to complete darkness enhances one’s own Melatonin production ability.

As it pertains to Carbon Dioxide (CO2) levels in the body, exercise tends to increase the levels as the muscles utilize oxygen and produce CO2 as a byproduct. The metabolism of food produces H2O (water) and CO2 as a byproduct. Respiration rate has a direct effect on CO2 levels with shallow, infrequent breaths leading to an increase in CO2 levels known as hypercapnia. It’s rather interesting that the spiritual exercises of prolonged stillness (muscle atonia), fasting of varying degrees, and rhythmic breathing all directly suppress CO2 levels.

(It’s interesting to note that while fasting can suppress CO2 levels, a 1992 study in the Journal of Pineal Research outlined that fasting also significantly increased Melatonin levels throughout the body particularly the stomach and brain.)

A 2003 study published in the journal Advanced Studies in Medicine, states the following as it pertains to rhythmic and/or deep breathing patterns - “In respiratory alkalosis, as blood carbon dioxide (CO2) decreases, intracellular CO2, which is readily diffusible across the cell membrane, moves into the plasma. The loss of CO2 from the cell causes the intracellular pH to rise.“

Being that the only difference between Melatonin (C13H16N2O2) and “The Spirit Molecule” DMT (C12H16N2) is one atom of Carbon and two atoms of Oxygen, it appears as though providing an environment both externally and internally that leads to increases in Melatonin production while simultaneously decreasing CO2 levels is the key to producing DMT internally. This is why we have devised what we believe to be the quickest, most straightforward method for inducing a natural DMT experience.

1. Provide the optimal environment to increase Melatonin production which would equate to complete darkness and complete quietness if possible. Unplugging electronics in the room including Wifi can additionally help as there are multiple studies outlining the effects of electromagnetic fields negatively affecting melatonin production and pineal gland performance.

2. Decrease CO2 levels in the body via stillness, fasting, and maintaining a consistent breathing pattern.

3. Utilize humming or chanting to physically vibrate the pineal gland, pituitary gland, and thalamus to increase stimulation and potentially secretion rates.

4. We have created the audio track titled “DMT Making 101” lasting slightly longer than 1 hour in order to provide an easy to follow guided format to induce deep relaxation and prime the body to make endogenous DMT. Here is a direct download link. There are two guided sections followed by a short chanting/humming session following them. Just relax the body but stay awake and don’t forget to breath and chant/hum with the out breath during the appropriate time.


Optimal time to partake in this would be 3am if you were sleeping by 10pm. Set a gentle alarm and immediately begin the audio session. Let the body fall into deep relaxation while keeping the mind relaxed but awake.

Common symptoms are as follows: pressure in the middle of the head and behind the sinuses, flashes of light with eyes closed, the feeling of the body vibrating as if laying on top of train tracks, twitching of the limbs, and a feeling of heaviness of the body.

Timing of food consumption is key as Carbon Dioxide levels will remain elevated if you attempt to conduct this exercise directly after indulging in a substantial meal. Fasting is optimal but if it’s not possible, light meals prior to the session that do not cause digestive stress such as bloating/gas would work as well.

Look at the mechanics (breath rate/melatonin secretion) and timing (2am-4am) of REM sleep as it pertains to dreaming. The only difference between this active induction of DMT production and sleep/dreaming is the conscious/unsconscious state of experience.

Sensory deprivation float tanks can be excellent for inducing natural DMT experiences. The complete darkness, quietness, and weightlessness of the experience allows for a primed environment.

Dark-room retreats in which the subject spends prolonged periods of time (general minimum of 72 hours) in 100% darkness have produced very positive results as it pertains to natural DMT experiences.

A supplement list of the following can potentially provide an initial boost to producing DMT internally: L-Tryptophan & Melatonin.

A 1986 paper in the journal Hormone and Metabolic Research documented a study of THC’s (Marijuana) effect on Melatonin secretion in Men. The study found that 120 minutes after ingesting THC in the form of a 1 gram Marijuana cigarette, Melatonin levels were measured at an average of 4,333% higher than the original baseline and 3,000% higher than placebo. Utilize the information as you will as it pertains to synthesizing endogenous DMT.

