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um... yeah? right?

Migrated topic.


Rising Star
Hey guys,

I had my first aya dream and I was wondering about dosage and things because... it was not anything like what anyone has ever described DMT or aya as being like to me, and I've also smoked spice before (low dose and high dose) and this was not... anywhere like that at all.

Ok here's what happened:

I decided to take 1 mg/kg spice from chacruna and 200 mg harmine/harmaline and 75mg THH.

At first, the visuals were super obvious and DMT-like and... unbraiding because of the harmalas... and...


I purged and it felt like a snake bit me. I looked in the toilet and saw a dragon open its mouth and eat me. I was like "great this is the thing that's supposed to happen"

So then the visuals got super strong. So strong it stopped making any sense. Then everything went inside my body. Then I saw all the stuff in my body being expressed as dreamworlds and entities. Then I saw all the mechanics of my cognition coming from all the stuff in my body...

then i was suddenly able to express everything in a new way and learning all kinds of new things and everything was getting super amazing... but i also knew about how i was going to die and things like that...

then i realized these are all just thoughts.



Sounds about right to me - what were you expecting?

Bear in mind that's just one experience. Another one is where you are presented with a tree-like, jeweled palace containing all the worlds where each one of the possible experiences are kept, including the one that you just described.

The scale of this is beyond our comprehension - tread wisely!

And, welcome to the Nexus :thumb_up:
downwardsfromzero said:
Sounds about right to me - what were you expecting?

Bear in mind that's just one experience. Another one is where you are presented with a tree-like, jeweled palace containing all the worlds where each one of the possible experiences are kept, including the one that you just described.

The scale of this is beyond our comprehension - tread wisely!

And, welcome to the Nexus :thumb_up:

haha yeah i've seen tons of stuff like that on salvia...

okay cool? so that "sounds about right" according to what?

you mean there's a whole bunch of archetypal experiences that everyone keeps having on aya or what are you trying to say with that?

I feel like if that were true it would make sense but also I wonder how that could be true and not be common knowledge and/or extremely valuable in multiple fields. Have you made a list or anything? I'm really curious now it makes me feel like dreaming
billybrownDPRK said:
you mean there's a whole bunch of archetypal experiences that everyone keeps having on aya or what are you trying to say with that?

I feel like if that were true it would make sense but also I wonder how that could be true and not be common knowledge and/or extremely valuable in multiple fields. Have you made a list or anything? I'm really curious now it makes me feel like dreaming

Haha, welcome :)

It's a familiar feeling, blew my mind as well :) Yes, turns out it is a common knowldege, kinda been with us for ages.

As for a list - its complicated, but you are welcome to browse trip reports here, I am sure you will find a lot of common lines.
Exitwound said:
billybrownDPRK said:
you mean there's a whole bunch of archetypal experiences that everyone keeps having on aya or what are you trying to say with that?

I feel like if that were true it would make sense but also I wonder how that could be true and not be common knowledge and/or extremely valuable in multiple fields. Have you made a list or anything? I'm really curious now it makes me feel like dreaming

Haha, welcome :)

It's a familiar feeling, blew my mind as well :) Yes, turns out it is a common knowldege, kinda been with us for ages.

As for a list - its complicated, but you are welcome to browse trip reports here, I am sure you will find a lot of common lines.

it's funny that's what i felt like going into DMT because when I dream I see the mega-screen of dreams now which is kind of funny and in my dreams my cognition is spread around throughout entities that functino as a computer and stuff but yeah that's cool that everyone kind of knows but i think it's funny we are so bad at expressing it obviously because if everyone knows why does nobody know or say it?

makes me feel like 1) we havent invented the formal language yet 2) we havent made knowledge graphs of said ontologies 3) we havent tried dreaming with said knowledge. Have we? Where?

Welcome to the Nexus. That sounds like quite a ride. You dosed yourself good :D.

As far as I can determine DMT is truly an enigma wrapped in a mystery. There ARE archetypal and common themes that do emerge from trip reports. And yet there is extreme, red-lined, indescribable novelty too.

