I found this site the other day as i was researching Anadenanthera colubrina on erowid. One of the links pointed me here and i have spent many many hours reading up on dmt and Bufotenine, both extraction methods and effects. And i am completely amazed about the weralth of information on here> I had just about given up on trying dmt without having to go the herbal route and spend my trip hugging the toilet. BUt now it seems like i can make my own dmt or Bufotenine quite easily enough at a minimal cost, atleast at a cost orders of magnitude less than i have heard dmt can be sold for( i only know one person who has bought it before)
Another thing that has amazed me is about the general level of maturity here, most forums are so populated by trolls and their close kin they might as well be situated in middle earth.
Well anyway here is to a long and happy relationship with these forums, there is so much to learn and experiment with here
Another thing that has amazed me is about the general level of maturity here, most forums are so populated by trolls and their close kin they might as well be situated in middle earth.
Well anyway here is to a long and happy relationship with these forums, there is so much to learn and experiment with here