PerPLexED has trouble getting into good scenarios for psychedelics. He has had a few overthetop experiences which shook him to his core, so it is a bit difficult for him to try it again. He has been having a showdown with Sally for the past 2 weeks, but still remains out of that realm. He is afraid his spice is going to come and go before he has a good time to do it. How does one know when its a good time to go into hyperspace through Sally or Dimitri? Also, PerPLexED is mostly alone, would he be safe doing this alone? He has in the past, and knows he can control himself, but after reading various trip reports about others running the streets with knives and breaking into neighbors houses gives him anxiety.
Any advice is much appreciated so PerPLExED can report his trips back to the nexus.
Any advice is much appreciated so PerPLExED can report his trips back to the nexus.