For a more extensive look at the potential effects of DMT synthesis within the body and how they correlate with externalized and internalized experiences read "Measuring DMT Formation in Humans”, 6-part Series on DMT & Gamma Waves as well as the “Wild Theories” series.
dragonrider said:
I'm also intrigued by mr hof's techniques. But i wonder, could it be that what he's actually doing is simply boosting the human metabolism? And if that's so, could that mean that the price you would have to pay for greater tolerance to extreme temperatures and a stronger immune system, is that you age faster?

While increase in metabolism is involved, this would not mean you would age faster, it just means your body is processing it's chemical reactions faster.

...it appears that he is triggering the release of endogenous phenethylamines involved in the flight or fight response such as epinephrine and nor-epinephrine, which in turn trigger various other systems acting in different ways to achieve these amazing effects.

Healthy volunteers practicing the learned techniques exhibited profound increases in the release of epinephrine, which in turn led to increased production of anti-inflammatory mediators and subsequent dampening of the proinflammatory cytokine response elicited by intravenous administration of bacterial endotoxin.


Hitherto, both the autonomic nervous system and innate immune system were regarded as systems that cannot be voluntarily influenced. The present study demonstrates that, through practicing techniques learned in a short-term training program, the sympathetic nervous system and immune system can indeed be voluntarily influenced. Healthy volunteers practicing the learned techniques exhibited profound increases in the release of epinephrine, which in turn led to increased production of anti-inflammatory mediators and subsequent dampening of the proinflammatory cytokine response elicited by intravenous administration of bacterial endotoxin. This study could have important implications for the treatment of a variety of conditions associated with excessive or persistent inflammation, especially autoimmune diseases in which therapies that antagonize proinflammatory cytokines have shown great benefit.

Excessive or persistent proinflammatory cytokine production plays a central role in autoimmune diseases. Acute activation of the sympathetic nervous system attenuates the innate immune response. However, both the autonomic nervous system and innate immune system are regarded as systems that cannot be voluntarily influenced. Herein, we evaluated the effects of a training program on the autonomic nervous system and innate immune response. Healthy volunteers were randomized to either the intervention (n = 12) or control group (n = 12). Subjects in the intervention group were trained for 10 d in meditation (third eye meditation), breathing techniques (i.a., cyclic hyperventilation followed by breath retention), and exposure to cold (i.a., immersions in ice cold water). The control group was not trained. Subsequently, all subjects underwent experimental endotoxemia (i.v. administration of 2 ng/kg Escherichia coli endotoxin). In the intervention group, practicing the learned techniques resulted in intermittent respiratory alkalosis and hypoxia resulting in profoundly increased plasma epinephrine levels. In the intervention group, plasma levels of the anti-inflammatory cytokine IL-10 increased more rapidly after endotoxin administration, correlated strongly with preceding epinephrine levels, and were higher. Levels of proinflammatory mediators TNF-α, IL-6, and IL-8 were lower in the intervention group and correlated negatively with IL-10 levels. Finally, flu-like symptoms were lower in the intervention group. In conclusion, we demonstrate that voluntary activation of the sympathetic nervous system results in epinephrine release and subsequent suppression of the innate immune response in humans in vivo. These results could have important implications for the treatment of conditions associated with excessive or persistent inflammation, such as autoimmune diseases.

The researchers demonstrated that, in the trained volunteers, endotoxin injection results in the voluntary activation of the sympathetic nervous system — the trained volunteers produced much higher levels of epinephrine than the untrained ones. Epinephrine is a stress hormone that is released during increased activity of the sympathetic nervous system and suppresses the immune response. The researchers found that, in the trained volunteers, the release of inflammatory proteins was attenuated, resulting in the decrease of symptoms such as fever and headache. In conclusion, results from the study show that “voluntary activation of the sympathetic nervous system results in epinephrine release and subsequent suppression of the innate immune response in humans.”

