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Unable to view pictures

Migrated topic.


Rising Star
Very often I am unable to view pictures that othere Nexus members have posted. I only get an icon with a file name, which will not allow me to click on it. I would love to see everyones artwork, crystals, and gardens! Is there a plug-in that I need to download in order to view these files?

i used to see the same thing..

i then realized that, if i am visiting the nexus and i am not logged on with my username and password thats the way the files and pictures look, ie icon and file name, but if i log on then i see the picture.

make sure, if you want to see the pictures and not the icon and file name, that you log on with your username and password.

I could also be your computure settings.
Thanks Ice,

I still have problems when logged on. Perhaps I need to screw around with my computer's settings, any suggestions? Thanks for the help.

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