Rising Star
I never thought this would work for closed eye visuals..but found that with the right music ..
set and setting...even a tiny.. 6 to 8 mgs.. of very clean ..molecule... by itself.. is capable of producing almost the same visuals as a 10 to 15 mg dose.. only the visuals are seen while wearing a
blackout sleep mask with the right music..
before the show starts.... It takes about 2 to 3 minutes of concintration as the music puts you
on the path..then the visuals appear! ..[colorful ribbon galaxys]...cartoon felix the cat....and other carectors appeare on a [smaller].. and more distant mind screen in your head..although [smaller images]..they are colorfull and quite detailed !
Using the black out mask.. reduces other external visual stimuli.. making it easier to observe the visuals..
And with the images... the feeling of wonder is there in full color...and on such a tiny dose!
Its like a visual meditation made the moleculs presence !
Many may think this is imposible..but ... ive found i can experiance this..even on a smaller than threshold dose...
set and setting...even a tiny.. 6 to 8 mgs.. of very clean ..molecule... by itself.. is capable of producing almost the same visuals as a 10 to 15 mg dose.. only the visuals are seen while wearing a
blackout sleep mask with the right music..
before the show starts.... It takes about 2 to 3 minutes of concintration as the music puts you
on the path..then the visuals appear! ..[colorful ribbon galaxys]...cartoon felix the cat....and other carectors appeare on a [smaller].. and more distant mind screen in your head..although [smaller images]..they are colorfull and quite detailed !
Using the black out mask.. reduces other external visual stimuli.. making it easier to observe the visuals..
And with the images... the feeling of wonder is there in full color...and on such a tiny dose!
Its like a visual meditation made the moleculs presence !
Many may think this is imposible..but ... ive found i can experiance this..even on a smaller than threshold dose...