Bancopuma said:
An article here that is relevant to this topic, it lays out a hypothetical framework for increasing endogenous DMT levels (the usual caveats apply...take with a pinch of salt, but do feel free to experiment), focussed on lowering CO2 levels while increasing melatonin levels.

DMT Making 101

Let’s keep this short and as sweet as possible.

Dimethyltryptamine also known as “DMT” has received much interest in recent times due to the documentary “DMT: The Spirit Molecule” as well as Dr. Rick Strassman’s book. In Strassman’s clinical trial, he would inject DMT into volunteers who would then have experiences they would later describe as “realer than real”.

The Shamanic brew known as “Ayahuasca” has also received much attention recently as dozens of YouTube documentaries and videos describe the process of drinking the potion and it’s subsequent psychedelic effects. Some media outlets have even reported healing properties both mental and physical of this beverage. The catalyst for the spiritual journey when drinking Ayahusca is DMT.

It should also be noted that the U.S. Drug Enforcement Administration (DEA) lists DMT as a schedule 1 drug alongside Heroin, Ecstasy, and LSD. In its “street form”, DMT is predominantly smoked or vaporized which leads to intense experiences lasting 20 to 30 minutes. The short duration of this altered state has led to the slang term of the “businessman’s trip” or the “businessman’s lunch”.

In 2013 in the scientific journal Biomedical Chromatography, Dr. Strassman published a paper outlining unequivocal evidence that DMT was found to naturally occur in the pineal gland of live rats. This supports his hypothesis that humans produce DMT naturally as well and likely in greater amounts during spiritual practices such as chanting, prayer, meditation, and even during the birth and death processes. This means that while the U.S. government might deem externally administered DMT as illegal, there is absolutely nothing illegal about consciously inducing the production of a naturally produced hormone found in potentially all animals.

When analyzing the differences between our active, waking conscious states compared to deep meditative states that can potentially lead to natural DMT induced experiences, there are 2 key biological factors that appear to be in play.

Higher than normal Melatonin levels.

Lower than normal Carbon Dioxide levels.

The generic consensus on how Melatonin is produced in the body is as follows: “In vertebrates, melatonin is produced in darkness, thus usually at night, by the pineal gland, a small endocrine gland located in the center of the brain but outside the blood–brain barrier.”

However, there also appears to be an association of increased Melatonin production during altered brain waves measured by EEG equipment from breathing exercises, meditation, quietness, and potentially hypnosis. Perhaps coupling these types of exercises in addition to complete darkness enhances one’s own Melatonin production ability.

As it pertains to Carbon Dioxide (CO2) levels in the body, exercise tends to increase the levels as the muscles utilize oxygen and produce CO2 as a byproduct. The metabolism of food produces H2O (water) and CO2 as a byproduct. Respiration rate has a direct effect on CO2 levels with shallow, infrequent breaths leading to an increase in CO2 levels known as hypercapnia. It’s rather interesting that the spiritual exercises of prolonged stillness (muscle atonia), fasting of varying degrees, and rhythmic breathing all directly suppress CO2 levels.

(It’s interesting to note that while fasting can suppress CO2 levels, a 1992 study in the Journal of Pineal Research outlined that fasting also significantly increased Melatonin levels throughout the body particularly the stomach and brain.)

A 2003 study published in the journal Advanced Studies in Medicine, states the following as it pertains to rhythmic and/or deep breathing patterns - “In respiratory alkalosis, as blood carbon dioxide (CO2) decreases, intracellular CO2, which is readily diffusible across the cell membrane, moves into the plasma. The loss of CO2 from the cell causes the intracellular pH to rise.“

Being that the only difference between Melatonin (C13H16N2O2) and “The Spirit Molecule” DMT (C12H16N2) is one atom of Carbon and two atoms of Oxygen, it appears as though providing an environment both externally and internally that leads to increases in Melatonin production while simultaneously decreasing CO2 levels is the key to producing DMT internally. This is why we have devised what we believe to be the quickest, most straightforward method for inducing a natural DMT experience.

