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Utter amazement at this site

Migrated topic.


Rising Star
I found this site the other day as i was researching Anadenanthera colubrina on erowid. One of the links pointed me here and i have spent many many hours reading up on dmt and Bufotenine, both extraction methods and effects. And i am completely amazed about the weralth of information on here> I had just about given up on trying dmt without having to go the herbal route and spend my trip hugging the toilet. BUt now it seems like i can make my own dmt or Bufotenine quite easily enough at a minimal cost, atleast at a cost orders of magnitude less than i have heard dmt can be sold for( i only know one person who has bought it before)

Another thing that has amazed me is about the general level of maturity here, most forums are so populated by trolls and their close kin they might as well be situated in middle earth.

Well anyway here is to a long and happy relationship with these forums, there is so much to learn and experiment with here
Welcome to the Nexus!

Im glad you've been enjoying exploring our community. Indeed if you're looking for information on these substances, how to extract them from different plant sources, this is definitely the place to be :) Also the general attitude is one of the most important parts of our community, so the fact it called your attention is a good sign, because it means this maturity important to you too.

You say you are interested in extracting dmt and bufotenine, and that you dont want to be purging all trip. It is true that extracted alkaloids can diminish nausea. You can also ingest some drops of essential lemon oil and/or ingest some ginger to help preventing nausea. In the end though, purging can be a part of the experience and IME it doesnt last all the trip, maybe just a part, and its a learning experience too. But do go ahead and extract if you want and try that out.

What method of extractions are calling your attention? Are you considering extracting harmala alkaloids to orally activate dmt ?

What is your experience with psychedelics in general?

Hope to see more from you around!
Hi Perderabo,

Welcome to the Nexus. Yes, this is a very special place. We have our human foibles it's true and yet . . .yeah, overall I feel there is a higher level of maturity here and certainly the information you find, in particular in the teks found in the Wiki, is rock solid.

Wiki link in the upper right corner of the Forum if you haven't found it yet.

Check the subforums out. There's so much here to see and not just on entheogens. Sustainability, chemistry, art, music, culture, Occupy!(not a subforum but lots of posts on Nexus) activities etc are discussed here.

I too had nearly given up on DMT. I was even prepared to buy a dose if I could find one. I searched for 23 years. :(. Then I found a DIY (do it yourself) tek in a magazine. Then the Nexus. All I can say is, home extracted drugs and homegrown plants and herbs are the absolute best. The only fear or concerns I have to deal with are in the contents of my mind. I don't wonder about source, purity, cleanliness of product, etc.

You have come to the right place. You have found the right community.

If you might be willing to tell us a bit more about yourself - just in general - I know folks would like to hear more about you.

Again, welcome. :D

Peace & Love
endlessness said:
Welcome to the Nexus!

Im glad you've been enjoying exploring our community. Indeed if you're looking for information on these substances, how to extract them from different plant sources, this is definitely the place to be :) Also the general attitude is one of the most important parts of our community, so the fact it called your attention is a good sign, because it means this maturity important to you too.

You say you are interested in extracting dmt and bufotenine, and that you dont want to be purging all trip. It is true that extracted alkaloids can diminish nausea. You can also ingest some drops of essential lemon oil and/or ingest some ginger to help preventing nausea. In the end though, purging can be a part of the experience and IME it doesnt last all the trip, maybe just a part, and its a learning experience too. But do go ahead and extract if you want and try that out.

What method of extractions are calling your attention? Are you considering extracting harmala alkaloids to orally activate dmt ?

What is your experience with psychedelics in general?

Hope to see more from you around!

Thank you for the welcome.

At the moment i think i am going to make bufotenine first. Mainly because it was the extraction of that that led me here but also because it seems to have an easier extraction process using "Bufotenine IPA Extraction and Bufojam Changa Tek", the seeds often contain alot more bufotenine than dmt containing plants do, it requires a smaller dose and i have been intrigued about people reporting how it can be extremely visualy trippy while still leaving your mind pretty lucid.

I am planning on extracting and smoking the bufotenine , though i do intend to try it the original snuff way when i first get the seeds. Both for the experience and for something to compare my end product from extraction to.

And i am sure you will see alot more of me around once i have some more experience here and knowledge of the different extraction processes. I am lucky as well i dont have the formal knowledge i do have a mother who has worked in a lab most her life, mainly making sure medication contained what it was supposed to, didnt contain anything else it wasnt supposed to and had it in the labeled amounts. So i will be able to pick her brain when needed
Welcome perderabo yes the nexus is great and filled with information, you can spend a lot of time, gaining knowledge from this site.

And yes you will find obtaining spice is very simple and affordable, i wish you luck and to travel safe, when journeying into the deep sea of spice.
Welcome Perderabo, I'm glad you found us and I hope we can be of help. Just curious... What kind of past experience do you have with hallucinogens?
Penderabo you wrote:
Another thing that has amazed me is about the general level of maturity here, most forums are so populated by trolls and their close kin they might as well be situated in middle earth.
..i had similar feelings upon first encountering the nexus..a lot of the net to me is like troll shit-hurling kindergarten..
hope your research here is fruitful...:)
Pandora said:
Hi Perderabo,

Welcome to the Nexus. Yes, this is a very special place. We have our human foibles it's true and yet . . .yeah, overall I feel there is a higher level of maturity here and certainly the information you find, in particular in the teks found in the Wiki, is rock solid.

