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unexpected trip report

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Rising Star
From a friend as always...

Had some close friends over tonight for a little hyperspace travel. Loaded up med dose in a machine and buddy 1 hit it. I noticed the flame wasn't sucking into the neck much at all and was concerned as to whether or not he received the full med. dose, as it can be fairly hard to tell from an inexperienced hyperspace travelers trip report. After his come down, he had quite a bit to say about the experience so I didn't think much more of it. Buddy 2 proceeded to load a breakthrough dose, and apparently experienced a mid level trip. A little baffled at this point as to exactly what was left in the pipe, I went to cash it out for "safety precautions" as I didn't want to undergo a similiar experience as my last trip. ( lost in a confusing chaotic mess) Yeah, there was a bit in there alright, it caught me off guard and I knew I was gone..

This was my first experience in a silent room on a large dose and I must say, it's far more interesting with NO concept of time passing whatsoever. When there is nothing anchoring you to this reality, including time, it's so much easier to let go. Logical enough eh? So after the unexpected heavy tracers of the visual onset, I laid back with a few fleeting thoughts on my foolish lack of meditation preparation. The psychedelic "grid" came into focus behind closed eyelids, then the bottom fell out. Loosing all sense of this physical reality, of myself, I was just being. I was the timeless, selfless eternity. There is really no describing this state, or I'm severely lacking the intellect to do so. After being this pure existance for what was an eternity, shards of the ego started falling back into place and I remembered why this insight had happened in the first place.

Note: At this point I opened my eyes and the visuals were the exact same intensity, just layered on top of my distorted physical room.

As these ego shards fell into place, they were analyzed piece by piece. It turned into one of those introspective shroom trips where you delve into your ego's thoughts both "Good" and "bad" and learn from them what you can. A very healing experience it is to see thoughts under such a light. At this point I started catching sounds of the cold front that had been passing by the whole time. The wind, rain, thunder and other "tones" mixed in with the fading visuals made for a relaxing comedown. I was very overwhelmed at what ONE can truly experience in ten minutes. Time truly is an illusion.

I'm so glad I've had the privilege of experiencing this entheogen, It's truly astounding...

A tip to anyone who says the machine doesn't work, SUCK IN A LITTLE HARDER. This is more like smoking a substance instead of vaporizing (although it's still vaporizing) It fucking works.. You get it right on that first hit.. you need not bother with another.
nice similar thing happened to me recently damn residual spice hiding in there "pure existence" it most definitely is, I bet it felt fucking fantastic too, right? :D I think we all got too used to 'being', since its all we've known, we forget what it actually [i:968e847715]feels[/i:968e847715] like until...this happens bon voyage
well put - 'shards' ... ! so satisfying to come back, ! in just 2 minutes sometimes ! I flashed-back from those words ! - through the 'grid' ... infinity is timeless - ... that Indra's net feeling, ... looking through one jewel, seeing into a million ... dripping, mirrored gems. I think it's time [i:098a2fa270]and[/i:098a2fa270] gravity that smother us in this physical state we find ourselves in... ... that 'laminate' our conscious state, when we wake up each day. Dmt is poly-strippa to that layer . But, not like i think my experiences are like yours, do you find it is sometimes a dark-void, like a starry night sky - feeling like you're on a dark side of a planet seeing/being the whole cosmos ?. This might sound odd, but has anyone else experienced that there's the 'white' with lots-of-mirrors infinity, vs dark-night sky infinity..? Maybe the 'mirrors' infinity 'breakthrough' is a higher-dose launch..? And so for that matter is this another version of a breakthrough - 'infinity' is the ultimate breakthrough..? ..? Anyhow, I bristled at your words ..! Made me want to try again ... !
pure existence it most definitely is, I bet it felt fucking fantastic too, right?

In the everlasting moment it was pure bliss, and can only hope it's what death has to offer.

well put - 'shards' ... ! so satisfying to come back, ! in just 2 minutes sometimes ! I flashed-back from those words ! - through the 'grid' ... infinity is timeless - ... that Indra's net feeling, ... looking through one jewel, seeing into a million ... dripping, mirrored gems.

Satisfying and introspective at the same time. Felt like I was watching myself be rebuilt and noticed the positive and negative aspects of that rebuilding process. Once you're on the comedown, the ego seems so distant. You notice how unimportant the trivial bullshit is in life. That new vehicle and sound system, that emotional attachment we chase, money, social status etc. Psychedelics have always held my attention because they seem to have a lesson to teach. However, this state fades away after time as the ego roots itself back in. While this entheogen gives me insight on how we should be, I don't feel it to be a permanent solution, just a glimpse at we're capable of. I will eventually have to separate myself from it and continue with the longer path. The more attachments we make in life, the more we have to break away from. This will just be another one, even if I see it as a positive experience.

Thats just my thoughts..

But, not like i think my experiences are like yours, do you find it is sometimes a dark-void, like a starry night sky - feeling like you're on a dark side of a planet seeing/being the whole cosmos ?. This might sound odd, but has anyone else experienced that there's the 'white' with lots-of-mirrors infinity, vs. dark-night sky infinity..? Maybe the 'mirrors' infinity 'breakthrough' is a higher-dose launch..?

It is quite difficult to explain, as any words will fall short. For me it's just being endless time and space, visuals at this stage are difficult to recall, it's just existing as everything. Sounds similar to your dark-void reference.

And so for that matter is this another version of a breakthrough - 'infinity' is the ultimate breakthrough..? ..?

I don't think we could define it as the ultimate, I think different minds experience different breakthroughs. As blissful as it is, I was looking forward to finding myself in a tangible place, because supposedly those breakthrough types are always different experiences. With mine It may just be fairly similar every time, good in the long run as it will help me detach from it. What I was being is perfect enough to seek out in a more permanent stage... without dying, or being on dmt 24/7.. lol
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