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using ayahuasca to get rid of a cold..

Migrated topic.


Rising Star
has anyone ever done this? does it work? ive heard that the MAOi screw around a lot when it comes to the production of white blood cells. its supposed to really get the immune system going. could i try 50mg harmine for getting rid of a cold? god how i hate a soar throat!

any other stuff recommended? i use islandic moss extract, sweetroot tea, peppermint tea, sage tea, thyme tea.

i eat only fresh fruit with as little acid as possible(no apples and such), salty soups and i drink a lot of water.

haven't had a cold in years.. i had almost forgotten how it feels not to be able to breathe through your nose and not to be able to eat dense meals because of the soar throat.
one thing that REALLY helps is tea tree oil...if you can get some...get a q-tip and dip it in the oil..and then smear it on the inside of your nostrils and then squeeze them together for 10 seconds or so...and dont blow your nose for like 30 seconds...try inhaling as much tea tree oil vapor into your nose...its an anti-bacterial/viral/fungi/and loads of other stuff...its great for the immune system and really helps clear out your nose..

you probably have a sore throat from the post nasal drip...nasty stuff drippin down your throat can cause it to get all sore...also take a really hot bath with some tea tree oil in it...um...and take multivitamins...and eat chicken soup...and maybe have a glass of wine...it may just make you feel a lot better..and the first step to getting better is feeling better...

if i think of anything else for you..ill post
Ayahuasca probably does stimulate the immune system but because you are injesting a load of toxic substances like all the tannins that make you puke. Anyway the last thing I would want to have to deal with while on ayahuasca is a cold so wouldnt recommend :)

What SWIM always find useful for colds is to drink a couple of very strong cups of ginger tea with some honey and take a nap. It works very well. Ginger has anti viral and anti bacterial compounds.
Cat's Claw is what I always take when I start feeling sick.

3-5grams in about 1/2 liter, boil for 10 minutes, strain, boil again in 1/4 liter.

100mL 2twice a day.

Cat's Claw has been proven to boost the immune system like crazy...so much so that it is used in NY state hospital (read that somewhere, I can probably find the like if someone is really interested). You cannot use it at all before or after any transplant, simply because it puts the immune system into overdrive and the body will attack the transplant.

It's good stuff, sometimes is used as an additive to Ayahuasca...comes from the same region, and is used down there extensively by both currandero's and hospitals. There are some studies now to see if it can be beneficial for HIV and cancer.

Aya may help, she does love to heal the sick. Aya has always been used for healing (through the spirit realm)in the traditional setting. Westerners first introduced the idea that Aya is a spiritual exploration tool.
Cat's claw is good, indeed. I don't think you will have a very pleasant experience when you use ayahuasca this way. I suspect it will temporarilly worsen your cold, because of the effects it has on the bloodcirculation.
There are a few things that realy help; cat's claw, garlic (kills all germs), sambucus nigra (kills even more germs) and plenty of water.
I would be interested in other Ayahuasca ingredients that can be used for various types of healing. Tradtional ingredients besides Caapi, Psychotria and Diplopterys. Anybody got any good links?
I would be interested in other Ayahuasca ingredients that can be used for various types of healing. Tradtional ingredients besides Caapi, Psychotria and Diplopterys. Anybody got any good links?
Check out Ilex Guayusa. It is sometimes used as an admixture to ayahuasca. Supposed to keep you more alert. It also seems to have very powerful cleansing abilities. In high doses it is an emetic. Imho this comes from purging of disharmonies in various forms. It is also used before ayahuasca ceremonies, to cleanse the body and mind of impurities to make you more sensitive to the ayahuasca experience.

It contains a lot of caffeine. In fact, it is supposedly the plant with the highest caffeine amount. It wakes you up, and yet, relaxes you.

Various other plants in the same family has also been used for cleansing, such as yerba mate(Ilex Paraguensis). Another plant is Ilex Vomitoria, used my Indians in north america. It is also known as the black drink. Link to its wiki page. A book has been written about it.
i've heard Ilex Guayusa is supposed to be a purging help before using ayahuasca.

thanks for the nice tips folks. i went with the chicken soup infused with sage and thyme. helped me get rid of all that snot. last night i had an onion pizza.. it seemed to have helped a lot this night.

the thing i'd really like to use is jiaogulan - the chinese immortality herb. its supposed to be REALLY good for colds and improvement of the immune system. but my plant is still too tiny to be used. hope i can use it when the next cold comes.

i also would find it very useful to know what shamans use which addmixtures for which occasion.

the thing i'd really like to use is jiaogulan - the chinese immortality herb. its supposed to be REALLY good for colds and improvement of the immune system.
Never heard of it before, but it sounds like a really interesting herb. Especially its adaptogenic properties.
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