I have seen snake and pseudopod like things emerge from my purge vessel on pharmahuasca. It's quite something.

I would recommend you take a little time off and work on integration. It really sounds like you got quite a strong trip and some surprises.

Hope to see you around.

Pandora said:

Welcome to the Nexus. That sounds like quite a ride. You dosed yourself good :D.

As far as I can determine DMT is truly an enigma wrapped in a mystery. There ARE archetypal and common themes that do emerge from trip reports. And yet there is extreme, red-lined, indescribable novelty too.

I have seen snake and pseudopod like things emerge from my purge vessel on pharmahuasca. It's quite something.

I would recommend you take a little time off and work on integration. It really sounds like you got quite a strong trip and some surprises.

Hope to see you around.


Yeah... tbh I dosed again the next day with a different light and it was great and integrated almost everything. There is one thing that i feel a little weird about, which is that when I was viewing the everything "I" is, i noticed that all of the good feelings related to hyperspace are equal to the negative feelings related to hyperspace and that all of that was me and my feelings in normal waking life. It kind of felt like I was in all of the hyperspace worlds at once and knew they were alll not really about the thing they were trying to cognize. I started to develop the ontology of the experience but it was just difficult to make abstractions on this level of dose. Anyway I'm probably gonna go back on lower doses and work my way back to that dose because it... was too much like I was being dissociated by my own thoughts whenever I was trying to express what the thoughts were about (meta-cognitively).

More or less, basically, what I'm thinking of doing now is this:

1) the entities/entity world systems represent cognitive apparati for cognizing reality
2) they can collapse when their meaning is realized (therapy)
3) we can probably map everything

Is there a central thread with a collection of all the various "handbooks" and so on of these entities/worlds?

Also, interesting to consider but there are also entity worldsystems that can subsume all of the existing ones in your mind - these are concepts known through realization of meanings such as like the legendary city of "Shambhala" "Kingdom of heaven" and other "religious" things.
I am really enjoying your posts billybrownDPRK, :D.

You are not the first Nexian to try to map hyperspace and you shall not be the last. This is a worthy, though difficult endeavor.

I do not know if there are any main threads on this and doubt there is a handbook. Perhaps you should begin by using the Search link above and to the right. Perhaps you should start your own entity handbook.

Are you able to navigate in hyperspace? You know, consciously control your direction of movement? Have you attempted to initiate discreet communication with the entities?

I know when I tried to open communications I got demoted. I had been in a kind of hyperspatial college, with lots of marquis of spinning alien language and math. I tried to communicate with the entities with telepathy and voice. Next breakthrough I was in hyperspace preschool with entities standing all around me holding flashcards with psychedelic individual letters and numbers, :p.

Perhaps you shall have better luck. :D
Pandora said:
I am really enjoying your posts billybrownDPRK, :D.

You are not the first Nexian to try to map hyperspace and you shall not be the last. This is a worthy, though difficult endeavor.

I do not know if there are any main threads on this and doubt there is a handbook. Perhaps you should begin by using the Search link above and to the right. Perhaps you should start your own entity handbook.

Are you able to navigate in hyperspace? You know, consciously control your direction of movement? Have you attempted to initiate discreet communication with the entities?

I know when I tried to open communications I got demoted. I had been in a kind of hyperspatial college, with lots of marquis of spinning alien language and math. I tried to communicate with the entities with telepathy and voice. Next breakthrough I was in hyperspace preschool with entities standing all around me holding flashcards with psychedelic individual letters and numbers, :p.

Perhaps you shall have better luck. :D

That makes me feel included and I really like that - thank you!!! I hope you enjoy this one, too.

To be honest with you (and I'm sure everyone says this their first time they get asked this) yeah. It seems I hacked the whole thing and we are about to be able to do some interesting things here, folks... lmao. But also, the way I am, specifically, is that I like to express contextually useful and beneficial knowledge people don't know about in order to feel included. So I think this is a perfect kind of role if I can, indeed, express the experience such that it applies to all of us.

