Infectedstyle said:
DMT taught me Yoga. I always thought it was a waste of time before i vaped those little white crystals.
Haha, yeah, meditating, yoga, chanting. Everything gets fueled up by ayahuasca or DMT
That's why magic works on DMT
I believe we are working with real entities here, and they listen to requests. If they think your intentions are bullocks they are going to treat you like bullocks.
It's my hypothesis to, that they have an existance outside of our personal psyche. On the other hand, it doesn't change the experience. You know, it might be true that my body is 99% void, but i still act as if it is solid
I have had some very good experiences with using a sort of prayer in my rituals, which I start using every time since I developed it. I had some problems with entities dropping by and harassing me. So I wrote something, inspired by a buddhist girlfriend of mine, to protect the space by putting guardians on every side of the space. I just choose entities i'm somehow comfortable with, and which I sometimes met in hyperspace, so i feel some connection, and i think they are potent enough to protect me. I choose Ganesha in the South, Michael in the West, Mary in the North and Hermes in the East. For me, the effect is that my experience has become very stable and calm, without any harassing entities anymore
So i dont care if it's real or not, it works...
My most fullfilling experience has been meditating and listening to some chakra tones video on youtube for about 1.5 hours before vaping.
interesting indeed! Might try that the next time...
[quote[Weird feeling how the fear i had can just disappear. And i was really afraid. [/quote]
yeah, it does that, strange thing indeed. I often experience this pre-flight tension, and at the moment the ayahuasca touches my lips, I somehow know how the ride will be, and often all tension dissapears. Its like a cloak of calmness gets laid over me, something like that...
Anyway, i am leaning towards some idea of ritualizing the space. Clean air, incense etc.
I always smudge beforhand, cleaning everything. Incense can be to harsh sometimes. Like, I can taste it. It's very strong while loaded, indeed, smell, and it's easy to overdo...
I base this on the fact that my most scary experience up until now was when i ripped a fart just before vaping the spice.
haha might very well be the case, that it has some efffect, maybe just psychological, maybe some deep brainstem response, maybe something else
It's the same with cleaning the space. I noticed that things like, you know, some little dust in a corner, it somehow keeps asking for attention, i can hardly stand mess while loaded. It's just so distracting, or maybe, disrespectfull, i don't know, normally i dont care that much.