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Unlocking enourmos powers!

Migrated topic.


Rising Star
So yesterday me and my gf decided to do some mxe after a few months break from this substance.

After a while we both felt a bit different than the usual dissio effect, i guess it was more trippy and dopaminy than it usually is, although mxe works like this that the effects can be somewhat random.

Anyway we got in a really erotic mode and had a long loving sesion which was awesome, after this we decided to smoke a joint with some dank.

After the joint she said something to me that i can´t remember but this triggered some kind of symbiotic hole state that just merged our consiusness into a unity of love.

The visuals just blasted off like a breakthrough and i could clearly see all our energies merging and felt this divine bond forming between us.

This was so incredible since it felt like we for the first time in 7years totally understood each other, i just sent her all my unresolved feelings and she responded right back.

Our subconsious minds had linked up in this dissiociative state and time had stopped.

As soon as we spoke the connection was lost so we had to be quiet and just let our minds speak since words could not come close to speak like our souls could in this unity.

This was somewhat close to a heavy dose of ayahuasca but instead of feeling the plant spirit we connected and healed each other in a similar way.

I was in shock and still am, this was only a fraction of what happened since i was up a long while after this and reflected over life, i had been given godly powers for one night and i had to use them before i was a mortal again.

And yes i know this all sounds very manic and i know it was, but in the moment it was so real esp since she felt this too.

I have no idea if i can ever repliate what happened yesterday but i know mxe combined with lsd have given me similar abilities before, although this was alot stronger and is something that i could only describe as a meeting with god.

I think factors that contributed is that ive worked alot lately to get in touch with my emotions and strengtening my relations to my loved ones.

Also i have not used mxe or cannabis in over a month.
Sounds very nice :d

make sure you mentally/emotionally 'bookmark' it so you can access it,cultivate it, or remember it together often.
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