Yes, I've also found that psychedelics provide the most anti-inflammatory effects. It really clues you in on how much of a psychospiritual disease this is.
To each their own for sure about doing it in a ceremonial group setting. Maybe I'll feel comfortable doing that one day but I usually feel like I need my own space.
I've tried a LOT of things, and my story as it stands now, I believe, is too shrouded by my own psychological fuckuperies associated with Lyme to tell it straight. But I will say these things.
Many people talk about hitting it from "all angles." The more things you try and COMBINE, the better.
Chew on this: "I have not been able to heal because I have been trying to heal something that is an imbalance created by trying to heal something that never existed in the first place."
In other words, before I had all these things wrong with me, I *believed* something was wrong with me, and that may or may not have been true. That knowledge may bring me closer to resolving inner turmoil, both physically and mentally.
I am currently trying Buhner's protocol (check out his book "Healing Lyme"), which recommends many herbs but centers around Japanese knotweed. This is helping a lot.
Look out for a thread I'm about to post about using Ayahuasca for RA. This definitely deserves its own thread, if not its own forum, imo. EDIT: Here it is: Ayahuasca Vine For Lyme Disease - Harmalas - Welcome to the DMT-Nexus