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UV light questions

Migrated topic.


Rising Star
Hello, I am considering a light for Salvia plants, but it has some UV to it.
And I've read UV can destroy salvinorin.
(Found one study that measured 90% loss of dissolved salvinorin after 30 minutes of 300nm radiation)
Is that lightbulb bad?
Can salvinorin be degraded in live plants or do the trichome wall somehow protect it?
Or is is only that sensitive in solution?
Wild salvia grows under the sun and that seems to work (well they use huge ammounts, but that's quite normal for chewing, right?).
Does anyone know the exact waveleghts that Salvinorin is sensitive to?

Thank you.
Like, how much UV are we talking about? I'd say any level of UV that degrades actives in a living plant will also damage the plant itself, so it will either outright die or suffer. For growing plants, use lights that are built specifically for growing plants (as opposed to illumination of human living / working areas). Those will be good for the plant and good for the actives.
Exactly, it depends on the intensity (relative wattage) of the UV component, as well as the frequency of the UV light. Lots of plants do just fine outdoors so as long as the UV intensity doesn't exceed a typical day's dose for a normal S. divinorum plant, they should be fine. Do the sums, or get a different bulb 😁
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