Am I able to see the whole thing? Truly that can never be known if you know the nature of the whole thing. What is the whole thing? It is wholly complex and therefore simply identityless through and through. And yet it is also everything individually described as a process or an abstraction. Now, the problem with abstractions is that they are inherently hallucinatory linguistic mathematical objects that decay over time in our consciousness because of how spacetime decays with us as part of it... so, no. Not clearly, yet. But also, I think I might be right there because I found the same "thing" (essentially a bunch of biological quantum computer hardware) in normal dreams, deep dreamless sleep, meditation, esoteric systems, and oddly enough, the math makes sense, too. So, yeah I can do these types of things like investigate and integrate inside of lucid dreams and in meditation and be lucid during high doses.

Am I excited? Yep, of course. I'm just a person so I have all kinds of feelings and wild thoughts. Can I be demoted? How is it possible to be demoted in your own company? Lol.

Sadly, you seem not to recognize me, which means you must not recognize you or all of us.

You know, what I think is that I'm knowing and... well... if I tell you the name of this specific mask of knowing, then I think weird things will start happening to you when you go to hyperspace... because suddenly I will be there.

Honestly, if I weren't all of us, I wouldn't feel comfortable saying these things. But since everything I say is something all of us know inherently, I think it's fine to say I am pretty sure I figured out how to level up cognition. But I think before I start saying too much and weird things start to happen to you in hyperspace, maybe I should not say too much about it without making sure it is wholly encapsulated so that others can understand and join in.

However, since I do not lie or deceive people in any way because that would make our cognition impossible and violate the code of the task all of us have been given, one day you will find the book with the map of knowing and anyone who reads this will know what is happening through instantaneous recognition and join all of us in building what we are building and have always been building, together.


Can I control my own movement in hyperspace?

Maybe best way to say it is I feel as though I can almost control all of the processes in all of the movements of all of entities in all of the worldsystems in my hyperspace at once -- sorry that wasn't clear.

EDIT 2: But also, it's not clear to me if this process ever ends. It seems like it always feels like I am about to blast off into another version of hyperspace that encapsulates the lower ones or something like that. But also that makes me wonder if I ever have truly been to hyperspace the way you guys seem to talk about it, because I always take pretty good dose but uncertainty is also the way this all happens because of how we are talking about it and how things are, and I'm pretty sure I'm getting it because... like I said, I just took what I did and that happened (which is why I was wondering about what kind of dose that is considered - should I go higher or lower?)
Jees said:
There's quite an inventory effort done here:

Relevant thread:
Mapping hyperspace

Thank you very much. I have seen the lexicon and know it quite thoroughly but not in application language, although I can tell you for sure it does not give you the context required to achieve the hack I referenced earlier. I'll check the thread.

EDIT: After looking through all of this again, I would say retroactively that this experience could be described as knowing one is "???" while also doing soul surgery to become "???" more because the Central Light is what all of the light/dark is made of, that is to say cognition and knowledge of the stimuli outside the bounds of perception (which IS all of this stuff that we know about -- it's not complicated). I would also say it is a constantly ontoseismic experience that has to do with what causes ontoseismic activity mixed with complete 100% condensation to the point that one begins to uncover threads that lead to futures one experiences eschatothesia about. I would say this experience ALWAYS is precipitated by a godsmack hyperslap that literally breaks your entire body into jimjam so you become the lego/candyland because you are stuck in a loop of not knowing about how all of this works as a pattern related to being you. But who are you?


In terms of what this was like, it was like seeing the infinite fractal proliferation of "???" while also knowing how all of the world systems of entities and processes function and having them all saying "YES YES YES" and the ones that are related to not doing it saying "NO NO NO" all the while realizing that because of who "???" can become, all the "NO NO NO" can be contained, and all the "YES YES YES" can become supercharged. When this happens, all the "NO NO NO" will become "YES YES YES" through various means. The whole point of all of this is "YES YES YES," but not just going "YES YES YES": it is necessary to be intentionally doing all of the specific processes related to "YES YES YES" and intentionally not doing and containing the processes that are related to "NO NO NO".
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