Wiki link in the upper right corner of the Forum if you haven't found it yet.

Check the subforums out. There's so much here to see and not just on entheogens. Sustainability, chemistry, art, music, culture, Occupy!(not a subforum but lots of posts on Nexus) activities etc are discussed here.

I too had nearly given up on DMT. I was even prepared to buy a dose if I could find one. I searched for 23 years. :(. Then I found a DIY (do it yourself) tek in a magazine. Then the Nexus. All I can say is, home extracted drugs and homegrown plants and herbs are the absolute best. The only fear or concerns I have to deal with are in the contents of my mind. I don't wonder about source, purity, cleanliness of product, etc.

You have come to the right place. You have found the right community.

If you might be willing to tell us a bit more about yourself - just in general - I know folks would like to hear more about you.

Again, welcome. :D

Peace & Love

Thank you for the welcome.

Yes i have seen some of what this site has to offer. i have probably spent about 20 hours over the last few days reading and trying to comprehend The vast amount of information on this site. Strangely enough i am almost as eager to get some of the relevant knowledge under my belt, so i can maybe experiment a bit on extracting the substances , as i am at finaly trying them out.

A bit about me? well i am 24. i spent most of my life in South Africa before moving to the UK 4 or 5 years ago. I was a every day weed smoker for around 7 years before i eventualy realised its alot more fun and potent to take a break and only smoke on the weekends usualy. I have done most common retail drugs except crystal meths, and a few exotic ones. My favourite drug has always been cannabis ,with alcohol being one of my least favourite( mainly because every time i have gooten arrested, been in a fight, said stuff i really should have not, or woken up the next morning covered in dirt and puke and bruises with no memory , its been due to alcohol)
I have always liked hallucigenic drugs and datura was the first hallucinogen i tried, it was not fun, it was ot at all enjoyable but it was an experience that has stood me in good stead with any other drug.Mainly because no matter how much of a mind fuck any other drug has ever giving me, it has paled in comparison to a full on datura trip.

Otherwise not to much to say at the moment except that i look forward to being a part of this site
Ice House said:
Welcome Perderabo, I'm glad you found us and I hope we can be of help. Just curious... What kind of past experience do you have with hallucinogens?

Well my first experience i had was with datura. I have done datura about 6 times over the last few years. I havel also done amanita muscaria a few times and psylocibin shrooms also. on top of that are the usual ones like lsd, lsa, 2cb and its derivitives. I think that is about it

Edit- oh an of course salvia, and also extreme sleep deprivation
Perderabo said:
Ice House said:
Welcome Perderabo, I'm glad you found us and I hope we can be of help. Just curious... What kind of past experience do you have with hallucinogens?

Well my first experience i had was with datura. I have done datura about 6 times over the last few years. I havel also done amanita muscaria a few times and psylocibin shrooms also. on top of that are the usual ones like lsd, lsa, 2cb and its derivitives. I think that is about it

Edit- oh an of course salvia, and also extreme sleep deprivation

You say you have done datura, now i myself am not a large fan, but would be interested in what you have to share from your experiences.
DoctorMantus said:
You say you have done datura, now i myself am not a large fan, but would be interested in what you have to share from your experiences.
Well i am not really a fan of it either, and i dont think any relativly sane person could be.But while it is in no way a good experience taking the drug ,i am nevertheless hesitant to call it a bad experience. it is just to insane to be either good or bad and is just an Experience with a capital e.

Now i am not to sure how to answer you since usualy when i talk about it i give ancedotal stories from my trip, but i sense that is not what you want and you are more interested in what i learned from my trip. But that is a tricky question to answer because in the sense of how most people here talk i learned nothing. I did not have a moment where everything became clear, or where i discovered some truth, had on epiphany or my ego died. Nothing even close to that happened on datura.

But in another strange sense i did learn alot from it. That feeling while on it , when i would momentarily drift back to something aproaching reality , of complete and utter confusion, of almost fear, not exactly fear but i would have no idea of who i was, where i was, what was happening, why it was happening nor what was real or not real, i guess it wasnt fear only because i didnt understand what was happening enough to be properly afraid. And yet despite all that their was still something inside that was me. I guess my ego was so bombarded by so much conflicting data that it could not keep up and so was exposed . Instead of striping my ego away it alowed me to see and understand it, and also to understand there was something beneath it.

Now this wasn't some epiphany i had while on the drug or even the day after, but something that i only came to weeks, months and even years later through introspection ,comparison and a handfull of further forays back into the insanity of datura.And this has also helped me when on other drugs, where i should have had a bad trip, i have instead been able to let go because i know there is something inside of me that no drug can touch
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