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Vegetarian Cubensis Gummy Bear Recipe

Migrated topic.


Cosmic Dragon
I'm off to graduate school, but not without some candy first!!!

Proposed Recipe to be tested next week. I will post the results!

Gummy Bear Tek
First, in low light conditions, tea is made using 15 grams of finely ground mushrooms which is brought to a boil in 1 cup water. This is reduced to simmer and let simmer 24 minutes, no lid. Add 2ml of fresh lemon juice. Continue simmer for 1 minute. Remove from heat and strain, first through cheesecloth and then via coffee filter.

The coffee filtering part is tricky. One needs to use two at once and use their hands to very carefully squeeze out the liquid. It is a viscous brown liquid that very slowly filters through a coffee filter. So I squeezed it through the filter by taking the top of the filters and twisting them so none can go out the top. The filters can break easily, so be very careful. I filtered three times, until no more matter was filtered out. The final liquid was a little less than 1/2 a cup and still brown with fine sediment in it. Next time I would probably simmer for ten minutes.

1/2 cup or 118 ml strained tea
4 grams of agar powder
80 grams of sugar
6 TBSP of corn starch or honey
Pinch salt
Food dye
Place over low heat and simmer for about 3 minutes, then remove from heat and quickly pour into molds. Makes ~60 Gummy Bears.

4 Bears is equal to one gram! Will Bio-assay 6 candy bears the following Saturday if the candy even solidifies.
Haha, this had occurred to me yesterday on LSD, I love it when that happens! :D

This is great, and thank you for the idea and the willingness to share! Keep us posted, I'd love to read how they turned out!
I'm excited to see how this turns out too. Did a monotub finally, after having a long discussion with others on this forum some time back so I recently decided to try one.

Worked better than I ever imagined, no joke, first flush was 11.97 ounces dried! I'm not sure but I think that could be some kind of record. Didn't take pictures really all that much. Second is pinning now. One day Ill post my tek because I think the knowledge needs to be shared.

Anyway, yea, so I have a lot of magic to experiment with. Yes, 60 grams is a lot of sugar, but I looked up gummi bear sugar content per bear and its even more so we will find out. Plus, the sugar will cover any mushroom taste left in the tea.

damiana said:
Worked better than I ever imagined, no joke, first flush was 11.97 ounces dried!

hell yeah, please do post pics that sounds amazing. and when you do if you wouldn't mind telling us the amount of jars and the method you used etc. that would be boss. keep being a badass damiana 😁
Okay, so I don't have the molds yet but I did try simply making the tea and making the recipe and letting that harden in the small cooking pot I used.

I have to say, the texture is nothing at all like a gummy bear because agar was used instead of gelatin.

In my opinion, I don't think anyone would enjoy eating what was created. It smelt and tasted like mushrooms, and not in a good way necessarily.

However, with less of a simmer time (less fats and proteins from the shroom would be extracted) and increased sugar as well as the use of gelatin instead of agar, this might actually taste GOOD.

There is no doubt in my mind that this is going to work. The simmer temp. never got above 160 F. And the simmer with the agar never got above 160 F either. And I have had tea that simmered at 160 F and it still worked great.

Now the challenge is getting the gummy texture and taste.

Further test will have to be done. Update in ten days time.


PS. ate some shroom chocolate I made yesterday, challenging experience but well worth the discomfort. My body doesn't like breaking down the fungi, so I will continue to find the best method of ingestion. Previously, tea simmered for 5 minutes, strained and lemon juice added worked well with minimal stomach discomfort. I'll have to test this again next week.

If the extraction threads ever reach some conclusion I might try that, but that route still seems kind of complicated and confusing.



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Have you thought about an alcohol extaction? Or perhaps (the way i make tea) 1-2 washes of thowing it in boiling water and turning it off and letting it come to room temp?
It seems it would be really hard to make something that would actually taste good. I was thinking the gummies would be best swallowed like pills. Leaving out the sugar and honey would make them more potent too. I generally take them ground and capped because I can't handle the tea, but the capsules take too long to work. I don't have too much problem with cactus resin, so I imagine this would be something like that, little taste but still fast dissolving.

Looking forward to more results!
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