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Upcoming first experience with cactus (San Pedro).

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Rising Star
Hi all,

I'll shortly have about 10lbs of San Pedro to work with and I hope to have an experience with the cactus either this upcoming weekend or the next. I've looked into various extraction techniques and seeing as they have quite a bit in common with MHRB extraction, I don't think I'll have much of a problem with it. I do have a few questions though.

The first is regarding the use of Syrian Rue or other MAOI/RIMAs. Seeing as most San Pedro doesn't seem to be all that potent, potentiating with Rue would seem to be a good idea in my mind, especially considering how cheap Rue is compared to cactus. But I've heard a number of possible issues, especially when combining the rue with the whole cactus as it seems that San Pedro has a fair amount of tyramine. I know that extracted mescaline shouldn't be an issue with rue, but would there be an issue with combining rue with a full spectrum SP extraction (IE, before doing any acetone washing)? Does this extract contain a fair amount of tyramine, and if so, would the combination be a problem? I've heard from a number of sources that diet isn't especially important with regard to RIMAs and I have consumed aged cheeses while on rue in the past with no issues.

So, how many people have tried the (MAOI/RIMA)/mescaline combo before? Would you consider it a good way of using less mescaline yet achieving the same results? Is there any reason why I wouldn't want my first cactus experience to be like this? Would you recommend I only use rue in combination with fairly clean extracted mescaline rather than with the full spectrum alkaloids? Does anyone find that the rue imparts a negative quality to the trip?

If I decide to proceed in this manner, I was thinking about taking 200mgs of harmalas along with either 200mgs mescaline hcl or 250mgs combined alkaloids. Does this sound like a good first time dose? I should mention that I seem to have a very high tolerance for hallucinogens in general, I need to take large amounts of shrooms (around a quarter ounce dry) before I get really any decent visuals and I need silly large amounts of DMT to get much of an effect (I broke through once at around 400mgs and typically need around 200 to get a substantial experience). I don't believe that I've had any experience with phenethylamines with the exception of MDMA (which I seem to have average tolerance to, given my weight).

I've heard so many good things about this particular entheogen, I'm really excited to give it a try. My significant other and I will be dosing together and we'd like to have control over our facilities the entire trip if possible. From what I've heard about mescaline, this shouldn't be an issue, but I wonder if the addition of harmalas might effect things greatly.

Given how cheap harmalas are and how relatively rare and expensive cactus is, I'd think this combination would be used far more often. Is there a particular reason that people tend to shy away from this combo? Any and all information that can be provided would be greatly appreciated. Thanks.
You are on the right track, I've done this extensively.

Since mesc has no amphetamine group it seems to be OK to combine with harmalas.

I've tried up to 200mg harmala with probably up to a gram or more of impure mesc acetate and unknown quantities of resin from evapped teas and always have had exquisite trips.

Your starter dose sounds like a good place to get familiar with the way this synergy works and you can plan your next dose accordingly.

Have fun!
۩ said:
You are on the right track, I've done this extensively.

Since mesc has no amphetamine group it seems to be OK to combine with harmalas.

I've tried up to 200mg harmala with probably up to a gram or more of impure mesc acetate and unknown quantities of resin from evapped teas and always have had exquisite trips.

Your starter dose sounds like a good place to get familiar with the way this synergy works and you can plan your next dose accordingly.

Have fun!

Thanks for the advice! A gram or more?!? Wow! I know I don't have any frame of reference, but that sounds like a lot. Mescaline to me almost sounds like a perfect entheogen, I can't even imagine what a dose like that would be like, but I'm guessing that "exquisite" just about covers it. I've seen a fairly simple dose chart a number of times, 200mgs for threshold, 400mgs for mild visuals, 600mgs for a visionary trip and 800mgs+ for an intense trip, but I have no idea how well that would apply to me. I very well might have the same tolerance for mescaline that I do for DMT, which would mean that I'd pretty much have to combine with rue to get decent effects without spending an arm and a leg.

So it seems to me that I don't really need to worry about the impure, extracted alkaloids. Have you done a similar dose to what I described (200/200)? Would you think that I'd get visuals at that dose or would we most likely just get euphoria, even when combined with harmalas?

I have one last question, if you don't mind. Do you typically take the harmalas and mescaline at the same time, like in a 'huasca brew, or do you dose the harmalas first, give them time to be active and then dose the mescaline?

Thanks again for your contribution. I believe that's how I'll be dosing this weekend or next.
I used to take them at the same time because it was fun having the harmalas kick in before the mesc-

And mescaline is a funny chemical in regards to dose. I've heard reports of visions @ 100mg (VERY sensitive individual) while others can eat 800mg and feel mild effects. Also my acetate was never purified or anything so thats a factor. I am on the latter end of the spectrum myself. I like low doses but it takes a lot to get into this incredible visionary state. I go with tea these days. At least 2' if I want to go deep. There are reports on here somewhere of people who take ayahuasca with 3' of achuma I think, or around there.

Universecannon coined the term "San Paapi."

And dreamer042 pioneered rolling evaporated tea (resin) into balls with caapi powder.
۩ said:
I used to take them at the same time because it was fun having the harmalas kick in before the mesc-

And mescaline is a funny chemical in regards to dose. I've heard reports of visions @ 100mg (VERY sensitive individual) while others can eat 800mg and feel mild effects. Also my acetate was never purified or anything so thats a factor. I am on the latter end of the spectrum myself. I like low doses but it takes a lot to get into this incredible visionary state. I go with tea these days. At least 2' if I want to go deep. There are reports on here somewhere of people who take ayahuasca with 3' of achuma I think, or around there.

Universecannon coined the term "San Paapi."

And dreamer042 pioneered rolling evaporated tea (resin) into balls with caapi powder.

Thanks again for the advice. I just like to be as knowledgeable as possible about a substance before I ingest it. It looks like with cactus, there's really no way to know until I try. I was considering taking a tea for my first experience, but my sole experience with mimosahuasca has turned me off of these potent teas. I know it's less in the spirit of the medicine, but I think I'll be taking the extracted alkaloids. I have a pretty strong stomach, but the taste of the mimosa brew was just horrific. I'm sure cactus isn't as bad, but I think I'd have a mental barrier if I tried it that way. As such, I think I'll be taking both the harmalas and the extracted alkaloids in a single gel cap. I think my SO's stomach will thank me for it.

I'm very much looking forward to this weekend. If all goes well, I should have up a trip report in less than a week. Thanks again!
San Pedro tends to be a bit more on the mild side. My personal favorite is Achuma. The last time I had the pleasure to work with it i took 2' worth of tea cooked with a handful of caapi leaves. 26 hours later I finally started to come down. It was quite lovely. I look forward to hearing about your experience.
Ez said:
San Pedro tends to be a bit more on the mild side. My personal favorite is Achuma. The last time I had the pleasure to work with it i took 2' worth of tea cooked with a handful of caapi leaves. 26 hours later I finally started to come down. It was quite lovely. I look forward to hearing about your experience.

Thanks for the reply. I've heard nothing but good things about Achuma. Do you find that the caapi modifies the experience less than with other cacti considering the alkaloids in Achuma which have MAOI like characteristics? Do you find that you typically have a longer trip with Achuma in general? I hope to be picking up some of it in short order, I just thought that I'd start with San Pedro.

Also, do you find ingesting the mixed alkaloids to be a similar experience to the tea? Thanks again.
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