1. Provide the optimal environment to increase Melatonin production which would equate to complete darkness and complete quietness if possible. Unplugging electronics in the room including Wifi can additionally help as there are multiple studies outlining the effects of electromagnetic fields negatively affecting melatonin production and pineal gland performance.

2. Decrease CO2 levels in the body via stillness, fasting, and maintaining a consistent breathing pattern.

3. Utilize humming or chanting to physically vibrate the pineal gland, pituitary gland, and thalamus to increase stimulation and potentially secretion rates.

4. We have created the audio track titled “DMT Making 101” lasting slightly longer than 1 hour in order to provide an easy to follow guided format to induce deep relaxation and prime the body to make endogenous DMT. Here is a direct download link. There are two guided sections followed by a short chanting/humming session following them. Just relax the body but stay awake and don’t forget to breath and chant/hum with the out breath during the appropriate time.


Optimal time to partake in this would be 3am if you were sleeping by 10pm. Set a gentle alarm and immediately begin the audio session. Let the body fall into deep relaxation while keeping the mind relaxed but awake.

Common symptoms are as follows: pressure in the middle of the head and behind the sinuses, flashes of light with eyes closed, the feeling of the body vibrating as if laying on top of train tracks, twitching of the limbs, and a feeling of heaviness of the body.

Timing of food consumption is key as Carbon Dioxide levels will remain elevated if you attempt to conduct this exercise directly after indulging in a substantial meal. Fasting is optimal but if it’s not possible, light meals prior to the session that do not cause digestive stress such as bloating/gas would work as well.

Look at the mechanics (breath rate/melatonin secretion) and timing (2am-4am) of REM sleep as it pertains to dreaming. The only difference between this active induction of DMT production and sleep/dreaming is the conscious/unsconscious state of experience.

Sensory deprivation float tanks can be excellent for inducing natural DMT experiences. The complete darkness, quietness, and weightlessness of the experience allows for a primed environment.

Dark-room retreats in which the subject spends prolonged periods of time (general minimum of 72 hours) in 100% darkness have produced very positive results as it pertains to natural DMT experiences.

A supplement list of the following can potentially provide an initial boost to producing DMT internally: L-Tryptophan & Melatonin.

A 1986 paper in the journal Hormone and Metabolic Research documented a study of THC’s (Marijuana) effect on Melatonin secretion in Men. The study found that 120 minutes after ingesting THC in the form of a 1 gram Marijuana cigarette, Melatonin levels were measured at an average of 4,333% higher than the original baseline and 3,000% higher than placebo. Utilize the information as you will as it pertains to synthesizing endogenous DMT.

For a more extensive look at the potential effects of DMT synthesis within the body and how they correlate with externalized and internalized experiences read "Measuring DMT Formation in Humans”, 6-part Series on DMT & Gamma Waves as well as the “Wild Theories” series.

Very interesting, thank you.

I am always very skeptical of pineal gland work claiming to increase endogenous DMT, as well as claims of increasing endogenous DMT otherwise.

( Dr. Strassman ventures into endogenous DMT in his new book "DMT and the Soul of Prophecy: A New Science of Spiritual Revelation in the Hebrew Bible". )

It's all very interesting, I just have yet to see any concrete evidence.

Like you said, take it with a grain of salt, but don't be discouraged from experimentation.

bancopuma said:
A 1986 paper in the journal Hormone and Metabolic Research documented a study of THC’s (Marijuana) effect on Melatonin secretion in Men. The study found that 120 minutes after ingesting THC in the form of a 1 gram Marijuana cigarette, Melatonin levels were measured at an average of 4,333% higher than the original baseline and 3,000% higher than placebo.

This section interested me, this connection between N-acetyl-5-methoxy-tryptamine and cannabis ingestion is actually very intriguing, though not in the sense of potential endogenous DMT production, but just as it is. THC increases melatonin levels, that in itself is fascinating.

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